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Please use your brains. Thanks in advance.

baserape 1+1=?

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#1 Angerfist

Posted 30 June 2017 - 01:30 PM

It's pretty frustrating to see how the same players keep on killing the server population with the same stuff : baserape on low pop.


I guess that almost every player prefers a 15 vs 15 or even more over a 4 vs 4.


How can we build some population when there are 3 tanks and 2 planes raping the enemy main with a server population of 6 vs 6 ? Who likes to stay in the server when there is no other place to spawn and 5 enemy vehicles are killing you constantly 1 second after spawning ? Do you really need to get an ego boost by raping mains ? It's a damn game, why turn it into a beatdown which kills it ?


Almost everytime I join the server on low pop, I have to tag up and enforce the anti-camping rule. Would be quite nice if I wouldn't have to do that, would be nice if more players simply would show a tiny little bit of common sense once in a while. That's not too much asked.


Why do I even have to make that post, is it too hard for some to realize or do you simply do not care ? Are you realizing that your "style" of "gameplay" is killing the place you like to play on ?


And please don't come at me with statements like "Brunn with a medic gun is killing the pop" or "that invincible pilot is killing the fun". It's not the better players fault that others are not as good. No one is unbeatable. If you are getting killed by a player who is better / by a stronger vehicle on the "normal" battlefield (the areas outside of the mains), cope with it. That's the damn game. But sitting behind a spawn point in main with two tanks on a 5 vs 5 round gives you easy kills, but kills the server pop and keeps your skill level where it's atm. Go fight for flags but let the players have a chance to reach the battlefield. And raping mains (killing players with superior weapons 1 second after spawning) is not "payback", it's just cheap and simply cancerous for our server.


Same counts for the more skilled players on maps which can get capped out. Of course you can cap out Caen, Wake or Tobruk in 5 minutes, but every damn quick mapchange lowers the server population (again, is that so hard to realize?). Maybe it gives you an ego boost if you end the map quickly, but for the whole situation, it's the opposite of helpful.


I've said that a thousand times in the server, but mostly those braindead "lol"s are the only thing which comes back. A lot of players just do the opposite of what I say and laugh about it, somehow a very childlike reaction (don't know the psychological term). So before you post an answer or keep on doing the same shit on the server like you usually do, please switch your brain on, just for a second or two.


Would be nice if some people would understand my point. If not, enjoy your 6 vs 6 on primetime.

  • Lin, LeftMouseShoot?, Jubilee and 9 others like this

#2 Hairy Russian Dude

Posted 01 July 2017 - 12:19 AM

I feel you on needing a change from the "same stuff". CTF in rotation would be a change from the same stuff!


Capping out a map in 5 minutes? Not possible with the uncaps in CTF!

6 on 6 prime time? No problem for a round of small map CTF.


Main raping can be annoying. But that is the point of CTF! Work with the problem, not against it!


Maybe CTF making more of an appearance could be a good thing to TRY.

  • mistamontiel likes this

#3 Grassy

Posted 01 July 2017 - 04:05 AM

I know we have had our differences and arguments on occasion, however your post is spot on and accurate and I am in total agreement with you. 


All my respect Angerfist!

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#4 Renlist

Posted 01 July 2017 - 07:00 AM

Map play can get top heavy with leet pilots on one side.  It gets dumb.  They get switched to the other team sometimes. I'm not talking about stacking. 

#5 pinchythelobster

Posted 04 July 2017 - 01:43 PM

I've been on both sides and I've slowly started thinking of what the impacts are of certain actions. I'm quilty of being in mains but I hear what you're saying and will modify my gameplay.

Thanks for the reminder.
  • Jubilee, Captain John H. Miller and Grassy like this

#6 Moving Target

Posted 04 July 2017 - 09:33 PM

I've changed my game so if the side I'm on has all the flags, and admin hasn't asked people to leave, I run around main with my knife. Or I've been switching teams to try to even things up.
  • Captain John H. Miller and Grassy like this

#7 Eliminator

Posted 04 July 2017 - 09:37 PM

I run around main with my knife.


  • Captain John H. Miller and coffeeassassin like this

#8 mistamontiel

Posted 06 July 2017 - 03:51 PM

Hairy Russian too makes a strong point !!

I typically ride around base if all flags ours do infy vs infy a couple kills no stealin nothin it's cheap indeed

Stop the shit baserape with low player count and especially when there are flags to re-acquire !!!

  • Grinch likes this

#9 Renlist

Posted 07 July 2017 - 04:46 AM

It's pretty frustrating to see how the same players keep on killing the server population with the same stuff : baserape on low pop.




Ya.  Early on in a match.  A well known MoonGamer player here caps the others home base at the beginning of a map  because it's easy and noones there to defend it.   Gee!  was that hard????     That kills the action before it can even get started.  They say..."what did I do against the rules?"   Nothing...you're just kind of pathetic.You and your way of playing  BF1942 in  the year 2017 .   Any BF1942  veteran  can haul ass to the other sides main base and cap it...while the match is trying to get going.   


Possible reply from such a player..."It's fun to do that !"   (killing gameplay for the next 35 min).    Your gameplay is "griefer"  like.   It's as simple as that.


Those types say  "what?"

#10 Hairy Russian Dude

Posted 07 July 2017 - 01:36 PM

How can we build some population when there are 3 tanks and 2 planes raping the enemy main with a server population of 6 vs 6 ?




You guys are stubborn. You refuse to stray from Market and large maps. The problem you seem to be blind to with a small population is how boring it gets. 6 on 6... There is absolutely no fun in going to cap an undefended flag while the one behind you gets re-capped. You go in circles and it is boring. When players get bored, they dick around and will go to where the enemies are. Hence your low pop baseraping problem.

Play small maps, and play CTF until the population picks up. Then move on to your beloved Market.

I'll flat out say it... Baseraping players are only half of the problem. The other half is management.

#11 Jubilee

Posted 07 July 2017 - 08:59 PM


How can we build some population when there are 3 tanks and 2 planes raping the enemy main with a server population of 6 vs 6 ?




You guys are stubborn. You refuse to stray from Market and large maps. The problem you seem to be blind to with a small population is how boring it gets. 6 on 6... There is absolutely no fun in going to cap an undefended flag while the one behind you gets re-capped. You go in circles and it is boring. When players get bored, they dick around and will go to where the enemies are. Hence your low pop baseraping problem.

Play small maps, and play CTF until the population picks up. Then move on to your beloved Market.

I'll flat out say it... Baseraping players are only half of the problem. The other half is management.



This is a player based issue, not a management issue. Though I do note a lot of larger maps, this is not a map-specific issue either. Fact is there are players who will play like this no matter what map is on. 

#12 Renlist

Posted 09 July 2017 - 05:22 PM

I've changed my game so if the side I'm on has all the flags, and admin hasn't asked people to leave, I run around main with my knife. Or I've been switching teams to try to even things up.


When two pilots are super leet and the other team hasn't any...all you can hope for is that one dies and gets auto switched to the other team.

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