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Adrenna - An Idiot's Guide to Stalking Her

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#41 Adrenna

Posted 27 June 2008 - 10:46 PM

Welcome to the Moon!

Just don't sing war eagle too many times this fall and we will get along fine. :)

Ha. That's my alma mater :P

#42 Splaetos

Posted 28 June 2008 - 09:44 PM

I very much enjoy sticking knives in people's asses, sniper or no.

#43 Simmido

Posted 10 July 2008 - 01:20 PM

I don't care for introductions really but if Ender did it.. I reckon I can too.

Name is Jennifer but it'll probably freak me out if I hear Jennifer in the game. That's a good stalking tip.

I'm 28.. no kids, no husband, no ex-husband, no dead husband. I work for the US Army doing cool shit like working on an Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) in development. You can check it out on Wikipedia - look for either the MQ-1C or ERMP Sky Warrior.

My 13 month rotation will be ending at the end of June and then I will go work on an implementation team for the Logistics Modernization Program (not sexy, not exciting). The plus is that I work with some real big assholes at my current job and so I will be happier in LMP but the down side is that I'll be working with my ex-bf of 3.5 years. Yech.

Someone asked me.. (Yorkdog?) why I play BF2. Despite the fact that I am under the power of the vagina, I just like it. I played BF Vietnam and had a great time as a sniper. Sniping isn't as fun in this game cause people find me too easily and stick a knife in my ass. The community is great too.. I generally try to team up with Ender & Ace or DocBob if he's on. I miss turtlebarbeque because he was a gimpy armor whore player and was fun to sexually harass. "I miss you my luscious shelled sweetmeat" (and so on and so on)

My one year gaming anniversary is in July. My online bud said MG was his favorite server so I started there and never really left. I have very little to no experience on other maps. I'm 11k from my "bar" so I'm getting antsy. Probably hit it in August/Sept of this year. I didn't think I'd still be playing BF2 after the last promotion but looks like I am and will continue to do so.

I hope we'll meet on the battlefield!! :)

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