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So you want to be a 1942 Admin? CD and Origin server

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431 replies to this topic

#1 Snake

Posted 10 December 2006 - 02:37 AM

This post is for our regular players and newcomers who have come to the forums from BF1942 to find out about becoming an Admin for MoonGamers.

We are very particular who we put in charge of the store. Your posting here will not guarantee that you will become an Admin for MoonGamers! However, in order to get started in the "get to know you" process, you can help by posting your bios here.

Game Name:
First Name:
How often and what times do you play:
Why should we make you an Admin?:

#2 Some Girl Named Cher

Posted 10 December 2006 - 02:48 AM

Game Name: Some Girl Named Cher
First Name: Cher
Age: 23
Location: Tennessee
Which server do you play, TDM or CQ?: CQ and TDM
How often and what times do you play: As often as possible, and the times tend to vary
Why should we make you an Admin?: I enjoy playing on Moongamers' server every time I play BF1942. It is the only server I frequent and I love it for it's wonderful admins and great support. I would love to be a part of a wonderful gaming community and it's upkeep.

#3 VetteDude

Posted 10 December 2006 - 03:07 AM

If we already sent one into the email-thingybob, do we have to post here, too?


Posted 10 December 2006 - 03:34 AM

Game Name: KinG

First Name: Troy

Age: 20

Location: South Beloit, Illinois

Which server do you play, TDM or CQ?: Both

How often and what times do you play: 1-3 Hours a day on the weekdays, during the day and night on weekends. (CST)

Why should we make you an Admin?:
Well known and respected by the admin group and regulars, I follow rules and have been playing on the servers for quite some time now. I join TS everytime i'm in game unless it's not working, and I am on the forums daily. I think with a chance and a little guidance from the current admins I would do just fine. I've been admin for two other big servers in the past so I have experience in the field.
Thanks for considering.

#5 Fitztroyer

Posted 10 December 2006 - 11:00 AM

Game Name: Fitztroyer

First Name: Chris

Age: 15

Location: Boston, MA

Which server do you play, TDM or CQ?: TDM

How often and what times do you play: I play frequently on weekends, occasionally on weekdays. I play BF constantly on vacations.

Why should we make you an Admin?: I am very familiar with Moongamers rules, and I have been around here for a while now. I have a sense of how things work, and I would like to participate in giving people the best possible gaming experience here. When I first came here, I was quite a noob, but my understanding of the game as well as this community has grown quite a bit. I think that I am responsible, and that I would be able to admin fairly. Finally, I would be definitely willing to give up playing time to admin the server if it helps other people better enjoy their gaming experience. I have limited experience adminning, I was formerly in charge of Battlefield 1942 for a North American clan that focused mainly on BF2.

#6 Fuel §

Posted 10 December 2006 - 01:01 PM

Game Name: Fuel §
First Name: Matt
Age: 14
Location: Central New Jersey, USA
Which server do you play, TDM or CQ?: Cq
How often and what times do you play: I've been slacking off a bit, but I normally play 3-5 pm EST, or 8-10 pm EST. Saturday nights sometimes late as 1-3 am EST.
Why should we make you an Admin?: I've been around Moon almost a year now. CQ is my main server and I know all the rules. I know all the admins, and most of the Regs. I own 3 of moon's supported games. (All the BF editions). This gives me a mixed variety of interaction between the rest of the Moon community. I'm a good guy, and someone who can make decisions when needed. Thank you for taking your time to read this.

Fuel §

#7 Hartley

Posted 10 December 2006 - 01:28 PM

Game Name: Hartley®
First Name: Steve
Age: 15
Location: New Jersey
Which server do you play, TDM or CQ?: TDM
How often and what times do you play: Almost every night, 8-10 PM on weekdays, 8-12 or later on weekends. (all times are EST)
Why should we make you an Admin?: Because Ive been around for over a year and a half, I know the rules, Im active in TS and in the forum. I know the admins and how they do things. The admins know me and Im well known amongst other players in the server. Id like to help the community, and I feel this would be a good way.

