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Online Gaming Prob

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#21 Soldaten

Posted 26 August 2005 - 12:48 PM

the only errors where under the system, there were 2 (7036 & 7035)


Can you be a little more specific ? Were these error ID's or messages?
You should be able to click on them to get a little more detailed description.

If these are error ID's then here is what Microsofts website reports.

Event ID: 7035
User: N/A
Computer: SERVER
The Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) / Internet
Connection Sharing (ICS) service was successfully sent a
stop control.

Event ID: 7036
User: N/A
Computer: SERVER
The Application Layer Gateway Service service entered the
stopped state.

This just means that something stopped your network connection. It appears from these ID's that you have a network issue. What motherboard are you using & does it have onboard network enabled or did you install a network card ?

Let us know...


#22 GrimReaper

Posted 30 August 2005 - 08:53 AM

we haven't heard anything from you in the past few days....how's it going? Do you know which nvidia drivers you a running right now?

#23 TheDutchman

Posted 11 September 2005 - 09:34 PM

Sorry it took so long...
i have the 915P/G Combo MS-7058(v1.X) ATX Mainboard
and i believe i had a network card installed

#24 TheDutchman

Posted 12 September 2005 - 11:38 AM

I have few people telling me to reformat, would that be a wise decision?? though i don't have that much on here since i bought it not too long ago, it would still suck.

#25 Soldaten

Posted 12 September 2005 - 02:17 PM

Don't reformat if the only thing you can't do is play a game online. That would be overkill. Reformatting also does not guarantee that you will solve the problem since it could be a hardware issue. Reformatting in this case is just a "shotgun" approach that I despise because it usually doesn't work and you don't learn anything.

I don't recall, was it BF1 or BF2 that doesn't run in multiplayer? If its BF1 then go get the Battlefield 1942 debugger. You can google it to find a download. Install the debugger (read the instructions plz) and then run the game in debug mode.

A logfile will be generated from the debugger and you can read it in notepad. A logfile is generated whether the game crashes or not. If the game is crashing for a graphics issue or a corrupted file then we will be able to tell from the logfile. At least this way we can either rule out or pinpoint if it is a .dll driver or graphics issue and work from there.


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