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Moon Servers

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#101 Striker

Posted 08 December 2006 - 04:13 PM

I still have the sig Ryan made for me too! I LOVE IT! Guess why my names STRIKER. <--Its spelled wrong form the movie i got it from... look at my sig really close like and i think youll find out!

They made a movie on Pascal's Wager? :blink: :D

<_< no! :P its from: 'The Sands of Iwo Jima' starring John Wayne... the man in my sig.

#102 dodgem

Posted 08 December 2006 - 06:59 PM

I originally played bf Vietnam because my friend forced me to buy it to play it online with him. When i did get Vietnam, we made arrangements to play online during the holidays, but he started playing another game lol. I didn't even have broadband at this point, so I was getting kicked for high ping after 10-20 mins on a server. Got broadband, and started having lag problems. My graphics card isn't good enough to play Vietnam properly.
Then one of my other friends who was a battlefield fan told me he thought 1942 was better than Vietnam. So i bought it around the time moons was founded, and played on his favourite server for a while. Then he left my school suddenly, and I wanted to try some other maps...I remember seeing WAGS in the server list so that might give me a better idea of the date I joined. I also played on BUGS and got banned from there, can't remember what for. Moon was the only other one which i could get onto which was playing Omaha 24/7, so I got on. I didn't like the map at first, but I wanted to play something different from the other maps I had played. I also had seen Saving Private Ryan and wanted to run the beach :D I began to like the map and the people. I got kicked a few times, maybe a short ban too, can't remember. But it was for advertising a website (nothing gaming related, but still rightly kicked). Talked to someone called Hootz lol. Didn't know who "he" (I presumed it was a guy) was. Hootz invited me to the forums and TS, but I never really thought I would enjoy either. I didn't see Hootz for a long time, so I asked in game "what happened to Hootz?", and I got a reply from Lin :rofl: which was a bit embarrassing.
Everyone was kicking my ass when I first started, but I stuck around with Mawa, learned some of his tricks and driving skills, and got better quite quickly.
Eventually I got onto the forums in Feb 2006 because BigBadBass asked me to play for his team in a tourney, and I needed to know what was going on. I signed up, got teamspeak, got a headset and started getting to know the people behind the unshaven soldiers....some of the people I knew by name surprised me more than others when I heard them on TS, pigpen and lin for starters :D .....and all this lead to me being approved for Reg =) :grphug: Thanks
Then I was asked to admin, then TDM died during my gaming hours, so I started playing CQ. I rarely get to play TDM any more, since it means staying up until 2-3am. But I will make time for it soon, on one of the SW/RtoR nights.

I miss a lot of people. I could list names, but I've done that elsewhere.

Edited: 14/10/08

#103 VetteDude

Posted 08 December 2006 - 07:22 PM

I still have the sig Ryan made for me too! I LOVE IT! Guess why my names STRIKER. <--Its spelled wrong form the movie i got it from... look at my sig really close like and i think youll find out!

They made a movie on Pascal's Wager? :blink: :D

<_< no! :P its from: 'The Sands of Iwo Jima' starring John Wayne... the man in my sig.

I knew I would guess the wrong one :lol:

#104 General Ferra

Posted 08 December 2006 - 07:32 PM

I first started playing games on my computer when Wendy was working at Circuit city in 2004. She bought me the game for Christmas. It did not work on the Internet right out of the box. So we played on our home network. We liked the Omaha Map the best and played against the bots. I was always frustrated because I couldn’t beat them to the boat, and I wanted to try it (if you’ve ever wondered why I like the boat so much). In the summer of 2005 Wendy moved into her own apartment. and I got tired of playing alone, so I researched the online part of the game and found that I needed to download updates to get it to work online. I got it to work online and I wanted to try the boat in Omaha, alas “moongamers Omaha “. I fell in love with the boat, at first Buckwheat and Wasabi would sink and kill me with the Defguns, then I got better. I had been playing for months and still did not know how to use the game chat part of the game, Wendy began playing online with me when she came over to visit. She also downloaded Teamspeak and began making friends. She told me to do the same and I did.
I have had so much fun since I did.

#105 roland

Posted 08 December 2006 - 10:13 PM

Truth be told I think I started playing here after my old sever texas-shootout.net shut down was playing CS there started playing cs here then came bf2 now 2142 I get horrible lag on cs now not sure why. eh but anyways All roads lead to moon.

#106 Rabbit

Posted 08 December 2006 - 11:24 PM

I was banned, and I was irritated so I complained in the forums...

#107 Darkwing_X

Posted 09 December 2006 - 01:26 AM

My entry to moon was a bit different.It was a year ago during november i think

I was an admin on another server and so was Noir who was an admin of the server i was on, and Wags also although I had no idea what that was. As soon as the FMG takeover of wag I checked it out I played over there a bit..never really liked it and seems that alot of others didn't so one day Noir mentioned lots of them were moving themselves to moongamers. One day I checked it out on a TDM mapnight, I got to try out the parachute mod. I was a bit bored at first and then Lin warned this person about using the tag for core when they weren't so I said hello to Lin and we talked a little on TDM. After an hour or so I popped onto TS and was greeted by quite a few people. I had lots of fun on TDM with all the cool people of moon and My last big time on moons really was a New years thing. I started playing on the other server I admin more but I never forgot Moon. I came a few months later with Counter Strike: Source and I began playing on different servers then I found the moon CS:S server and I'm on that quite a bit nowadays.

