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Moon Servers

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#81 Oxnard Von Montoifo

Posted 05 May 2005 - 03:46 AM

Well, I got a cew compooter back in september '04 and I was dying to try it out online with a high end game, so I picked up BF. I begged and pleaded and finally got a DSL connection by October. I sucked pretty bad and so I just kept bouncing around from server to server. They were all inconsistent and inconvenient. One day I learned how to use the filter and looked for servers that had 'no password', 'populated', and 'punk buster enabled'. I went down the list and something just made me click join when I got to moon Omaha. It was I friday night and I got pwned for about 4 hours. I probably should have left but my exceptionally large amount of free time made me come back. I picked up some skillz pretty rapidly and by playing late night when the server was only half full, I got alot of practicing time that most never get.
One day I decided to go into TS and liked it alot. On Pearl Harbor day I registered on the forums. And after that, everything else is only a blurred memory.

#82 Lin

Posted 05 May 2005 - 03:54 AM

I remember, you were Mr. Persistent! Your first score wasn't great, but you weren't working at the time and were here every night for weeks. I remember shooting you a lot...then less...and even more less...and now I run from you. It's great watching a player gain more skill as time goes by instead of "finding" the "instant" skill that is so prevalent out there.

You don't come into TS much any more because it distracts you and you listen to your own music...but you need to know we still call out your name when we see you join the server. "Ox is here!"

Sure am glad you found us! ;)

#83 Assumed

Posted 05 May 2005 - 09:36 AM

i remember when badass penguin told me of bf1942 (it was around march of 2003)and he told me to get it so i got it. then he told me of some good servers and one of them was moon. my first score i got when i was medic was 4/6/45 :lol: i sucked but now i am alright ;) and hopefully i will still get better


#84 adinar

Posted 05 May 2005 - 10:28 AM

My journey to Moongamers Omaha started on a dark stormy night...or was it once upon a time? Heck...I don't remember. I got BF1942 a while back, probably at least over a year ago after reading about how it was Game of the Year, etc. I was desperately needing a new game & decided to see what the hype was all about. I guess I was curious what made a game so good that after a year or two, it still had so many dedicated players.

I played Singleplayer for a while until I got DSL, and then hit the multiplayer scene. Bounced around on different maps, and I must admit, Omaha Beach was one of my *least* favorites at the time! Played in a league last year which was my first exposure to using TS while playing - that was a blast! But after the league was over, there wasn't much interest in playing consistently so I started exploring again on my own.

Because of the league, I went from a complete noob (read: sucky player) to a bad, but improving player. I ended up at Moongamers Omaha while exploring one night and gave it another shot. And discovered this time that I liked it! One of the things I loved was that the game (with TDM) went on A LOT longer than conquest maps. And it had admins on around the clock who actually enforced the rules! Wow! The more I played, the more I recognized the regs. And when I found out that they had a TS server, and I was finally able to put voices to names, that sealed the deal.

Another redeeming quality of Moon IMO is that everyone is very accepting and welcoming of new players. I felt instantly at home when I first logged onto TS (or was that because of the soothing sound of Lin's voice? ;) Naah, it must have been DirtyRat's boisterous attitude. In any case, while I got the feeling that many of the players were familiar with each other (in fact, I thought LitUp & DirtyRat were friends IRL), I didn't feel excluded or like I was intruding into an established clique.

I play Moon Omaha almost exclusively now...and have no plans to go anywhere else! Thanks for making such a wonderful community everyone!

#85 Limpnoodle

Posted 05 May 2005 - 01:22 PM

Got drunk with the wife.

Wife passed out.

Looked for a different CS:S server.

Found this one.

Loved everyone here.

Left my old CS server.



#86 Enforcer

Posted 06 May 2005 - 01:16 PM

Well, again I say welcome to our servers. Please spread the word and get your friends here.

Where everybody knows your name..

#87 Rabbit

Posted 08 May 2005 - 05:51 PM

Lets see...
1. I bought the game
2. Downloaded the game
3. Started the game
3. Filled in the server for Populated, Pure, Punkbuster, Nonpassword, ping <100 and clicked the first one
Moon! :ph34r:

#88 pest control

Posted 08 May 2005 - 09:12 PM

what are you people sayin!!! there are other servers out there too??? :blink:

#89 @n@rchist

Posted 08 May 2005 - 10:24 PM

what are you people sayin!!! there are other servers out there too??? :blink:

What there are other servers.....OMG....*walk's off stunned....*

#90 Lin

Posted 07 December 2006 - 01:15 AM

Bump...for the new folks here.

#91 Rawzon

Posted 07 December 2006 - 10:36 AM

I just happend to be playing on moons oman server, i was flying around after an enemy jet who kept going to his carrier and while around the carrier the damn AA gun kept hitting me, now i knew that spawn rapping or attacking the uncap was forbidden by the rules, but the carrier AA was attacking me so i took it out thinking i wasnt staying there rapping the uncap, so i flew away to get the plane i was fighting with and i was banned. so i came on here and stated my case in the unban section and was greeted nicely.
So i later ended up playing SF on Moons server where i met juan (socal snakeeyes) and a few others, juan got me on TS and i've been here since.

