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Moon Servers

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#21 Tim

Posted 14 July 2004 - 03:02 PM

Why couldn' I find and join the Moders server when you all did? I was playing for a little more that half a year before a finally found Moon. :( Well hey!!! At least I found ya guys. :)

#22 Dirty Kneed Hooker

Posted 14 July 2004 - 03:11 PM

yea Upgrades for this game i am up to 1 Joystick, 512 stick of RAM, and thinking on a New tower or LCD screen.

yea the first map i played was Bocage and still remains my first Fav. Omaha not very far behind.

I had to buy a joystick to fly and once i heard Lin was using it to play all the time i programed mine to do that but i found it hartd to be cornated with it so i went back to normal key board and flying with the stick.

#23 Isak.f

Posted 16 July 2004 - 03:49 AM

it all started in december 2003.My brothers best friend had the game and he was also having a new super computer.so one day i followed my brother on his way to his friend.when i got there i was in love.i had never seen anything like that before.he had game called battlefield1942,and he was playing it online.i went home that day and i wished that i also could have that game.so prayed a little pray to mr.santa claus,and i got the game at christmas.first i played alot of singelplayer,but after some days it really sucked.i wanted to play online make som friends.but my internet connection was not soo good.so i asked my dad and asked him again and again,so one month later i was playing online... yay!!.
my favorite maps was wake and omaha,but i didn't find any good omha servers(cause i didn't no about tdm).but my brothers friend he used to play on some strange moonthing so i tried that map,after a few hours of playing i thought does it never ends?i looked at the tickets and noticed how high it was,it was going up.i asked someone why,and he said that this is a tdm server. tdm? hmm tdm sounds good to me.

and that's my story. :applaud:

#24 DarkFall

Posted 18 July 2004 - 03:33 AM

In the Spring of 1962... and then we moved from Dayton, Ohio to a little place called... and before I knew it I was married with 2 kids to feed and... So they were almost out of the house and I decided to... had bought the game the day it was released, but didn't get around to playing it for... and I came home the day he left, later getting an email from Lin that I didn't understand. I went into BF1942 and found new servers in my favorites, so I tried them all and liked Moon a lot...
The end... :D

#25 Pe@ce

Posted 19 July 2004 - 12:30 PM

Searched for Omaha, found Moon, played, i heard about the DC one cuz i like DC, great fun, had fun on both, still do - need admin on the DC version imo cuz of loads of stupid retards trying to glitch it. On the whole u seem a pretty decent bunch of grown up guys with ethics, which i like :)

#26 Lin

Posted 19 July 2004 - 03:40 PM


<--- not a guy... ;)

#27 King of the Squirrels

Posted 19 July 2004 - 04:31 PM

Hey everyone :bop2:
I was just a young squirrel trying my new game playing at Moders killing maming/stabing/shooting, and biting my way to fame there. Being the best sniper there was. Until I got board (35 seconds later, sigh) Soon After I started getting good, the shake up moders happened. Sigh,... tail drooping went in search of better places to place. Soon found moon. I like it here and met lin :pix: and steve :shoot: . After cheating my way to fame here, (oops my skills at running the beach I mean, hehe) I be came regular. and on and on. Until my big break came on downloaded team speak. Made lots of friends. I was able to build a nest and support my 1942 addiction. The home of the squirrel was built. Now I help protect it from smackturds/cheaters/ hackers and many more as Sr .Administrator, and I live happy ever after! The end!!!
Captain Squirrel :bop2:

#28 shinco

Posted 19 July 2004 - 10:22 PM

New to the game, and happened to stumble into this server. The non stop action in this map compared to the others kept me hooked on it.

And uhh, the great people too? :lol:

#29 Chicken

Posted 19 July 2004 - 11:26 PM

bok :bop2:

#30 Tim

Posted 19 July 2004 - 11:57 PM

I hope I don't have to feel stoopid asking this question... Is BOK a Moders Term cause I have never heard of it. If so or not so what does it mean. If this is actually a dumbass question and I don't even know it just simply tell me to "STFU!!!"

#31 bbb

Posted 19 July 2004 - 11:59 PM

if it's a stupid question i'm stupid too, and i'm not afraid to admit it! :)
for proof go to that cpu cooling thread! :lol:

#32 [Sniper]{pilot][USMC]

Posted 20 July 2004 - 07:12 AM

I started Playing Medal of Honor On line through GameSpy Arcade for aboot 6months
and one of my friends on there let me know about TS so I went and DLed it and then I couldnt find a MOHAA server that would Tell me how to use TS....

So I did a search on Yahoo and found out that aboot 65% of TS users Play BF1942 and not MOHAA + I had wanted to get BF1942 When I bought MOHAA but I did not have the $$ for bolth...by the time I had TS I had enough $$ to get BF1942 so... I bought it and went straight throught the allied singale player campain in aboot 4 hours..vary sad AI...
so online I went with what I hoped would be 2 advanteges{ TS and DSL..
MOHAA had a few servers that ran OMAHA BEACH and I had gotten fally desent at sniping on that map so I thought that Map on the BF servers would be a good place to Start...........
The Very First Server I played on was BUGS..and I ALSO got onto there TS server because they post the IP in grey Text every so often.......
Anyway I played On Bugs for about 3 or 4 weeks with only One Problem..Hight Ping AND Horrible Lagggg.....
Then one Day I was Typing my wish to :shoot: the Lag on the server when Lin said that I should Try her Moon Omaha Beach Server because its closer to me (i live in the USA..California) and I should have a better Ping and Way Less LAGG so over to The MOON i went and I have been playing here and ON BUGs + Moons DC server ever sence..( About 3 or 4 months now... I think...????)

