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So you want to be a 1942 Admin? CD and Origin server

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#81 Tiger

Posted 04 October 2007 - 12:44 AM

Moongamers Games you play (BF1942, BF2, CS/DoD, CoD2): BF1942
Moongamer Server(s) you play on: Omaha CQ and Omaha TDM (mostly CQ)

Name: Chris
Screen Name/In Game Name: Tiger®
Age: 24
Where you Live (city and state/country): Sterling Heights, MI
Approx Years/Months been playing at Moongamers: 2 1/2 - 3 years
Have you had any previous admining experience? (Yes/No): No (from playing so long I know pretty much all the rules)If answered yes, what games?:

My name is Chris. I'm a student at University Of Michigan - Dearborn majoring in computer engineering. Right now I am not working because I’m trying to finish school and get it over with. I have been playing BF1942 back since old Wags, now I am a Reg® on moongamers. I know most of the players and admins who play in this server and I get along with all of them.
I follow and respect the rules and values of this server and, whenever I can, I try to persuade others to also follow the rules. When there is no admin present in the server I always remind other players about the even-ticket rule, armor on beach before flag is taken, etc. Also, when a player is repeatedly breaking the rules, I try to get the attention of an admin by pm’ing them or posting in the forums.
If I’m selected an admin I am willing to dedicate my time and services to admining and will pay more attention to the game and the other players and not as much to my KDR or flag points. I also have Team-Speak and a mic (I rarely use it but I will try to use it regularly now). I really want to be a part of the moongamers adming team and will give it my full potential to make moongamers a better place where players can come to relax, have fun, and everybody gets along J.
I thank you in advance for taking your time to read my application.


#82 bogeydeadsix

Posted 08 October 2007 - 02:06 PM

Game Name: GhostRider

First Name: Rob

Age: 28

Location: Indiana, USA

Which server do you play, TDM or CQ?: both, mostly CQ

How often and what times do you play: I play almost every day in the regular business hours of EST zone

Why should we make you an Admin?:
I know the game. I know how to use TS. You can see me on there almost everyday playing. Normally I add something positive to the game. I believe in the rules regardless of how many times I get frustrated. Additionally I am a fair person. I like to play around and I encourage everyone to have a good time. You could count on me to keep the server clean, especially in the morning hours when rules breakers are abound.

plus look at the silly picture:

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#83 Some Girl Named Cher

Posted 11 October 2007 - 11:25 PM

Since I am back around and loving ya'll like normal, I figured I would re-apply. :)

Game Name: Some Girl Named Cher
First Name: Cher
Age: 23
Location: Tennessee
Which server do you play, TDM or CQ?: CQ and TDM
How often and what times do you play: Daily and usually all different times during the day and night.
Why should we make you an Admin?: I enjoy playing on Moongamers' server every time I play BF1942. It is the only server I frequent and I love it for it's wonderful admins and great support. I would love to be a part of a wonderful gaming community and it's upkeep. I also feel a great deal of respect and love for the other admins on board. :)

#84 Smellycowsquid

Posted 12 October 2007 - 10:41 AM

----You have mine----

#85 Mr. Phil

Posted 13 October 2007 - 07:21 PM

This post is for our regular players and newcomers who have come to the forums from BF1942 to find out about becoming an Admin for MoonGamers.

We are very particular who we put in charge of the store. Your posting here will not guarantee that you will become an Admin for MoonGamers! However, in order to get started in the "get to know you" process, you can help by posting your bios here.

Game Name: Mr. Phil
First Name: Philip
Age: 22
Location: Eden Prairie, MN
Which server do you play, TDM or CQ?: Mostly CQ
How often and what times do you play: Hours of play range between 5pm-Midnight CST. I play about 4 days a week, couple of hours at a time
Why should we make you an Admin?: I am confident on when players are out of line and whether they deserve a kick or ban. I am not afraid to change the maps up but I am also aware of what may empty a server and when it's time to bring it back to omaha or market garden. Many players are familiar with who I am and responded well to me when I was an admin before.

#86 miller

Posted 30 October 2007 - 04:12 PM

game name: miller

first name: Andrew


location: Kansas

wich server do you play: mostly TDM

how often do you play: about every day after school

why do you think we should make you an admin? because im on every day, i love to play, and the biggest reason is because I want to make the game fair to everyone playing i hate when people don't follow the rules.

I might not know all the rules or how to enforce then but im willing to learn! and im on ts every time i play so i can ask the other admin if ones on ts to help me get the right call.