#8 Snake

Posted 10 December 2006 - 01:56 PM

Go ahead and post here if you have already sent in a PM.

#9 VetteDude

Posted 10 December 2006 - 04:46 PM

Okee doke:

Game Name: ®Vette
First Name: Chris
Age: 19 (this Friday)
Location: Rensselaer Polytechnic University + Albion, NY
Which server do you play, TDM or CQ?: CQ
How often and what times do you play: 1-2+ hours a day, mostly around 12am-3am + during the day on weekends (EST)
Why should we make you an Admin?: I've been playing on CQ Omaha (either on Wag's or Moon) since a few months after BF42 came out, so I'm very familiar both with the map and the rules. I would be happy to have a chance to help out the community by ensuring a fair playing field. I also have a little bit of experience from temporarily admining at FMG's BF42 and BF2 server before they shut it down.

#10 1_ShOt_KiLL

Posted 10 December 2006 - 05:26 PM

Game Name: 1_ShOt_KiLL (1SK)

First Name: Lee

Age: 20

Location: Nashville, TN

Which server do you play, TDM or CQ?:TDM

How often and what times do you play: Very often

Why should we make you an Admin?: I play late nights, not so many admins on at times.

#11 Chris

Posted 10 December 2006 - 06:24 PM

Game Name:Chris

First Name:Chris


Location:Yorktown, Virginia, US

Which server do you play, TDM or CQ?:TDM and the mod servers (DC/SW and Low-grav)

How often and what times do you play:I play as often as possible, usually about five times a week. I play anywhere between 11am and 1am (all day) EST on weekends and on weekdays I play between 3pm and 10pm.

Why should we make you an Admin?:I have always played by the rules and I will always try to alert admins of rule breakers. I have never been kicked from game and I wouldn't mind taking time from game to discipline some players. I never have that great of a score, and that doesn't bother me, and from what I have heard from admins, adminning can really hurt your KDR.

#12 Striker

Posted 10 December 2006 - 07:16 PM

Game Name:

First Name:

17 (18 this month)



anywhere from 3-8 pm EST

Would love to try this. Am willing to learn. Am willing to listen. A good diligent worker.

#13 Hornet

Posted 10 December 2006 - 08:09 PM

Game Name: Hornet

First Name: Chris

Age: 17

Location: Tolland, Connecticut

Which server do you play, TDM or CQ?: Both

How often and what times do you play: between 2 and 4 most days of the week EST

Why should we make you an Admin?:

I have been here at moon for awhile and obviously know the rules quite well. The reason why I think I could be an admin here at moon is because I am a person who thinks that the server rules are put in place for obvious reasons so I never break them. Unfortunatly many people break these rules as soon as there is not an admin in game but as i have said, I am not one of them. I would enforce the rules and help benefit the community in any way i can.

Hornet -- Chris

#14 Shawn

Posted 11 December 2006 - 03:22 PM

Game Name: Shawn
First Name: Shawn
Age: 29
Location: Vancouver, BC
Which server do you play, TDM or CQ?: TDM
How often and what times do you play: Everyday after 7pm (pacific)
Why should we make you an Admin?: I'm addicted to Omaha TDM and I get antsy if I don't get my kills in. I have admininstration experience as I'm an admininstrator for a sports gaming forum with 65,000+ members and growing. I feel I'd be a strong candidate as I'm respectable to my fellow gamers and I beleive they respect me back. I also like to make jokes with several of them and they back to me.

#15 Hammer

Posted 13 December 2006 - 10:28 PM

Game Name: Hammer

First Name: Spenser

Age: 16 this month

Location: Lewisburg, Pennsylvania

Which server do you play, TDM or CQ?:CQ

How often and what times do you play: I put in about 1-3 hours on weekdays and usually more in weekends

Why should we make you an Admin?: I'v been playing on Moongamers for close to 2 years now and i'm very familiar with the rules of the server. I have the utmost respect the regs and admins. I'm always willing to help the moongamers community with anything i can do. On the server i believe that i can help on the as an admin to ensure that the game is played fairly and friendly. I'm very cooperative and friendly with everyone on the server.