Well thats my Story and Ill

Kill on The Beach
:starwars: :shoot: :starwars: :gunsmi: :pwned: :pwned: :shoot2: :slipped: :sniper: :sniper:

#33 M.A.M.E. Gamer

Posted 20 July 2004 - 10:28 AM

Didn't you ever have a "See n' Say"?
Posted Image
The Chicken says, "BOK".

Chicken heads up things on the Moders server and is a gaming buddy of many of us here at Moon. Many times after he shoots you in the head from across the battlefield, you may see him blurt out: "BOK". It's his victory cry.

#34 Tim

Posted 21 July 2004 - 03:03 AM

Ohhhh, LMFAO I see now... I'm a bit slow sometimes.

#35 Chicken

Posted 21 July 2004 - 05:19 PM

And of course the infamous HS [which does NOT stand for Herpes Sore, ummm, thats ANOTHER subject altogether :boff: ]


#36 crow t robot

Posted 04 August 2004 - 06:56 PM

lets see, first, why did i buy this game. a game must meet my standards for me to even want to try it out. i have a list it usually must follow.
1. WAR, why else would the game be a FPS
2. lots of guns. preferably real ones(non-futuristic)
3.history. this one is the biggest. i love history, and i strive to fill myself with useless facts on it.
4.vehicles. this one is new and can be waived for the right game.
well BF fitt this list quite well so i went to buy the game, so on july 28, 04 or so i bought the game. next step find a server i like. well i like the flying maps. dont like the pacific maps. i love the german guns and vehicles. ok here is where i started to skip around from server to server. i found some really good ones. but it got hard to find one with a map that lasted more the 30 min. well i found moon. not my favorite map but its still a well liked one. in fact the first time on a moon server was on a mod night with battleaxe as the map i think. well that was the funnest time i had had on this game so far. so i came back only to find that the map i really like was gone. oh well ill play what they got i said. it was really fun to. so here i stay. until such time as i find a reason to drive cross country again. because i love cars more then games.

#37 Enforcer

Posted 05 August 2004 - 07:44 AM

Crow, if you can, to that end (cars) see if you can find the "rides" thread in off topic.

#38 The White Feather

Posted 13 August 2004 - 02:05 PM

...Well it all started way back in 1942 on a day called D-day. My grandfather fought and beat the germans on a beach that the allied forces had given the name Omaha. One of the hardest battles of WWII and like Pearl Harbour its a day that will live in imfamy. Now 50 years later the family is still fighting the germans on that same battle field on that same beach called Omaha...

I started playin this game god nows when, and after beating the single player about a 100 times I dicided i would figure out multiplayer gaming. So i started playing these games against others and I found the SSM clan. I then found out about Moon one day when I was kicked from cangames because some idiot on my team got in my way so I killed him(i mean come on they have friendly fire on and they say if you are found killing a team member you will be kicked) so i was looking around for a game and I came to the name Omaha Beach. I knew loads about it with my grandfather so I clicked on and low and behold I met a lady named Lin who told me the website because I had heard of Moon before and I could beleive that she was a founder of it. I was wrong but I dicided to join the chat and I did. (at the time I was playing as the of Pard and before that Ian Pringle my name)

I have been here ever since. Then a week or so ago I downloaded TS and from that day on I have loved to play Omaha.

...Boom Boom the deth guns roared bullets wizzing by left and right. With a gun in hand you run of your transport ship onto a Beach called Omaha. You charge toward the long ramp with your fellow soldiers ready to engage in a war ...not just a phiscal war but a war of emotions a war with your self a war of love... the war of all wars. You fire a shot and a german falls and you relize this isnt a dream but this a battle ...of Good vs Evil and from that moment on you know that Good always triumfs over Evil... You know that no matter the out come of your own life you are saving thousands of other lifes ...lives of loved one lives of friends and neighbors... After reasuring your self you follow your freinds in to the German bunkers. You throw a nade into the bunker then run in check that all Axis are dead in this or they may come back and strick you down or even worse your friend. Sudenly time slows down you see fire from a muzzle and the muzzle is point at your comrade no not your commrade your friend you jump in front of him and take the bullet now you know this is a war as you sit there in pain you know what you did was right you saved a mans life...no you saved thousands of lives. Now in your last moments of life you truly know why you came here not fot the adrenilin rush...no you could have had that any day... not for the fun...because there is no fun in war... but because you saved a life.

Omaha Beach! Are you up to it? See you on the Beach!

#39 Dot Man

Posted 13 August 2004 - 07:12 PM

Wow... deep... :gunsmi:

#40 Tu Madre

Posted 14 August 2004 - 12:30 PM

My story isnt as in depth as The White Feathers.... but.. I started playing battlefield when the demo came out... I was addicted. Back then, I wasnt into ummm buying games? lol so i "got" the game and played it on LAN with my friends for months untill march. Thats when i saw it on sale at walmart and figured eh, maybe i should try something new. At first i played at Stalingrad alot, and El Alamein. But one day, I found this map. I loved Omaha so I figured hey, this is pretty cool. So ive been playing in the moon server since about late may/early june now. When i first started playing for moon it was only once or twice a week; but now, if you play dc you'll probably see me in there everyday. The server is great, and like Tim said, it feels more of like a community then just playing a game. Thats all folks! :pokey:

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