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So you want to be a 1942 Admin? CD and Origin server

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#101 Luose

Posted 09 January 2008 - 11:54 AM

Edited: Please hide, Delete - thanks

#102 Eärendil

Posted 09 January 2008 - 12:11 PM

Who? Jim Carrey, Mavok, Or me : ( ??

Captain John Miller for admin... who knows hoho

#103 Hornet

Posted 09 January 2008 - 04:13 PM

I edited mine as well since it was over a year ago that I wrote it and it needed change.

Game Name: Hornet

First Name: Chris

Age: 18

Location: Tolland, Connecticut

Which server do you play, TDM or CQ?: Both frequently

How often and what times do you play: When at school I have loads of time between classes so the time I can be in varies from day to day. On vacation I'm in as much as possible

Why should we make you an Admin?:

I have been at moon 2 years in a few months and I know the rules very well. I am a general anti-rule breaking person in both game and real life as I just do not see the point in breaking rules set forth for the prevention of chaos in both a server and the world. Although I now possess other games like CS:S and DoD:S, my primary game is still Battlefield 1942 by far and it will always be fun for me to play. Some of you may have noticed that I occasionaly get frustrated when in game and I can assure all of you that I would never abuse admin powers no matter what mood I am in. If admining, I would have absolutely no concern for my KDR and would not have an issue with suiciding to find a rule breaker. I always am in the server pointing out the rule breakers to the admins and I think I would be a good candidate to become one. Thank you for taking the time to read this revised admin application.

Hornet -- Chris


Posted 09 January 2008 - 04:42 PM

Thanks for the update Hornet!!

#105 Luose

Posted 09 January 2008 - 07:09 PM

Hornet, Your 18!? :huh: thought you were well old :lol:

Spam, please hide, delete. Thanks

#106 MaYoRofSMACK

Posted 10 January 2008 - 03:23 AM

Game Name: MaYoRofSMACK

First Name: Ian

Age: 25

Location: Stoke-on-Trent, England

Which server do you play, TDM or CQ?: CQ

How often and what times do you play: 7am - 7pm (GMT) Somedays I can play for one hour, the next day I might play for ten hours, all depends whether i'm in a gaming mood or not.

Why should we make you an Admin?:

I have great knowledge of the game & have experience being an admin on servers previously. Ive played the game since the Wake demo. Ive also been an admin for the last four years or so on our own DC server. With DC not being as popular now (it's almost dead) I spend most of my time playing BF1942 on the MoonGamers CQ server & noticed this post whilst browsing the forums, so I thought i would offer to help out in keeping the Moon servers a great, fun place to play.
Having been an admin for a number of years, I would take very little 'training' in admin duties reagarding the RM, and welcome the chance to help others abide by your servers rules. A few of the Regs & Admins now know me, so i'm sure they can put in a good word for me (at least i hope so biggrin.gif )

Thankyou for your time,


#107 Doc_UK

Posted 10 January 2008 - 04:57 AM

Sweet, we're back on topic in this thread :pinkele:

Hornet's update and MaYoRofSMACK's post noted, and appreciated.

#108 Fitztroyer

Posted 10 January 2008 - 06:46 AM

Sweet, we're back on topic in this thread :pinkele:

Hornet's update and MaYoRofSMACK's post noted, and appreciated.

just curious if mine was noted or appreciated... :wasnt-me:

updated two days ago, but it got buried under piles of posts since then...just double checking it didnt escape notice

#109 Doc_UK

Posted 10 January 2008 - 07:27 AM

I already posted a "thanks" after your post silly :D

And your applicn was both noted and appreciated Fitz :coo: Its good to have you back buddy.

#110 Eärendil

Posted 10 January 2008 - 04:51 PM

I hope you guys read mine, i posted it in december, and well...

: ) I hope you appreciate it and hopefully noted

#111 Doc_UK

Posted 10 January 2008 - 06:38 PM

All applications get noted and are appreciated. Action may/may not occur for several reasons for all applicants. As a general rule the better the Snr Admin team know you the more we have to go on regarding suitability for the Admin role.

#112 Rapid Fire

Posted 11 January 2008 - 07:33 PM

Game Name: Rapid Fire
First Name: Brandon
Age: 16
Location: California
Which server do you play, TDM or CQ?: TDM mostly, but sometimes in CQ
How often and what times do you play: I play everyday and most of the time I am here, but my times on will very because of baseball and school.
Why should we make you an Admin?: I love playing here at moon. I know all the rules, and as far as I know no one dislikes me. I have had previous experience at admining and I know how to use almost all the equipment. I have been around for at least a year excluding my break a while back. Also I am very involved with TWL and often we are left with out an admin around to start up practice on the mod server.

