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Hackers - planes

Cheats Hackers

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78 replies to this topic

#21 Spare Parts

Posted 01 July 2016 - 03:55 AM


Let me quote myself:






You got 2 teams, 50-50 to get on each side. If one of two pilots is on red, the other pilot has a 50% chance to get on red. This is no rocket science.

If there are 3 pilots, 2 on red, the 3rd still has a 50% chance to be on red. Chance they are all on the same (correct me if I'm wrong) .50x.50= .25 = 25% chance all 3 pilots are on the same side from the start.

During the game autobalance can switch the 3rd pilot to the 'stacked' side. It does not always mean they are stacking on purpose (not saying it doesn't happen).




"Facts are meaningless. You can use facts to prove anything that is even remotely true."  H. Simpson

#22 Colonel Tavington

Posted 01 July 2016 - 09:10 AM

Thank you all for your replies. I'm OK being a mediocre player, makes the game fun - you can usually kill me and vice versa. Once that's removed the game ceases to be fun, there are a lot of players that are better than I am. While albeit I remain enthusiastic I am not the best player by any stretch of the imagination. I'm OK with that, I have a job like Lin. I'll never be the best. I agree with Dr. Detroit, while this may not be hacking it is team stacking, and similarly I will leave the game and go do dishes or something else when these players are on. God Bless. And love you all. ALG! LOVE!


Just make sure you don't get dishpan hands...

#23 Lin

Posted 01 July 2016 - 11:34 AM

As much as the old timers find these kinds of posts unsavory, or at least repetitive, I really enjoy them. Wait hear me out!  :mellow:


There always seems something to learn. Both from explaining how the game works, and the fact that other players do exist who have the same challenges and difficulties as I. Subject matter is not only difficult to discuss during the game, but frowned upon or obviously not allowed. 


I didn't know you could superimpose the map over your view. 


I also need a bit of help with "ghosting".


1) Flying around the map; is that only before your respawn? Sometimes respawn occurs too fast for me to hit a key. Which one? 

2) You can follow a team mate, right? How do I do that? I've done it before but can't seem to remember. 


These can be helpful, but also still hard to garner tips like how players can so quickly aim and kill. 


I know you'd rather not have the forum plastered with these threads, but they are very helpful in several ways. Noobs are not alone!  :grphug: . And maybe pick up a few tips along the way. I also know there's still a few web pages out there to find hints, tips and tricks. Does Moon have their own? Might be a good idea to have one and encourage the good players to share? 


We much prefer to have posts in the forum than long discussions in the game. The reason is because those playing the game don't want the discussions to get in the way of playing...and they do. Text scrolls off strategy attempts, some conversations (like about hackers) just serve to heighten suspicion to the point of paranoia, and the game really sours from there. Skilled players who have put in hundreds of hours of practice get really tired of being called hackers, and they leave. Other players who think we don't care about hackers will leave. Even more players who think everyone else is hacking will leave. So we redirect those conversations here in order to contain the damage to the server.


This forum is somewhat unique. Our server/community for BF1942 is the oldest continuous running one out there. We started in Feb 2004 and haven't gone away. We have changed IP a few times, but we have continued to run at least one BF1942 server since we started. The forum is unique because you can find posts going all the way back to 2004. There is a LOT of training posts, helpful tips, how-tos, and just about everything you could want packed into this forum. You just have to put on your Inspector Clouseau hat and take some time to explore. :)

  • Grassy and Steve2112 like this

#24 Wasabi®

Posted 01 July 2016 - 02:43 PM

I remember having to deal with many, many 'hacker' complaints about pilots. In 98% of the cases it was simply skill. The remaining 2% provided satisfaction in a different way  :shoot2:  :ban:  :evil:

#25 -=TheTroopeR=-

Posted 01 July 2016 - 07:27 PM

Hello guys, 



I’m playing this for long; as many here and I will first, defend the game. 



At start EA Games needed to patch this almost monthly, then they had the idea to do Packs of Patches.  This because not only game errors, glitches etc but also due to hacks.  And the game did do all at hands to fight hacks and hackers, I won’t list here or expand on the procedures to officially denounce a hacker/hack, you all for sure know how. 



But they existed and exists now, the issue is to prove it and MG is a fair community, that hear complaints, but won’t if not full evidence, ban a gamer, and I am with MG on that. We are few, we are rare and we are strangely luckily getting new gamers.  Yes it amazes me too. 



We all must agree that are odd stuff going on some times in game, it is not an urban legend and some players have a high % of that.  


It is so difficult to understand from where Alittlegirl is coming from on this or me or many others?  


Alittle girl say is a mediocre player, absolutely not true, is an amazing player and one of the funniest fun to play with and against and play for the team. 


So when experienced players claim that might be a hacker, I know that MG core, admins will check it out.



Must not call the wolf though, as to investigate a possible hacker take time and gather evidence to ban.



