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Map Rotation Suggestions

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#1 Grassy

Posted 26 December 2016 - 02:16 AM

Hiya Folks,


It was suggested that I make a condensed thread for comments and suggestions on the current changes in the modding of the map rotation currently in place after my two post's on the current line-up of maps.


If an admin or moderator could please move my two previous threads to this one, I am sure it will help folks from being distracted and have some proactive results.


Thanks John for the suggestion :).


Please feel free to post any other suggestions or comments relevant to the topic.








#2 Hairy Russian Dude

Posted 26 December 2016 - 03:50 PM

Copied and pasted from my thread I made back in September.


Battleaxe - I can't stand CQ, but CTF is fun for a smaller population due to the size. Axe CTF should be in regular rotation. CQ should just stay out.

El Alamein - Overall enjoyable with medium population. I think El Al CQ should replace Bocage CQ on the rotation list for awhile. Encourage admin to run CTF mode with the turbo jeeps when the population is medial.


Gazala - Fun CQ with a full server. CQ should stay off rotation due to not seeing a full server anymore. Encourage admin to run CTF with turbo jeeps if the population gets high.


Aberdeen - Overall enjoyable with medium to high population. I would leave it off rotation, but encourage admin to run either mode when the population is high.


Tobruk - Overall enjoyable with medium to high population. CQ should be part of rotation.


Kharkov - Have played this one to death. It can take a rest from rotation for awhile.


Kursk - Tired of CQ. Take CQ off rotation. CTF is alright with a smaller population. CTF on rotation would be ok.


Stalingrad - Tired of CQ. Take CQ off rotation. CTF with no nades could be part of regular rotation.


Berlin - Both modes are still highly enjoyable. Both CQ and CTF with no nades, and axis spawn nearest allied uncap moved to other side of river should be part of the regular rotation. I stress this one, as on the EA117 server CTF works for even 4 on 4.


Britain - Leave off rotation, but I do have mod suggestions to make it very fun once the appropriate thread comes up.


Omaha - CQ and CTF should be part of regular rotation. This map is a staple, and perhaps shooting to have it run during medium population times would make it more enjoyable.


Caen - Another personal favorite. I like the Moon addition of planes. CQ and CTF should be in rotation, or at least CQ in rotation and encourage admin to run CTF.


Bocage - Played this one to death. CQ should take a break, and CTF could be run upon request. More jeeps should be added for CTF however, and the bridge flags moved to the barns.


Market - Also tired of this one. Take CQ off rotation for awhile and throw CTF on rotation, perhaps with turbo jeeps. The extra AA at the allied airfield was a good choice.


Bulge - A personal favorite. CQ should take the place of Market on rotation, and CTF should also be put in rotation. Excellent choice moving the bridge flag to the mountain.


Wake - Tired of CQ but it should be on rotation. This is the go to when admin do take a CTF request, so CTF should not be on rotation as it has been played many many times.


Midway - CQ needs tweaking to add more ships and focus more on naval battles rather than land battles. The map is too small even for low pop CTF though. I would leave both modes off rotation.


Guadal - Enjoyable with a medium to high population. I would leave CQ off rotation, but encourage admin to run CTF or CQ. Turbo jeeps again due to the map size.


Iwo Jima - Enjoyable with small to medium population. Both CQ and CTF should be in rotation with no nades in either mode.


Coral - A personal favorite. Both the 3 ship CQ and CTF should be part of rotation.  I'm not sure if it is standard for the map or not, but I played a CTF version where the flag was at the front of the ship and the spawns were all set to the back. This worked nicely.


Phillipines - I love this map. However it needs a high population. I would encourage admin to run this during high pop times but leave off rotation.

#3 mistamontiel

Posted 14 January 2017 - 08:57 PM

Stalingrad continues to make a triumphant return n then quickly pulled a week later

Someone'd tell me it would kill the server in fact I saw it multiply the pop regularly ..

Berlin too amazing to have and not wear us out when still just a getogether . The added backzone flag though separates us much

#4 Renlist

Posted 03 February 2017 - 10:22 PM

Speaking of server killers, an admin capable of changing maps inserted 3 snore fest map in a row. Friday Feb 3. Primetime. He didn't participate in those games either. 


