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Winter Chernarus - Craig Pls :)

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31 replies to this topic

#1 turbo

Posted 17 November 2016 - 08:51 PM

Chernarus Winter....Exile.....  :hearts:



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#2 Chief5201

Posted 20 November 2016 - 10:30 PM


#3 turbo

Posted 21 November 2016 - 10:02 AM

I've played a little bit on a pve server by TNT squad. But it's pretty cool and a lot harder. I'm not sure what mods they have but truckloads of ai come into towns after you, plus town occupation missions and stuff. It does have zombies which is meh but it is kinda cool when a horde spawns and comes after you. It just sucks not playing with you guys :(

#4 turbo

Posted 21 November 2016 - 10:29 AM

Oh and I only posted the "name" of the server in case Craig wanted to check it out. In no way am I trying to steal people away or anything
I'd much rather play with you guys <3

#5 CrDraggin

Posted 21 November 2016 - 11:32 AM

I am looking into it. I wanted to do some type of theme for at least winter time, but a lot of people didnt want Chernarus. I dont mind it and actually like it because I dont have to remember will everything is. 

#6 turbo

Posted 21 November 2016 - 12:24 PM

The setup they have with the ai is really fun. And hard! you can have 20+ ai arrive in stary in a few minutes. I understand people don't want chernarus but the map has all enterable houses added so it changes it up a bit
Personally I'm just not a fan of Altis/Stratus and people have to have the dlc for Tanoa so it rules that out.

#7 Gunner

Posted 24 November 2016 - 10:33 AM

There are also some really nice maps for the Breaking Point mod, example Esseker and a few more but I am unsure if they are specific to that mod only being as Breaking Point runs it's own servers. I think most ppl are just tired of the generic Cherno map because of the been there , done that , and every inch of the map explored with nothing new to discover. If we were to look at other maps, I would like something that offers a new and refreshing experience of discovering cool areas and new places that would make great bases for players. I will check out the vid Turbo and thank you for posting it.

#8 turbo

Posted 24 November 2016 - 12:08 PM

Honestly i think the Winter Chernarus is great but I totally get what your saying. Esseker is an awesome map and it is available for Exile. The only thing about Breaking Point is that I dont believe you can build and im not sure if they are supporting it much anymore as they moved on to a standalone game using the unreal engine. . The things ive noticed that I like the most about the server i'm playing on is

(1)  the AI.  The amount of them and way they roll up to towns is pretty cool.  Plus they do town occupy mission were the AI take Novy for example.  

(2) The amount of cars/helis in the wild is pretty light, so you have to actually earn the money you get. I personally get bored when its to easy, you can only buy so much.

(3)  There's separate Military and regular traders  plus separate aircraft traders ect.   Keeps people moving around the map

(4) They have huge variety of weapons and vehicles  both armed and unarmed.  I thought this would be a problem but even the crate AI have launchers (which I leanred the hard way lol) so its balanced. And you know we're all collectors and have to have 1 of everything!!

(5) Its mandatory that everyone joins the group so there's no FF incidents


I understand that everyones busy esp Craig so i'm definitely not hating on the server or anything I jst wanna keep it fresh for everyone :)  and I think making it a little harder would keep everyone interested

Hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

#9 CrDraggin

Posted 13 December 2016 - 11:18 AM

Thanks for the ideas Turbo! I dont think you are hating at all. I want to bring more stuff around, but just just been very busy with vacations, holidays, kids, and work travel. 

#10 CrDraggin

Posted 19 December 2016 - 05:22 AM

Work in Progress! Adding Mods/Scripts tomorrowfjhQwUF.jpg

#11 CrDraggin

Posted 19 December 2016 - 11:38 AM


#12 CrDraggin

Posted 19 December 2016 - 02:57 PM

Teaser #3



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#13 turbo

Posted 20 December 2016 - 12:00 AM

:hearts:  I took a pic of all the scripts they use on the server i played on but i cant figure how to post it. The ai one they use would be cool.

#14 turbo

Posted 20 December 2016 - 09:24 AM

It also has a mod that puts all Arma 3 buildings in chernarus. So all. Buildings are enterable and spawn loot

#15 CrDraggin

Posted 20 December 2016 - 09:37 AM

open chenarus is that mod i believe. PM me the server IP and I can take a look at what they have

#16 DoberMan Pin-Sure

Posted 20 December 2016 - 01:20 PM

I get what Gunner is saying about been there and done that, but I think with the snow, new mods, enterable buildings, etc. that Chenarus would still be sufficiently "new" for me to enjoy it.  That said, a new map would also be cool.  I'm not a big fan of Altis.

#17 turbo

Posted 20 December 2016 - 03:47 PM


#18 CrDraggin

Posted 22 December 2016 - 12:52 AM

I found it before ya. I have bene working through the scripts and adding a few others in. Need to go out of town tomorrow, but hope to have something up soon. 

#19 turbo

Posted 22 December 2016 - 07:04 AM

Awesome Craig! Thank you so much for spending time on this!

#20 CrDraggin

Posted 22 December 2016 - 09:06 AM

Ok, it is ready for a little testing. I am out of town today. I will be back tonight.   password: mmmcookies



Cup Terrains - Core

Cup Terrains - Maps

Winter Chernarus A3




FYI - Go to your player profile while in Arma 3, not connected to a sever. Edit your player profile and give yourself Combat Goggles. 


Reminder: This is a test server and you progress will be removed once live. 

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