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So you want to be a 1942 Admin? CD and Origin server

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#381 LL22

Posted 01 September 2014 - 02:38 AM

Game Name: LL22
First Name: Yann
Age: 32
Location: France

How often and what times do you play: I play since 2007 about 5 hours by days

Why should we make you an Admin?: I'm admin since 2009 and never i had any real complaint
As some players, admins or core admins here know that i like given my time at the community 42, i "think" that my help will be useful on MG at part-time.

#382 BulletRain

Posted 24 October 2014 - 12:23 PM

Game Name:BulletRain
First Name:Seth
Age:15 1/2
Location: Texas
How often and what times do you play: 11:00am - 1:00am most often
Why should we make you an Admin?: i will like to learn about the server and help it in the best way i can. i have bin playing on this server for about a year now and love the community. i want to help keep the server clean and help ever play the best i can. keep all the players happy like you guys keep me.:)

#383 LewiQ

Posted 03 November 2014 - 09:44 PM

Game Name: LewiQ
First Name: Lewi
Age: 22
Location: Wales

How often and what times do you play:
I originally played from 2005-2010, but then left the game because of University commitments. I have now been back for around 3 months, and am staying for the long haul. I play most days and average around 10-15 hours a week. As some of you may know, I am quite nocturnal which suits the time zone difference.

Why should we make you an Admin?:
I have had a chat with both Angerfist and Birney about my interest. I want to try to help the bf1942 community. Having spent so much time away from the game, and coming back to see that the server list and players online has reduced so greatly, I feel like its my time to give back to the game I love. I will try to do my bit in keeping battlefield both active, and fun for those of us who still enjoy blowing bits out of each other. I feel like becoming an admin of one of the only successful servers still running in the game will help me in achieving this, and should help in making the server a safer, more enjoyable place for bf'ers to play on.

#384 Hairy Russian Dude

Posted 01 December 2014 - 04:03 PM

Game Name: HairyRussianDude

First Name: Nick

Age: 26

Location: Canada

How often and what times do you play: Sporadically throughout the week.

Why should we make you an Admin?: Why not?

#385 Bean

Posted 16 December 2014 - 07:42 PM

Game Name: Bean
First Name: Brian
Age: 45
Location: Myrtle Beach, SC
How often and what times do you play: Daily 1-2 hours usually evenings, & some mornings and mid day during the week when schedule allows
Why should we make you an Admin?: Love BF1942 and have played it of and on since it first came out many years ago. Love playing on Moongamers and am dedicated to the rules of fair play that it represents. I do play quite often during daytime hours and have noticed quite often that there is a lack of admin during those time periods which degrades the quality of play that our members has come to expect and why they play here. I think my age, maturity, & candor, combined with my availability to the game as a self employed individual would make me a good candidate for inclusion as an admin. Thank You
  • Escaped Mental Patient likes this

#386 Grassy

Posted 16 December 2014 - 08:30 PM

Hiya Bean,

I have pubbed with you a few times. Do you have a headset and a mic? We use teamspeak 3 which is a free download

#387 Bean

Posted 17 December 2014 - 09:10 AM

Hiya Bean,

I have pubbed with you a few times. Do you have a headset and a mic? We use teamspeak 3 which is a free download

Ill pick one up this weekend, and get teamspeak downloaded.

#388 Grassy

Posted 17 December 2014 - 11:26 AM


#389 Scope

Posted 31 December 2014 - 04:42 AM

This post is for our regular players and newcomers who have come to the forums from BF1942 to find out about becoming an Admin for MoonGamers.

We are very particular who we put in charge of the store. Your posting here will not guarantee that you will become an Admin for MoonGamers! However, in order to get started in the "get to know you" process, you can help by posting your bios here.

Game Name: Battlefield 1942
First Name: Scope
Age: 29
Location: USA
How often and what times do you play:
My work schedule is 3-11:30pm central, so I stay up until about 5 or 6am before going to sleep, in which I wake up at 2pm to go to work again - I play every night, and have for the past 7+ years.

Why should we make you an Admin?: Because you need a "night auditor." You need someone reliable, that has experience managing servers, to make sure that when it's 3am and the server only has 3 people, that Market isn't the map running; that aberdeen isn't the next map. I know Lin knows me and will more than likely disregard this application, but the fact is that no one with map-changing access in administration plays during these twilight hours when the server empties. I don't care to worry about kicking/banning people or any other administrative duties, I spent plenty of time doing that over the past years, I just want to play, have fun, and keep servers kicking so we can enjoy the game as long as we can. I want to be clear about my intentions: I want to keep your population up, Lin. There really isn't anyone with map access that plays that late at night to manage the population/map ratio. Please let me help you in managing this because the majority of these late a.m. players are the regular teamspeak guys. I can easily assure you that I would only use any administrative abilities towards the betterment of the population. Thanks for considering. (please contact Twilight for a personal recommendation as he was my map modder during my administrative tenure) - iß| Scope°

#390 Escaped Mental Patient

Posted 26 February 2015 - 09:53 PM

Im sorry but I have changed my mind thank you everyone for your support

Edited by Escaped Mental Patient, 03 March 2015 - 10:12 AM.