It was MG, then BattleAxe which went pretty well. 38 players.  Then some absent admin started inserting maps.  Nothing wrong with that, except he/she chose three snore fests in a row.  


Midway: 34 players.   It got to be a total sea battle with very little action on land.  It got to be a real snorer, even so, Midway got extended another boring 15 minutes.


Then came Invasion of the Phillipines: 38 players.  Good participation, but a snore fest all match long. Very little action.  There was little "invasion" and the match was dull dull dull.


Next up?  El Alemein: 39 players began the map, which soon became 30 players, FAST.  El Al is no longer a plane spawning crazy fly fest.  Increasing the plane spawn times hasn't done anything to increase the action on El Al. Which made that match another action packed 45 min. snore fest.


Whoever set up Fridays inserted map rotation via remote, you could have at least joined in on the boredom with the rest of us, couldn't you have? 

  • sagittarii likes this

#5 Spare Parts

Posted 04 February 2017 - 01:05 PM

Speaking of server killers, an admin capable of changing maps inserted 3 snore fest map in a row. Friday Feb 3. Primetime. He didn't participate in those games either. 


It was MG, then BattleAxe which went pretty well. 38 players.  Then some absent admin started inserting maps.  Nothing wrong with that, except he/she chose three snore fests in a row.  


Midway: 34 players.   It got to be a total sea battle with very little action on land.  It got to be a real snorer, even so, Midway got extended another boring 15 minutes.


Then came Invasion of the Phillipines: 38 players.  Good participation, but a snore fest all match long. Very little action.  There was little "invasion" and the match was dull dull dull.


Next up?  El Alemein: 39 players began the map, which soon became 30 players, FAST.  El Al is no longer a plane spawning crazy fly fest.  Increasing the plane spawn times hasn't done anything to increase the action on El Al. Which made that match another action packed 45 min. snore fest.


Whoever set up Fridays inserted map rotation via remote, you could have at least joined in on the boredom with the rest of us, couldn't you have? 

3 large maps, 30-40 people playing, using the information you provide this "snore fest" went on for 2 and a half hours with "good participation". One thing you didn't like was Midway turning into a sea battle.  I don't know what to say to this, I feel stupid having to point out to you Midway is very much a sea battle, but I guess if you stay on land you might not realize this.  Philippines with almost 40 players and you were bored?  I saw some of this map being played and I know you are in the minority with this opinion.  Lastly your complaint about El Alemein just leaves me scratching my head, we clearly play two different games.  Also you are of course wrong about the maps being set up remotely, Admins were there playing.  I will say that I was not the one who changed maps, the Admin who did was trying to give players a little variety and try to take care of a population who might enjoy larger maps.  I think they succeeded in keeping 30-40 players happy for 2 hours plus, well everyone but you. 

  • Col Kilgore likes this

#6 Col Kilgore

Posted 04 February 2017 - 02:02 PM

I wouldn't mind playing Guadalcanal now and again, like the sea/island maps myself.

  • -=TheTroopeR=- likes this

#7 Hairy Russian Dude

Posted 04 February 2017 - 08:54 PM



I'm going to be blunt here. You seem like a very negative person.

You have no problem complaining, yet I have seen very little constructive comments from you on map rotation.

As Spare said, Midway IS a naval map. Hence the lack of land and abundance of ships.
Phil is liked be alot of people and does not get much play time due to needing a decent amount of players. Good on the admin in charge for running it for 38 people.

I invite you to do something constructive. Take my post, copy and paste, and put in your own opinions on each map, each game mode for it, and whether you feel it should be in rotation or simply chosen more by an admin so your full opinion on everything the game has to offer is out in the open.
Or, choose not to do so and keep complaining. But do not be shocked when you posts become viewed as poison and fall on deaf ears.

  • Spare Parts likes this

#8 Renlist

Posted 08 February 2017 - 12:45 AM

Define constructive criticism for me please!  Oh, you mean like..."it was 3 slow maps in a row (action wise) inserted into the rotation, but I liked it"?