#92 frank_the_tank11

Posted 07 December 2006 - 11:03 AM

I got the game and a computer last year. I didn't have a computer since 92' and I never played any games like this. I only tried CS on my friends computer, and didn't like the whole mouse thing. I started playing bf2 on my stock computer with my stock video card. I sucked so bad, and the lag was almost too much. I was always looking for servers with low ping. I started playing on a server called Shock and Awe, then I found Moongamers mostly warlord. I remember Playing with the Dirty rat and snakeyes and SOCiALkilla and playing with them made me better. Then I went and bought myself a new video card and now I think I'm doing much better and I'm still on moongamers, Because it's the best. The only time I go to a difffrent server is when moongamers is full, and even then I wait for a spot first.

#93 Hartley

Posted 07 December 2006 - 01:36 PM

My dad bought the game when some of his friends got it, and they played online together on their own server (at least till UT2004 came out). I loved to watch, but I was not allowed to play online. So my friend and I used to hook up BF42 on both PCs and set up LAN games on Battleaxe. But my sound was bad, I had some setting wrong (I found this out later). I played UT2004 with my dad and his buddies on their private server, until my dad got into some political arguments with them and we couldnt play with them anymore. By this point I was running right up there with my dad and his friend Tom (aka Comrade Ogilvy) on the scoreboards, and we were taking on Godlike bots (the highest level) and winning regularly. Then over the summer of '05, my grandpa loaded my PC with a Radeon 9250, 512 RAM, and a new mobo, along with XP pro. I figured, hey, Ill load BF42 again and see if it works. It worked, I found Moongamers. It was one of the few full servers that wasn't running DC or FH. I loved it. I saw something about the website, and I joined in mid-october. Soon after, I downloaded Teamspeak.. In November I was elected Reg.Soon after, I downloaded Teamspeak, and Ive been around ever since. Since then Ive upgraded to a gig of RAM, a Radeon 9550, and at Christmas '05, I got a joystick. At some point over the spring I got BF2 and COD2.

#94 Why Two Kay

Posted 07 December 2006 - 06:13 PM

You can read my how-I-joined-Moon on the first page, but that only covers my first arrival, so only BF1942.

As far as my intro into Moongamers CS:S, it was quite less eventful, in which I bought the game and played on the servers of the Moongamers, since Moongamers is where I was at. That was September 05.

#95 Agent Mulder

Posted 07 December 2006 - 06:29 PM

Bought the game when it first came out didn"t play it all that much untill june 06.Then i discovered moon and teamspeak and have been here since.

#96 Budgirl8

Posted 07 December 2006 - 06:36 PM

My son and husband kept after me about playing this game called Battlefield. I kept saying no, I didn't see anything fun about running around and trying to find someone to shoot. My son would get me on his game and I would always die because I don't have very good aim. lol So I really didn't like it. I used to get sooo mad cause they would stay on till 12:00 each night playing this game. I figured if I wanted to spend any time with them I would have to buy me a copy. So I did. I started playing but I still really didn't like it. Then came Battlefield 2 and Special Forces. I found the map warlord and I fell in love. lol I started going to speedygame server and played there for awhile. It would crash all the time and the people were out of control on it. I started searching and came across Moongamers Mostly Warlord and I fell in love again. lol Juan welcome me with open arms and kept after me about getting on ts. Everyone else welcomed me with open arms as well. I became involved in the forums. I am now a jr admin. :D I would have never thought eight months ago that I would like a game so much or be this involved with a community. I am the one now that gets in trouble for wanting to play this game sooooooooo much. Oh well, I can't help myself. :P

#97 WTBass

Posted 07 December 2006 - 07:13 PM

I was working probably 70-90 hours a week and found myself stressed and loosing weight. I was looking for a release from work as I would come home late in the evening but get right back on the computer and continuing to work. My wife found the BF1942 somewhere and bought it for me said why don’t you load this game and come home and play with it instead of working (she knows I love history/military channel). I have an old dell laptop (Pentium M) so I finally loaded it and played single user for a while running through the campaign. My favorite map was Omaha Beach and as everyone knows, the single user gets boring quick. So I patched it up and join the multiplayer ranks. I looked around for servers…moon had low ping but was always full and I ended up playing on other Omaha TDM’s but they were never close to being full…people were generally a-holes, and it wasn’t much fun. I jumped back down to single but that wasn’t fun…so I started looking around again and was able to get onto Moon TDM/Conquest. It was fun…people were fun and the admins were great (I don’t think the other actually had admin). Well of course I never went to the web site and never read the rules…and I sucked real bad. One night I jumped in a axis tank and went to the ramp but would get blown to bits very quickly. Soon after I decided to hang back a little and blast the beach (we all know what that is). The tank started doing weird things and I discovered a Tiger was humping me! Still unable to really play and read the chat (I was that bad)…I jumped out and finally figured out that I was being pretty much dog cussed (well deserved I might add) and I think I got kicked from the server! I then started reading the forums and rules and was very embarrassed.