#16 Kingdom of Heaven

Posted 16 December 2006 - 11:39 AM

Game Name:Kingdom of Heaven

First Name:Mike


Location:few miles outside of Newyork

Which server do you play, TDM or CQ?:I love to play both

How often and what times do you play:i play 2 hours a day and more on the weekends, teh time period varies

Why should we make you an Admin?:
I believe that i can become and admin because i was part of another community on COD2 called united noobs {UN} and i was a well respected member. I also have experience of keeping the laws of the land nailed down, and will continue to do so if i become admin. I also think that i should become and admin because i have lots of experience with leading people to do the right thing. This pretty much sums up why i belive i deserve to become an admin.

#17 Afternoon Delight

Posted 19 December 2006 - 09:00 PM

This post is for our regular players and newcomers who have come to the forums from BF1942 to find out about becoming an Admin for MoonGamers.

We are very particular who we put in charge of the store. Your posting here will not guarantee that you will become an Admin for MoonGamers! However, in order to get started in the "get to know you" process, you can help by posting your bios here.

Game Name: Afternoon Delight
First Name: Francisco
Age: 36
Location: Washington, DC (the server is in my backyard thats why my ping is so low,....it's located next to the doghouse where I stay when I am a bad boy :P )
Which server do you play, TDM or CQ?: CQ,...is there another
How often and what times do you play: depends on work schedule but Afternoons, early evenings, sometimes late at night. No set time. Just whenever I feel the need to Kill and I have a good time.

Why should we make you an Admin?: I have been playing CQ for a long time. I am a team player. I have known some of the admin for along time. I follow the rules and FINALLY got TS.

#18 StonedJesus

Posted 20 December 2006 - 01:32 AM

Game Name: Stoned Jesus

First Name: Armand

Age: 22

Location: Texas

Which server do you play, TDM or CQ?: Both

How often and what times do you play: Every day, mostly 11pm to 4am central

Why should we make you an Admin?: I play when there are usually no admin on, and have been playing with lin and comet since like '02. I know the rules, and I might be able to make regs vs. admins match fair.

#19 Jason Bourne

Posted 28 December 2006 - 10:44 PM

Game Name: Jason Bourne
First Name: Michael
Age: 16
Location: Virginia (city too?)
Which server do you play, TDM or CQ?: TDM almost solely except when I'm fealing frisky. I'm available for both.
How often and what times do you play: I'm honestly not sure on this one for now. Once sports and such kick in it'll be a pretty off beat schedule for the week days. But on weekends I'm available on Sundays for most of the day and Saturdays at night usually.
Why should we make you an Admin?: I love this server and the gaming environment it provides. I think it'd be going full circle if I could help contribute to it and keep it up after Moon's provided it for me, and all these other players, for so long. I know all the rules and I'm fine with sitting out and ghosting or spontaneously dying to observe the game and catch smacktards.

#20 Animal Mother

Posted 30 December 2006 - 02:14 PM

Game Name:Animal Mother
First Name:Greg
Age:53 thats right..AARP baby :D
Location:Beaver Falls,Pa
Which server do you play, TDM or CQ?:TDM 99.9%
How often and what times do you play:I try to play every day,usually at night betwwen 7:30PM and 10:00PM on the weekdays and from 7 or 8 to midnite or 1 on the weekends as long as real-life duties of being a husband and homeowner don't interfere
Why should we make you an Admin?:I've been thinking about it for quite a while
now.Actually,ever since I was asked by a certain someone...er....Pixie.Playing and talking to those that I've made virtual acquaintenances with gives me hours of fun and pleasure.I think its time I give back a little.

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