#9 Renlist

Posted 08 February 2017 - 12:49 AM


Speaking of server killers, an admin capable of changing maps inserted 3 snore fest map in a row. Friday Feb 3. Primetime. He didn't participate in those games either. 


It was MG, then BattleAxe which went pretty well. 38 players.  Then some absent admin started inserting maps.  Nothing wrong with that, except he/she chose three snore fests in a row.  


Midway: 34 players.   It got to be a total sea battle with very little action on land.  It got to be a real snorer, even so, Midway got extended another boring 15 minutes.


Then came Invasion of the Phillipines: 38 players.  Good participation, but a snore fest all match long. Very little action.  There was little "invasion" and the match was dull dull dull.


Next up?  El Alemein: 39 players began the map, which soon became 30 players, FAST.  El Al is no longer a plane spawning crazy fly fest.  Increasing the plane spawn times hasn't done anything to increase the action on El Al. Which made that match another action packed 45 min. snore fest.


Whoever set up Fridays inserted map rotation via remote, you could have at least joined in on the boredom with the rest of us, couldn't you have? 



I think they succeeded in keeping 30-40 players happy for 2 hours plus...



Ya.  I had to take a tranquilizer because the action was so intense during those 3 "inserted"  maps, all in a row (yawn).  Like I said above, at least join in on the action (or lack thereof) and not just remotely change maps and then not participate in the slow action. Whovever inserted those 3 maps in a row was not on the players list. 


P.S. I realize the regular rotation can get too "familiar."  Have mercy tho (admin) in choosing "off rotation" maps during peak participation..  Don't insert 3 maps in a row where the action is slow.  Midway became a boring sea battle only, very little land action.   Philippines afterwards became another slow map with lots of boats , and then El Al with it's non-action was the next map. The server went down to 12 vs.12 real fast, from 20 vs.20. 


I had to quit, the action was just too intense.

#10 Rubulator

Posted 08 February 2017 - 07:25 PM



Speaking of server killers, an admin capable of changing maps inserted 3 snore fest map in a row. Friday Feb 3. Primetime. He didn't participate in those games either. 


It was MG, then BattleAxe which went pretty well. 38 players.  Then some absent admin started inserting maps.  Nothing wrong with that, except he/she chose three snore fests in a row.  


Midway: 34 players.   It got to be a total sea battle with very little action on land.  It got to be a real snorer, even so, Midway got extended another boring 15 minutes.


Then came Invasion of the Phillipines: 38 players.  Good participation, but a snore fest all match long. Very little action.  There was little "invasion" and the match was dull dull dull.


Next up?  El Alemein: 39 players began the map, which soon became 30 players, FAST.  El Al is no longer a plane spawning crazy fly fest.  Increasing the plane spawn times hasn't done anything to increase the action on El Al. Which made that match another action packed 45 min. snore fest.


Whoever set up Fridays inserted map rotation via remote, you could have at least joined in on the boredom with the rest of us, couldn't you have? 



I think they succeeded in keeping 30-40 players happy for 2 hours plus...



Ya.  I had to take a tranquilizer because the action was so intense during those 3 "inserted"  maps, all in a row (yawn).  Like I said above, at least join in on the action (or lack thereof) and not just remotely change maps and then not participate in the slow action. Whovever inserted those 3 maps in a row was not on the players list. 


P.S. I realize the regular rotation can get too "familiar."  Have mercy tho (admin) in choosing "off rotation" maps during peak participation..  Don't insert 3 maps in a row where the action is slow.  Midway became a boring sea battle only, very little land action.   Philippines afterwards became another slow map with lots of boats , and then El Al with it's non-action was the next map. The server went down to 12 vs.12 real fast, from 20 vs.20. 


I had to quit, the action was just too intense.


I speak only for myself here. But if you could lose the snark, your posts might get taken seriously.... Just say'n...

  • Captain John H. Miller likes this

#11 Renlist

Posted 08 February 2017 - 07:36 PM

If I lose the snark, then my post loses all seriousness with the admins. I just become another happy waster of bandwidth, posting accolades.