The point is I began doing less work in my business at night and was actually having FUN on a computer for a change! I would leave work at a normal time just to come home and play. I found teamspeak…listened in and I too was struck by the :pix: as being a hell of a lady and soon realized that this was the place to be. I found that life is way too damn short…my wife had just landed a really great job and we decided that I should resign my portion in my business and I should take some time of and go to the beach as often as I wanted to and kill and be killed all I want! I quit my job, bought a gaming box which really helped with lag and other issues I experienced on the old dell laptop and was able to actually compete and have more fun!

I have gained my weight back (which I carry very well I might add) and I will hopefully start a new job/career (outside of IT) in January and hope I have found a place to hang out with a great group of people for a long time to come. Moon is directly responsible for all of this and I thank the Lord I found this place…if not I would probably be really dead by now! J Thanks for having me everyone!

#98 Comet

Posted 07 December 2006 - 07:50 PM

Wow, what a great story. Sounds like you're a very lucky man to have the wife you do. I see you bumped into one server pixie like most of us eh. How lucky we both are.

I find it facinating reading all these posts, so may backgrounds and stories to tell.

So nice to have you share the beach with us wtbass, your a fun player to be around...and damn good for an [OTC].

#99 Striker

Posted 07 December 2006 - 08:20 PM


The Story Begins:

Well back in about November 2004 I bought Battlefield 1942. The main reason I bought this game was because I am a history nut. Especially when it comes to World War II. Where'd I get this history nuttiness? My dad. I bought Battlefield 1942 because it was about my favorite war to study. I thought... I could play as the greatest generation! I could be my Grandpa in a sense. Get a sense of the action and horror of the war of our world. Well, I connected to my very first server. Hump'em and Dump'em... Well...uh....yeahhhh..... It was fun, but it was capped at 24 players. Of course I had always wanted to play Omaha Beach. D-Day was thee biggest thing on my list of history favorites...So I connected... My heart throbbed as I crossed the threshold of the top bunker over-looking the beach...IT WAS NOT WHAT I EXPECTED! I saw maybe 2 or three people running around on the beach.....uhhhh yeahhhhh i thought as I disconnected in a frenzy. That FING BLOWED. I couldn't grasp that.... what happened to the thousands of peopl landing on that beach? Hmmm, that must've been D-Day plus 200 or something.

So in disgust I searched some more, and in that bizarre twist of fate I stumbled upon a very large server, an Omaha only server... I thought well... at least they got one thing right, as i looked at the stats of this server. I scanned my eyes across the screen with hope. My eyes sparkled at the site of a huge 44 man server! And! IT WAS PRACTICALLY FULL! I immediatley connected, and found myself welcomed with open arms with many hellos, and welcomes to the greatest bf server I know and will ever know! MoonGamers!

HAHA! I was excited beyond relief! I started playing daily on the server! I learned the ways of the game, and found myslef looking at the server that had a website! (this was amazing to me.) I went there, and registered with the forum. With over 500 members I knew this forum and server was a big thing. (Me being #513.) I found out that this server was well-maintaned, and well-adminned. I had little knowledge of the forum use,a nd got off to a rocky start, but found a friend in Ryan (then 2kills) who helped me greatly. Being ever so patient with all of my questions I had for him. To this day I am grateful. I tried to get to know the 'Big Cheeses' of this place. Lin.... very nice and respectable in everything she'd do, Enforcer...Strict but forgiving and nice to talk to, Akooma... Wonderful all around, and a local. Capt. Squirrel... Simply Wonderful. Comet... Absolutely excellent.

The players themselves were all around good people,and I knew I had gotten a foot-hold into something special. I was hooked.

I had heard of these people called Regs. I knew they weren't like admins, but I also knew they were some sort of elite group of individuals, and I strived to become one. I followed every rule to the best of my ability, and ams till striving to achieve that goal I set for myself years ago. I just never told anyone really.

Well, what more can I say? This place has grown an enormous amount offering an even wider array ofd game servers to play on, half of which I do, and it just keeps getting better!

Long-Live Moon!


I still have the sig Ryan made for me too! I LOVE IT! Guess why my names STRIKER. <--Its spelled wrong form the movie i got it from... look at my sig really close like and i think youll find out!

#100 VetteDude

Posted 08 December 2006 - 03:40 PM

I still have the sig Ryan made for me too! I LOVE IT! Guess why my names STRIKER. <--Its spelled wrong form the movie i got it from... look at my sig really close like and i think youll find out!

They made a movie on Pascal's Wager? :blink: :D

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