Now the pilot issue,  I’ve seen Alacard`s video was take onto attention, to show what we see and is like that, while attack a target and (doh we do need to pitch up in order not to crash) fly up, with f12 find new target and dive back and repeat many times until you get killed. It is not that we have an magic eye or radar (we pilots from time to time are accused of that) we are just trained eyes that have 3D awareness of the map (remember we do not move just front-left-right-back) , when I’m in game, in my mind I have a 3D map or I will crash.  And alter years of game we do know how to dive a bomb through a door, window etc 




This is not same as when (it happened to me) I am in big maps, gaining altitude and some plane at sound speed dive on me and kill me,  make no sense,  game is far away,  just only if that pilot is camping taking of pilots or has a map hack to see enemy.  


I want to believe such does not exists and to protect this game, when that happens I preferred to leave server, rather than alarm.



For me the bottom line is,  If you really are convinced a player hacks,  gather proof and only claim to an admin, let him inside MG do the needed and let only you know the outcome. 



Let’s please continue to play for fun, game friends and keep it alive, as Harry always remembers us.




  • Grinch likes this

#26 Zap Rowsdower

Posted 01 July 2016 - 08:46 PM

the one time i was accused of hacking was the best moment of my life. i knew i had finally made it. i would forever dwell in that little house on the prairie. if i ever get accused a second time? im moving up to the ponderosa.

  • dodgem, D Day, Grinch and 2 others like this

#27 Colonel Tavington

Posted 01 July 2016 - 10:55 PM

the one time i was accused of hacking was the best moment of my life. i knew i had finally made it. i would forever dwell in that little house on the prairie. if i ever get accused a second time? im moving up to the ponderosa.


  • Zap Rowsdower and Rubulator like this

#28 Rubulator

Posted 02 July 2016 - 12:14 AM

Zap... Tavington... You just made me laugh... :yourock: 

  • Zap Rowsdower likes this

#29 Moving Target

Posted 02 July 2016 - 07:17 AM

I'm with Zap. When I get accused it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
  • Rubulator likes this

#30 Moving Target

Posted 02 July 2016 - 07:19 AM

At the same time, I think pilots get called out for hacking more because their skills can dominate a map. Maps with little AA, they can take those out quickly and if there is no other pilots they have free reign to kill all in sight. A person as any type of infantry still has to worry about tanks/jeeps/planes/infantry.

#31 Steve2112

Posted 02 July 2016 - 11:33 AM




We much prefer to have posts in the forum than long discussions in the game. The reason is because those playing the game don't want the discussions to get in the way of playing...and they do. Text scrolls off strategy attempts, some conversations (like about hackers) just serve to heighten suspicion to the point of paranoia, and the game really sours from there. Skilled players who have put in hundreds of hours of practice get really tired of being called hackers, and they leave. Other players who think we don't care about hackers will leave. Even more players who think everyone else is hacking will leave. So we redirect those conversations here in order to contain the damage to the server.


This forum is somewhat unique. Our server/community for BF1942 is the oldest continuous running one out there. We started in Feb 2004 and haven't gone away. We have changed IP a few times, but we have continued to run at least one BF1942 server since we started. The forum is unique because you can find posts going all the way back to 2004. There is a LOT of training posts, helpful tips, how-tos, and just about everything you could want packed into this forum. You just have to put on your Inspector Clouseau hat and take some time to explore. :)




Challenge accepted!  ;)

  • Spare Parts likes this

#32 gregefc

Posted 02 July 2016 - 01:58 PM

You might want to check this vid, to see what pilots do and see.

Id also like to point out that this video is not even of an elite pilot. Alacard was a solid pub pilot because he knew how to maintain altitude and air speed, but he was a mediocre match pilot. I would hate to see the complaints if someone like a Lurch, terminal, Snaketits, Speirs, Raptor (who was actually a DC pilot) or Tony Montana (who wasn't even a pilot, perse), who had extensive match experience as a pilot and was elite were to hop in the game. (or other people's names who elude me from circa 2005)

#33 Harriet Tubman

Posted 02 July 2016 - 02:38 PM

You might want to check this vid, to see what pilots do and see.

Id also like to point out that this video is not even of an elite pilot. Alacard was a solid pub pilot because he knew how to maintain altitude and air speed, but he was a mediocre match pilot. I would hate to see the complaints if someone like a Lurch, terminal, Snaketits, Speirs, Raptor (who was actually a DC pilot) or Tony Montana (who wasn't even a pilot, perse), who had extensive match experience as a pilot and was elite were to hop in the game. (or other people's names who elude me from circa 2005)

The great lilypad and pilots ego. BTW the euro pilot drago is a monster and a half in air v air as well.

From the infantry perspective especially on pubs I love me some twilight type pilots as all you have to do is 1 call saying you see a tank and then hide for the next 5 seconds before it blows up and you are free to advance. Always looming just waiting for the moment to help the ground troops push the flags.
  • Angerfist and Rubulator like this

#34 Angerfist

Posted 02 July 2016 - 03:00 PM

Twillight = best airsupport I ever had. Especially when we are together on TS.

#35 gregefc

Posted 03 July 2016 - 08:43 AM

You might want to check this vid, to see what pilots do and see.