#12 -=TheTroopeR=-

Posted 08 February 2017 - 09:13 PM

Homaha, stalingrad,bocage,market garden, the bulge, Berlin, Tobruk, El Alamein, gazala, Kursk, Britain, Guadalcanal, coral,Philipines.

#13 Renlist

Posted 15 February 2017 - 01:00 AM

So....Iwo gets modified, MG get's modified.  Yet, the admins of MoonGamers won't set BOTB Allied home bases uncappable. As if it's cool for Axis to win 75% of BOTB games now. Allied ends up with bazooka men, defending...for next 39 minutes.  That's been happening, lately.


The Aberdeen map. A  total domination map by whichever team has a player who caps the others main base EARLY ON.   Response from some lamers here (probably the asshat that capped it with only 24 playing)... "GO GET THAT FLAG BACK, THEN!"    Neato reply. By that time it's 39 minutes of boring.

#14 -=TheTroopeR=-

Posted 15 February 2017 - 12:36 PM

So....Iwo gets modified, MG get's modified.  Yet, the admins of MoonGamers won't set BOTB Allied home bases uncappable. As if it's cool for Axis to win 75% of BOTB games now. Allied ends up with bazooka men, defending...for next 39 minutes.  That's been happening, lately.


The Aberdeen map. A  total domination map by whichever team has a player who caps the others main base EARLY ON.   Response from some lamers here (probably the asshat that capped it with only 24 playing)... "GO GET THAT FLAG BACK, THEN!"    Neato reply. By that time it's 39 minutes of boring.

"Response from some lamers here"  this should not be allowed. 

#15 Renlist

Posted 17 February 2017 - 10:00 PM


So....Iwo gets modified, MG get's modified.  Yet, the admins of MoonGamers won't set BOTB Allied home bases uncappable. As if it's cool for Axis to win 75% of BOTB games now. Allied ends up with bazooka men, defending...for next 39 minutes.  That's been happening, lately.


The Aberdeen map. A  total domination map by whichever team has a player who caps the others main base EARLY ON.   Response from some lamers here (probably the asshat that capped it with only 24 playing)... "GO GET THAT FLAG BACK, THEN!"    Neato reply. By that time it's 39 minutes of boring.

"Response from some lamers here"  this should not be allowed. 



Nice comeback Potsi.  Seems as if most repliers to topics here play Moongamers about one day a month.  I think Trooper was last seen playing on Moongamers in December, according to GameTracker. At least play more than that if you want to appear relevant here.

#16 Renlist

Posted 17 February 2017 - 11:19 PM

So...bad idea making both BOTB Allied bases un-cappable?  Why?   How about Aberdeen map? Making both main bases un-cappable a bad idea too?  Why?


In these days of diminishing players, I can think of reasons why modifying the above maps as I proposed would maintain player interest. 


I'd be able to enjoy the modified Iwo Jima map more if BOTB and Aberdeen were modified also.   Then, see if anyone starts bitchin.  I don't think many will.

Except maybe those leet few who like to grief the gameplay and spoil the fun by sneakily capping the others key base(s) early on, with 40 minutes left to play.  From there on, it's been total ownage 75% of the time for one team or the other.  All you one line re-pliers would know this if you joined in more.


To sum this the fuk up, my suggestions are listed above. In order to preserve this beloved dying server. 

#17 Spare Parts

Posted 19 February 2017 - 03:57 AM

So...bad idea making both BOTB Allied bases un-cappable?  Why?   How about Aberdeen map? Making both main bases un-cappable a bad idea too?  Why?


In these days of diminishing players, I can think of reasons why modifying the above maps as I proposed would maintain player interest. 


I'd be able to enjoy the modified Iwo Jima map more if BOTB and Aberdeen were modified also.   Then, see if anyone starts bitchin.  I don't think many will.

Except maybe those leet few who like to grief the gameplay and spoil the fun by sneakily capping the others key base(s) early on, with 40 minutes left to play.  From there on, it's been total ownage 75% of the time for one team or the other.  All you one line re-pliers would know this if you joined in more.


