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FF-On Discussion area

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253 replies to this topic

#201 Lin

Posted 19 November 2011 - 06:35 PM


#202 thee_oddball

Posted 16 April 2012 - 03:38 PM

password plz :)

#203 LuigiBrotha

Posted 17 April 2012 - 03:23 PM

I seem to no longer have access to the FF-on discussion board. Could I please get my privileges back ?

Edited by LuigiBrotha, 17 April 2012 - 03:23 PM.

#204 JJ

Posted 17 April 2012 - 07:56 PM

Is there a log in issue?

#205 LuigiBrotha

Posted 18 April 2012 - 12:07 AM

This is the exact error that I got.

Attached Files

#206 Lin

Posted 18 April 2012 - 07:21 AM

You both got removed from the forum a bit early, apologies for that. Core had been discussing the FF-On area, and had decided it was to be an area for regular and actively playing members only. I was planning on letting the current discussion die a natural death (or at least give it a couple of weeks) before removing all non-active members from that forum. I'll get you both reinstated today but just be aware that you will once again lose privileges to that area in a couple of weeks.

#207 Enforcer

Posted 18 April 2012 - 09:59 AM

Speaking for me, and not for Core, or any other group, I took you both out and see no reason to let either of you back in. You no longer play here, or associate with our community other than to come and express your opinions. Neither of which, I am overly concerned with. So, for those reasons you were removed, and I still see no particular reason to give you access.

#208 LuigiBrotha

Posted 18 April 2012 - 01:07 PM

Thanks for letting me back in the FF-on discussion. I just haven't been active seeing as I'm currently in my graduation year and the time I spend gaming is becoming less and less. Next to that the games which I do play are games which Moongamers does not have servers for. I just hop on here every now and then to talk to old friends and maybe make some new ones. And then there's the FF-on discussion which interests me most. Here in the Netherlands we've got an entirely different view on certain subjects and I'm interested in what people in other countries think of these subjects. So thanks again for letting me back in and I'll make the best out of the time I've got on there ;)

#209 JJ

Posted 18 April 2012 - 04:18 PM

Speaking for me, and not for Core, or any other group, I took you both out and see no reason to let either of you back in. You no longer play here, or associate with our community other than to come and express your opinions. Neither of which, I am overly concerned with. So, for those reasons you were removed, and I still see no particular reason to give you access.

I'm not really sure what part of my post offended you which was not my intention in the least. As far as coming here to express my opinions I do not believe that I have posted six times since I was given forum privileges. In regards to not being active, well I don't game anymore... I just come to your forums and read... no more, no less. It's all good Big Cheese! Be well, be good, be safe!


#210 Racer

Posted 20 April 2012 - 09:24 AM

Speaking for me, and not for Core, or any other group, I took you both out and see no reason to let either of you back in. You no longer play here, or associate with our community other than to come and express your opinions. Neither of which, I am overly concerned with. So, for those reasons you were removed, and I still see no particular reason to give you access.

Is this the reason I don't have access ? I want to play on the MG servers more often, but my ping for them is usually in the 125+ range and when its not, the its full. :(

I've been using the "view new content" tab and had assumed that the FF-On area was dead. It wasn't until recently that I found that I no longer had access to it.

Whatever the decision is, its good.

#211 Lin

Posted 22 April 2012 - 02:26 PM

I thought you had requested to be removed from it a while back?

Do you still play here at all, Mike? I know I see you in the forum often, but as I don't play BF3 I have to rely on others to tell me if a member is still playing.

Also Mike, you need to know we have moved the BF3 servers from Virginia to Chicago...you might have an improved ping, check it out! :D

#212 Lin

Posted 22 April 2012 - 02:40 PM

password plz :)

It's not a password; it's permission based. I have been busy and then ill, sometimes these things will take a little time. You have been confirmed as an active member in good standing, you should have access at this time.

Thanks for letting me back in the FF-on discussion. I just haven't been active seeing as I'm currently in my graduation year and the time I spend gaming is becoming less and less. Next to that the games which I do play are games which Moongamers does not have servers for. I just hop on here every now and then to talk to old friends and maybe make some new ones. And then there's the FF-on discussion which interests me most. Here in the Netherlands we've got an entirely different view on certain subjects and I'm interested in what people in other countries think of these subjects. So thanks again for letting me back in and I'll make the best out of the time I've got on there ;)

Speaking for me, and not for Core, or any other group, I took you both out and see no reason to let either of you back in. You no longer play here, or associate with our community other than to come and express your opinions. Neither of which, I am overly concerned with. So, for those reasons you were removed, and I still see no particular reason to give you access.

I'm not really sure what part of my post offended you which was not my intention in the least. As far as coming here to express my opinions I do not believe that I have posted six times since I was given forum privileges. In regards to not being active, well I don't game anymore... I just come to your forums and read... no more, no less. It's all good Big Cheese! Be well, be good, be safe!


It was nothing personal against either or you or your postings. We decided quite a while ago it was healthier for our community to allow active members in good standing to participate, since former or non-members haven't seemed to care what carnage ensued from their writings. They would come, post trash, watch the fallout and leave, and not care how it impacted our members. We started removing inactive members a few years ago due to this; you are by no means the first to be removed for being inactive and you won't be the last, I've been tasked to review the list of participants and bring it back to active members again.

#213 Livestrong

Posted 25 April 2012 - 09:30 AM

May I have my FF privileges back? thanks!

#214 dj_spleen

Posted 25 April 2012 - 10:21 AM

Lin....can I get in this?...

#215 Lin

Posted 25 April 2012 - 11:52 AM

Chris do you still play BF3 regularly on MoonGamers servers?

#216 Livestrong

Posted 25 April 2012 - 12:14 PM

Chris do you still play BF3 regularly on MoonGamers servers?

Yep! Been back about a month and half. I had to save up for upgrades. I be back now! Did you clear me for FF area?

#217 Uncle Bill

Posted 29 April 2012 - 02:17 AM

Requesting access to the grown-up table. Posted ImageI'd like to get down-and-dirty and listen to some MG'ers spit some knowledge.

#218 Lin

Posted 29 April 2012 - 04:23 AM

Good luck...but it's not always knowledge that is being spit up in there...

#219 KPlitter

Posted 05 June 2012 - 07:24 PM

access pls ...

#220 SpetzNaz

Posted 13 June 2012 - 10:26 PM

I'm newer around these here parts, but some of the discussion headers I saw were fascinating, and the opportunity to chat about such issues without the fear of absurdity would be nice. :)

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