#87 -¦Ü§F¦-Loo$e C@nnon

Posted 14 November 2007 - 04:17 PM

Game name: -¦Ü§F¦-Loo$e C@nnon

First name: Wayne

Age:19 (20 in 2 months)

Location: Ottawa, Ontario

Which server do you play: TDM and CQ

how often do you play: Every day, between classes, before class, after class, on my days off, at night.

why do you think we should make you an admin? I have played this game for five years and I have been an admin on various servers for two so I know what it takes. I currently serve as an admin on our clan's server. I am also on during the day and at night and am readily available. I am on TS whenever I play BF1942 on MG and have a lot of experience watching and learning how others admin so I know what is right and what is wrong.


Posted 01 December 2007 - 03:55 PM

I emailed the application email but Birney said this would be a better way ;)

Moongamers Games you play (BF1942, BF2, CS/DoD, CoD2): BF1942 exclusively
Moongamer Server(s) you play on: CQ and TDM (almost equally)
Name: James
Screen Name/In Game Name: STRYPER
Age: 23 (9-29-84)
Where you Live (city and state/country): Fairfax Va, USA
Approx Years/Months been playing at Moongamers: Only since this August, so 3+ months as of this post
Have you had any previous admining experience? (Yes/No): No in regards to being a gaming admin, however, I have had admin experience in many various internet communities.

I am always hesitant to boast about my character traits, especially in light of the already exemplary character proven by current the admin team, however I do recognize the necessity for a little extolling of my positive attributes and will therefore do my best to enlighten you while maintaining as much humility as possible.

First of all, I have plenty of experience with administrating, moderating, and just plain leading. I have been put in charge of numerous internet outlets such as forums, websites and even fantasy sports leagues: not to mention many leadership positions in the real world such as assistant manger, and project team leader. As with any post of authority, dealing with real humans with real issues always works its way into this digital universe we coexist in. As a leader, I have had much experience in dealing with hotheads, ignorant noobs and belligerent know-it-alls. One of the things I have prided myself on for years is my ability to keep cool under stress. For some reason (and this even applies to real life crises like deaths in the family), I have never been one to let my emotions get the better of me in a heated situation. Even in the face of personal insults and attacks, I can’t help but smile at immaturity where I’ve seen others who would lower to their level and respond with insults of their own.

Secondly, I deeply respect and admire the purpose and goals of MoonGamers. One of the reasons I found it easy to adopt MG as my BF42 home was because of the care and attention to rules and orderly play. You care about making the game maximally enjoyable and to accomplish that, you have established many rules and assigned respected individuals to enforce those rules. However, I am well aware that you need more of these individuals. As a frequent player, I have been in game many times when an admin is not present to enforce. As admins yourselves, this might not be a sight you see on a regular basis (unless smurfing in an adminless server is a frequent habit). It gets ugly. Players don’t even respond to their own teammates’ warnings and many regulars and frequent guests are left with a miserable, unfamiliar experience. It is my desire to bring to MoonGamers servers (particularly CQ since it is my estimation that it needs more attention), a level of authority and enforcement the regulars deserve and enjoy. It was my intention to wait until, if ever, I was chosen to be a reg before submitting this application. But all too often recently, I've been noticing unruly behavior in the absence of any admins present. It pains me to see any moongamer's match draw complaints from law abiding users and cause them to leave. I want to help keep the order.

I thank you for giving this application even the slightest consideration. My desire is for the purpose and goals of MoonGamers to be advanced and if my becoming an admin can in any way contribute to that, I would consider it an honor.

#89 Eärendil

Posted 11 December 2007 - 11:48 AM

Game Name: Captain John Miller/Eärendil
First Name: Pablo
Age: 16
Location: Mexico : )
Which server do you play, TDM or CQ?: CQ (i like to land on the beach)
How often and what times do you play: A lot while I'm on vacations, weekends, sometimes during the week....
Why should we make you an Admin?: Well, I'm very familiar with this WWII theme (I love history), what happened, the wapons, the factions, the battles (a bit useless but Its good to know stuff : ))

I love this game, and as an Admin I would help you guys run the server(s), I would promote team play, and try to make other players have fun (the very purpose of Moongamers) while following Moongamers rules.

Being Spanish my native language, I would help spanish/latin players having trouble, or moderate the ones that are insulting other players.

I think I would make a good admin, and I hope you consider this and know that I would love to be a part of this Moongamers community as an Admin : )

PS: If you wanna check out my profile: myspace.com/singingbridges

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#90 Eärendil

Posted 13 December 2007 - 03:29 PM

And well something else haha.

I know that everyone loves to play here (I've been playing here for more than 3 years, and i just got my account), and I know they are honest, and know Moongamers rules, the same goes for me.

But, as I'm trying to offer you my services, I think that knowing about the actual WWII, speaking Spanish and English, and to actually care about team play, are a few extras you might like.