To sum this the fuk up, my suggestions are listed above. In order to preserve this beloved dying server. 

You have excellent taste in music.  Your posts on the "What are you listening to" thread are spot on with my taste.  That's why I find it incredibly frustrating when I read your opinions on just about anything else. It is not possible for you to be more annoying to me, there is no way its you, it must be me.

#18 Renlist

Posted 21 February 2017 - 09:19 PM

I try pointing out issues with this dying server to keep it less so, and all I get back from the peanut gallery are vague one liners such as "different strokes for different folks" and other generic replies that barely even relates to what my post was about.   By the way, "constructive criticism" isn't about approving of and maintaining the status quo.


Maybe try specifically responding to the issues mentioned instead of painting them all with a broad brush of cop-out one liner replies?

I'd be glad to hear them. If you believe that making  BOTB Allied home bases uncappable will wreck the gameplay, then articulate why.

The same with Aberdeen map. If you think that having both home bases uncappable is a bad idea, then articulate why.


I merely suggested giving it a try to see how it does. Those are constructive criticisms.   

#19 Hairy Russian Dude

Posted 26 February 2017 - 06:44 PM

Back to the original topic...


My two cents on the Sunday lineup.

Ex pack day doesn't yield a ton of players anymore. I think most of the maps should be in rotation, but highly suggest the admin on duty take over and run maps based on player count. Rotation is there for when admin aren't around to take the wheel. Today we were playing Hell 8 on 8 and it was too large a map for that many people. We were simply going in circles capping the next flag while the one behind us was re-capped. Small maps and as always, CTF, are what I feel should make more of an appearance on Sunday via the admin's choice.


Eagle's Nest - CQ in rotation, CTF and OBJ at the admin's discretion.


Essen - CQ and OBJ in rotation. A nice small map for a small player count, yet has all the toys (planes, tanks, V2) I personally do not like the factory being uncappable, as I enjoy maps that end in a cap out.


Gothic Line - All modes out of rotation. Play only upon player request. CQ usually comes with a lot of complaints, and CTF is set up funny.


Hellendorn - CQ, CTF, and OBJ in rotation. This is a very well balanced map for CQ and CTF. OBJ is nice because the objectives are not in a building, but out in the open susceptible to air attack and tank shells from anywhere a tank can see the tips of the rockets poking out. Allies have a great chance at winning on this one. One to watch in CQ mode based on population though.


Kbely - CQ and CTF in rotation. OBJ at admin's discretion. I think Kbely is a staple map for ex pack day based on its size.


Mimoyecques - CQ and OBJ in rotation. For OBJ mode, the objectives are again out in the open susceptible to all kinds of attacks.


Peenemunde - CQ and CTF in rotation. Another well balanced map in both modes. Another CQ mode to watch based on population.


Aghelia - I think you might have players showing up at your homes with torches and pitchforks if you didn't leave this one in rotation.


Telemark - CQ and CTF in rotation. OBJ based on player request. Watch player count for CQ mode. CTF needs a tiny tweak. The Allies have much further to travel to their flag. Perhaps add jeeps (not the amphibious cars) with fast spawn times to help get them to their flag quicker.


Anzio - CQ and CTF in rotation as per usual.


Salerno - CTF (with tweaks) in rotation. CQ at admin's discretion. There have been a number of complaints about CQ and I agree it could be removed from rotation. CTF could be nice for a small player base if the CTF flags were moved from the bases to either end of the hill, alongside uncappable spawns.


Cassino - The staple RTR map. Definitely keep it in rotation.


Santa Croce - CTF in rotation, CQ at admin's discretion. CQ with a small player base turns into lobbing shells at each other's bases. This CQ mode was meant for a larger population. CTF is again close quarters for a smaller population.


Baytown - CQ and CTF in rotation. Another fairly well balanced map for both modes, but large and in need of switching for a small population.


Husky - Absolutely in rotation.

#20 mistamontiel

Posted 04 March 2017 - 08:23 PM

Telemark I've only seen in OBJ mode once ever .. everyone is crammed in one structure .. it's so lovely

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