Id also like to point out that this video is not even of an elite pilot. Alacard was a solid pub pilot because he knew how to maintain altitude and air speed, but he was a mediocre match pilot. I would hate to see the complaints if someone like a Lurch, terminal, Snaketits, Speirs, Raptor (who was actually a DC pilot) or Tony Montana (who wasn't even a pilot, perse), who had extensive match experience as a pilot and was elite were to hop in the game. (or other people's names who elude me from circa 2005)
The great lilypad and pilots ego. BTW the euro pilot drago is a monster and a half in air v air as well.

From the infantry perspective especially on pubs I love me some twilight type pilots as all you have to do is 1 call saying you see a tank and then hide for the next 5 seconds before it blows up and you are free to advance. Always looming just waiting for the moment to help the ground troops push the flags.
Yea, there are definitely more good Euro/SA pilots left. And there were always monster pilots from overseas.

I've been playing lately and it just isn't the same in game. Not my cup of tea any more. Pretty focused on BF1 now.

#36 Harriet Tubman

Posted 03 July 2016 - 01:14 PM

You might want to check this vid, to see what pilots do and see.

Id also like to point out that this video is not even of an elite pilot. Alacard was a solid pub pilot because he knew how to maintain altitude and air speed, but he was a mediocre match pilot. I would hate to see the complaints if someone like a Lurch, terminal, Snaketits, Speirs, Raptor (who was actually a DC pilot) or Tony Montana (who wasn't even a pilot, perse), who had extensive match experience as a pilot and was elite were to hop in the game. (or other people's names who elude me from circa 2005)
The great lilypad and pilots ego. BTW the euro pilot drago is a monster and a half in air v air as well.

From the infantry perspective especially on pubs I love me some twilight type pilots as all you have to do is 1 call saying you see a tank and then hide for the next 5 seconds before it blows up and you are free to advance. Always looming just waiting for the moment to help the ground troops push the flags.
Yea, there are definitely more good Euro/SA pilots left. And there were always monster pilots from overseas.

I've been playing lately and it just isn't the same in game. Not my cup of tea any more. Pretty focused on BF1 now.

Signed up for bf1 beta and was hoping to get into the alpha but didn't get an invite. Sucks too seeing all these 12 year olds getting alpha codes and then getting banned within hours for streaming their games.

#37 gregefc

Posted 04 July 2016 - 01:52 AM

Here guys, this may help you see what we see in the air. Notice how he moves his view side to side in the cockpit at the beginning. Wow, clearly this dude has played a long time!
  • posi and Steve2112 like this

#38 Grassy

Posted 04 July 2016 - 09:21 PM

I wonder why he has cockpit view on..lol

#39 Hornet

Posted 04 July 2016 - 11:10 PM


You might want to check this vid, to see what pilots do and see.

Id also like to point out that this video is not even of an elite pilot. Alacard was a solid pub pilot because he knew how to maintain altitude and air speed, but he was a mediocre match pilot. I would hate to see the complaints if someone like a Lurch, terminal, Snaketits, Speirs, Raptor (who was actually a DC pilot) or Tony Montana (who wasn't even a pilot, perse), who had extensive match experience as a pilot and was elite were to hop in the game. (or other people's names who elude me from circa 2005)



I remember seeing pocketpool regular the server under aliases a few years back.  Always was a big fan of his flying, ever since he was on my team under an alias in the original Moongamers tournament all those years ago :).  As I recall, I drafted him without realizing he was pocket until cream pointed it out to me.  My team would have won that tournament if it weren't for those meddling kids.  Actually, I still have a match cast on one of my backup hard drives which had some good dogfights between pocket and JP.  Ahhh the good ol' days.


Anyways, my point was that seeing a true match pilot in the post-exodus days of 1942 was a thing of beauty.  I wonder if there's a correlation between high-alt pilots and hackusations.  Some pilots that get commonly accused of hacking typically fly at high altitudes, looking for gray vehicles disappearing or the flags changing, but I know of some old match pilots who preferred to stay relatively low to the ground to see what was going on on the ground.  It can seem fishy if you get in a vehicle and all of a sudden a plane divebombs you out of no-where, but if you see the plane here and there frequently, it's not as suspicious. 



#40 gregefc

Posted 05 July 2016 - 02:18 AM

Lol Grassy. That video is classic.

And yes Hornet, PP was quality for sure. JP was very solid as well!

Also, yea there is definitely a correlation between the high alt pilots and hackusations. Pilots get called out more than anyone else. Its because it's so much easier to be hyperaware of what's going on all around you if you're in the air and know what you're doing. You're able to survey the entire battlefield in seconds just by viewing what's greyed out and what's not and by sweeping down for a quick look. Whereas if you're infantry you can only see what's in your immediate, unobstructed view. An example of how hyperaware I got... I would always look at whoever I was flying with on my mini map and if their plane was changing directions or making odd turns etc, I would assume they were in a dogfight and go and help whether they wanted it or not. That's just one example of an intangible that you just teach yourself and can be seen as fishy to the untrained eye/player.

I always preferred to have a medium-high altitude. Ability to engage the ground quickly yet still able to have airspeed if I need to dogfight. If you have a team that will call everything out, you can altwhore all day long. If not, you'll be stuck having to dive and find things out for yourself.

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