And I would love to be a part of Moongamers Admin team.

I hope you read this........ : )

#91 no guts no glory

Posted 19 December 2007 - 08:26 PM

hi no guts no glory game name

i think its time i become an admin i played on moon long enough now i know the rules i respect the admins and they respect me 35 years old play all the time i know i will do a good job to make the server run smooth thank you

#92 CrazyMachine

Posted 31 December 2007 - 08:49 AM

I think most people already know me.
I play in both bf1942 servers and i love to play there.

I know i did some bad things in the past but i hope you guys forgive me for that and take the time to read this.
I hope i got the chance to be a jr admin to help moongamers against the rulebreakers and to bring the players there fun in the game (thats why we play this)
I had this a long time in my head to do and today a jr admin said i just had to do it.
i know the rules i got kicked a few times for some of them so i know what it is if you get kicked.
if you guys make me a admin im gonna warn the players and if they dont stop at all i kick them.
i always try to help new players on moongamers and i try to get them to the forum.
so i hope you guys take the time to read this

Greetz Marco

#93 sagittarii

Posted 05 January 2008 - 09:31 AM

I think most people already know me.
I play in both bf1942 servers and i love to play there.

I know i did some bad things in the past but i hope you guys forgive me for that and take the time to read this.
I hope i got the chance to be a jr admin to help moongamers against the rulebreakers and to bring the players there fun in the game (thats why we play this)
I had this a long time in my head to do and today a jr admin said i just had to do it.
i know the rules i got kicked a few times for some of them so i know what it is if you get kicked.
if you guys make me a admin im gonna warn the players and if they dont stop at all i kick them.
i always try to help new players on moongamers and i try to get them to the forum.
so i hope you guys take the time to read this

Greetz Marco

for example: owning me too much

good luck for your application, pls never kick me if u become admin :)

#94 Fitztroyer

Posted 08 January 2008 - 08:58 PM

This is ancient, so I edited to make it more accurate...

Game Name: Fitztroyer

First Name: Chris

Age: 16

Location: Boston, MA

Which server do you play, TDM or CQ?: Moongamers FF-off server

How often and what times do you play: I play frequently on weekends, rarely on weekdays. I play BF constantly on vacations.

Why should we make you an Admin?: I am very familiar with Moongamers rules, and I have been around here for a while now. I have a sense of how things work, and I would like to participate in giving people the best possible gaming experience here. When I first came here, I was very immature in some ways, but my understanding of the game as well as this community has grown quite a bit. I think that I am responsible, and that I would be able to admin fairly. Finally, I would be definitely willing to give up playing time to admin the server if it helps other people better enjoy their gaming experience. My experiences as a reg on BF1942 and BF2 have further enabled me to get to know the rules and people of MoonGamers, helping me better understand how an administrative role would have to be handled. Thanks for taking the time to consider this application.

#95 Doc_UK

Posted 09 January 2008 - 05:43 AM

Thank you for your applications folks, they are being read and discussions are occuring all the time.


Posted 09 January 2008 - 08:04 AM

I would like not to be a Moongamers Admin (even Jr). Thank you.


PS-Do I have to write a bad letter like all the others above and beg for an unpaid job ?If so please tell me

#97 Lin

Posted 09 January 2008 - 08:13 AM

No, you can just continue to be an ass and we'll even escort you to the door. Free.

#98 Wasabi®

Posted 09 January 2008 - 08:18 AM

I would like not to be a Moongamers Admin (even Jr). Thank you.


PS-Do I have to write a bad letter like all the others above and beg for an unpaid job ?If so please tell me

Why bother to post, then. Did we even ask you?


Posted 09 January 2008 - 10:58 AM

I would like not to be a Moongamers Admin (even Jr). Thank you.


PS-Do I have to write a bad letter like all the others above and beg for an unpaid job ?If so please tell me

Your attempt at being sarcastic borders on the line of being rude and disrespectful to what this post and community represents. DON'T PUSH YOUR LUCK!!

#100 Eärendil

Posted 09 January 2008 - 11:39 AM

Hahaha I'm actually having a heart attack because of you Mavok, never mind, I think we have a new Jim Carrey here in Moongamers.

I've been out of the servers because I was checking out WWII Vietnam Mod, anyway, Today I'm back and hope to see you all soon : )

I missed you guys, every other (vietnam) server is like uhmm

Catpain John Miller: Hi all, how are you doing, Im a noob here..

Player: Hi

Player 2: Hi, Cool

Player 3: Ass, shut the F... up, im trying to play here

Player 4: (something in German or an european language)

Player 5: German

I bought the WWII anthology and, well, I fell in love with the bayonet....

See you on the beach!

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