Thank you,
Rapid Fire

#113 bonds...steriod bonds

Posted 15 January 2008 - 12:44 AM

Game Name: bonds...steriod bonds®
First Name: Justin
Age: 16 (well i will be in 11 days)
Location: California
Which server do you play, TDM or CQ?: I try to frequent both, but I would say I play a little bit more of TDM
How often and what times do you play: I try to play everyday that I can. I get home from school around 3 and I usually try to get on. I can play for a few hours or the rest of the night. On weekends if I get the computer before my sister I can play all day.
Why should we make you an Admin?: I have grown to love Moon more than I thought I could ever love something online. I have had experience being an admin. I know what is kick worthy, ban worthy, etc. I have been around Moon long enough to know that there are times that admins aren't available, and I feel that I could help fill those voids. In my opinion I am a fair respectable player and I would like to keep Moon the fair respectable server that it is, and will continue being.

Thanks for reading,

#114 sniper43

Posted 15 January 2008 - 08:14 PM

Game Name: C.S.A. Snipe®43

First Name: Jimmy

Age: 18

Location: Iowa

Which server do you play, TDM or CQ?: tdm mostly sometimes cq

How often and what times do you play:whenever i can

Why should we make you an Admin?:
ive been with moongamers since wags went down in mid 05
since then i have been with one other comuntiy and one clan where i was taught how to run the RM for bf42 and had left both to come back to moongamers to play bf
from that experience i am very skilled in the understanding and use of the RM for bf42
i dont talk much in game but im in ts all the time and most every one knows me well

C.S.A. Sniper43

#115 Smilinfatbuddha

Posted 20 January 2008 - 02:59 PM

Game Name:{DRX] Smilinfatbuddha
First Name: Zach
Which server do you play, TDM or CQ?: CQ
How often and what times do you play: Weekends, I dont really have a set time
Why should we make you an Admin?: I dunno, just thought it would be fun i guess.


Posted 25 January 2008 - 04:06 AM



Playing 1942-ff(tdm) latenight westcoast time and need admin powers to keep smacktards at at hand.people are harrassing other palyers and server. my first kick wiil be "mean joe green" who is ruining it for anyone coming in latenight.admin please check logs from past several days
thx hess

#117 Doc_UK

Posted 25 January 2008 - 06:41 AM

Thx for the applications folks :D

(Hessler, I just checked the logs and perm banned Mean Joe for racism)


Posted 26 January 2008 - 01:50 AM

Excellent news, thx DOC!

#119 miller

Posted 27 January 2008 - 03:49 PM

game name: miller

first name: Andrew



wich server do you play: mostly TDM

how often do you play: about every day after school from 3:30 - 8:45 ct

why do you think we should make you an admin? because im on every day, i love to play, and the biggest reason is because I want to make the game fair to everyone playing i hate when people don't follow the rules.

I might not know all the rules or how to enforce then but im willing to learn! and im on TS every time i play so i can ask the other admin if ones on ts to help me get the right call.

k i change some stuff

#120 Striker

Posted 29 January 2008 - 01:06 AM

Game Name:

First Name:



Which server do you play, TDM or CQ?:
I play mostly on the CQ server, but do venture over to the TDM server from time to time.

How often and what times do you play:
I play pretty much in the later evenings after school and work. If I am on during the day, it is due to the fact that there is no school or work for that given day. For the most part, the times seem consistent to being from EST 9PM - possibly 2AM.

Why should we make you an admin?:
Well... I've been here for quite some time now, I know I haven't been playing the games very much until just recently, life had it's nose poking into my business, so I wasn't on as much as I would've liked. I've stayed active in the forums for my lack of playing in-game, and I've come to know, and understand many of the admins in quite the broad range of games MoonGamers had once, and still provide my enjoyment for. Even though some of the games have dwindled, and some of the servers re-assigned. I felt it was time to get back to my roots as a player and dust off the old BF1942 cd's. So, here I am again. Ripe, and willing to participate wholly in this community once more. I think I'll be a good admin for the servers because the knowledge I've acquired over the almost 3 years of participation in this community should well surpass the qualifying standards here. Have high expectations for me!

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