  • Angerfist, Captain John H. Miller and Rabid_Animal like this

#391 King of the Squirrels

Posted 27 February 2015 - 10:11 AM

I would great to have you back mental!

#392 SlipperyG

Posted 01 April 2015 - 07:34 AM

Game Name:SlipperyG


First Name:Gavin






How often and what times do you play:1-3


Why should we make you an Admin?


I'm usually staff on other servers. I'm really helpful and I will find out about people who hack and kick spammers. I really love this server. I play it as soon as possible. I also use really great Grammar.There also has been not that much Admins coming online. Every time I'm online, there's no Admin. So If I have Admin, I can probably fill in a Admin when the Admins are offline. I play at 6:00-8:00 in the morning usually. That's when there's no Admins. Thanks for reading this! Thank you, -SlipperyG

#393 Lin

Posted 01 April 2015 - 12:24 PM

As mentioned in one of your other admin app threads, please get TeamSpeak3 and come in to meet the Sr Admins, other Admins and players so that we can get to know you. Thanks.

  • SlipperyG likes this

#394 Escaped Mental Patient

Posted 06 April 2015 - 11:48 PM

I resend my resend  Ill thow my hat back in to help playes

Game Name:Escaped Mental Patient
First Name:Gregory

Location:Saint Louis Missouri USA
How often and what times do you play:about 40 hours a month
Why should we make you an Admin?:I enjoy the game very much and I just wish to help make the game the better for the players

If you dont want or need me ill understand

  • Captain John H. Miller likes this

#395 Rivet

Posted 22 May 2015 - 12:41 PM

Game Name:Rivet

First Name:Andy



How often and what times do you play:M-F morning/Afternoon

Why should we make you an Admin?

I have experience with the RM software for BF1942/DC, Teamspeak, and the forums.  I currently still have admin access to CKUA but, not much going on anymore.  The two servers, 1942 and Desert Combat, have been discontinued.  I am currently unemployed and have time on my hands until I find something I can work from home.  I've been playing the DayZ servers here at MG and enjoy fare gaming here.  Your rules are very much like ours used to be.  I have just installed BF1942 on my new rig and as soon as I get the patches and connections ironed out I will probably be playing there as well.

#396 Tuk MavericK

Posted 22 July 2015 - 08:46 PM

Game Name: |OR| MavericK
First Name: Luiz Eduardo
Age: 25
Location: Brazil
How often and what times do you play: Idk.. when I don`t have college stuff..
Why should we make you an Admin?: I know the rules and I think I can help. You all know me, and you all know I get very angry sometimes (most times?) with people making bad stuff, but I know the rules and I play `correctly`.. Idk.. It`s just an idea.

  • Angerfist likes this

#397 -101stAir-Umsted

Posted 31 July 2015 - 06:58 PM

Game name: [101stAir]PVT Umsted

First name: Christopher


Location: California,USA

How often I play: anytime i possibly can till I enlist in the United States Army

why should we make you an admin: I know and understand the rules completely and believe I would be pretty good at enforcing the rules

#398 Renlist

Posted 31 July 2015 - 11:21 PM

From my experience as a game moderator on other games, here are your best chances.


1. Have a thick skin, as thick as an elephants.  

2. Don't try and regulate overall team play. This game and the gameplay wasn't made in your hope to be... god like image as a moderator.

3. Resist urges to kick players the first time you see them farting around and not helping a team.

4. Have had experience and familiarity with accessing a servers controls.

5. Be detached from any emotional equity you've invested in the gameplay.

6. Expect a trial run as a moderator.

7. Don't try and control the overall behavior of a team with kicks,  out of frustration.

8. Be forgiving and patient with newbs and brats.

9. Keep in mind those times YOU acted stupid.

10. Develop a line of communication with other game moderators.


As for me being a game moderator?  Forget it!   I'm too often trying to kick our teams butt into gear for the win.  I might go overboard if I was made a moderator. That's what they don't want!  LOL.

#399 Lord of War

Posted 25 September 2015 - 10:27 PM

Game Name: [ZoW] Lord of ZoW (VET)
First Name: Lewis
Age: 16
Location: Georgia
How often and what times do you play: Anytime I can/feel like it.
Why should we make you an Admin?: There are many occasions throughout my battlefield career
where I've seen disruptive play, cheating, etc. without any admins online to do anything about it.
Usualy get about 2 or 3 hours in every day, with a few exceptions.
considering my usual play of this amazing game, I would consider it a wise choice for me to be an
administrator for this lovely server. It would feel good to keep this community alive
and cheat free, as that was mostly a failed effort on the server I used to play on every day. I don't want MG to end up like that.
Note: I do not have a mic nor do I intend to purchase one. Hopefully this will not be a problem.

#400 Karen(NL)

Posted 28 September 2015 - 11:37 AM

Game Name: Karen(NL)
First Name: Karen
Age: 22
Location: The Netherlands
How often and what times do you play: 2/3 times a week. In the evening.
Why should we make you an Admin?: Bcs of the reasons there are admins: to be helpful to keep it a safe, clean and fun server! ;-) It would be nice to join the team.

(& I use TS)

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