Dang now i feel like popping on BF1942's moon servers lol.

Anyways I'm glad I found a good server that plays alot of different games.

#108 AnonymousFlash

Posted 09 December 2006 - 09:11 AM

Uggh...my story=long <_<

So, back in 2003, I got BF1942 for my birthday.(Actually it was my dad's present but he didn't like it lol) So, I played around for bit and pwnt some bots, but I didn't have broadband yet. After lots of begging, and a timely extra slow period for our dial up, I convinced teh folks to get cable internet. For about a month, I just played at random servers, and one day I came to Wags Moon Grav server. Being the noob i was, I didn't actually read the server title, and when I jumped, I was like, "WTF is with the gravity!?" So, then everyone yelled at me to read the title, and I was like oh....So I played around there and found that I really liked playing low gravity, and I stuck around, befriending Rand Al Thor, Silverstreak, and others who are in places unknown to me now like, DIE FOOL, Vash the Stampede,Snoosh2Danoosh, and others.(probably no one but Rand remembers these, looooooong time ago) Anyway, we all played around then when Wags had practically no rules, and everyone used the extra jumping ability to glitch, but then I did something stupid. I got some new games including BFV for my birthday. I left. :wtf: I played other games for a long time. Finally, I came back to Wags in the fall of 2004, for I had promised that I would drop back in and say hi. To my dismay, I found that the Moon Grav server had gone, and just the regular grav server remained. Also, I found none of my old pals except Rand. But then, I saw the wagoogee.com advertisement in the server. I went and much to my surprise, I found that Wagoogee had turned into an entire community. I joined the forums and kept playing and playing, and eventually became a Wagular. But then, that one sad summer morning, I saw the article at wagoogee.com that the servers were shutting down. A spark of hope shot through me when I realized that all wasn't lost, and that most of the community was moving/turning into FMG. I played around there, but I was saddened that FMG bf1942 servers weren't nearly as popular as Wags were, and that the whole community was more a BF2 community. Eventually, I joined the BF2 bandwagon, and started playing on the FMG bf2 servers. I played there and had a good time, actually got on TS a couple times(for those who don't know me, that never happens lol) But I didn't feel the friendliness like Wags used to have. When I heard about the unhappiness/unease of some of the admins and players, I shrugged it off. I thought that it was just a small dispute, and nothing would come of it. But then, that one forum topic exploded. Everyone was saying that they were leaving. I was upset. I wouldn't leave the place that so quickly took us in after our favorite server went down. I stuck around for a while, but less and less of my old Wagoogee friends were in game. I fell into a BF slump, and began playing other games like, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2. Finally, around September of 05, I came to the moon BF1942 servers.(I remember posting in the forums saying that I was here and DT saying WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!? :D ) Being more a conquest man, I played there and saw tons of my old friends. I saw what great adminning there was, and I saw that the server had the same friendly spirited nature as Wags did. I got on every single time that I could. Finally in April 06, I grew tired of owning the beach time and time again. However, I didn't want to leave. So, I did the only thing that I could: Buy CSS. :D And thats what got me here today.
Thanks Moon, for being my home! ^_^

#109 dodgem

Posted 09 December 2006 - 09:32 AM

We liked the Omaha Map the best and played against the bots. I was always frustrated because I couldn’t beat them to the boat, and I wanted to try it (if you’ve ever wondered why I like the boat so much).

You know you can just continually press E when a bot is in a vehicle, and eventually he will get out and you can jump in lol. So it doesnt really matter if they beat you to it. What is annoying is when they all jack the higgins' and drive off before you can jump in <_<

#110 WhiteHat

Posted 14 December 2006 - 05:24 PM

I found MoonGamers Source a while back (3+ years?) when I was searching for servers to play on when I found the 52 or so slot server running zombie mod. I played on it A LOT, and then a while later it was decided that the ZM server would be shut down and I was very sad to see it go. I didn't play on the normal server to much and eventualy I forgot about it.

After that I was sorta on an off it for a bit favouring custom map servers such as surf only. But when the new radar was released the server I played on all the time got screwed over with broken admin plugins. It has since never come back so now I play here pretty much exclusively.

And that's my story of how I found this great community.

#111 Why Two Kay

Posted 14 December 2006 - 06:01 PM

I found MoonGamers Source a while back (3+ years?)

About a year and a half for you.... since we haven't been here 3 years yet.

#112 Fulcrum

Posted 14 December 2006 - 06:10 PM

I did a search for a karkand server and I joined moongamers because it wasn't full at the time. I joined a squad with Sinyukov, Glennwood and Serge. They gave me a warm welcome and since then, MG was my home.

#113 WhiteHat

Posted 15 December 2006 - 03:51 PM

I found MoonGamers Source a while back (3+ years?)

About a year and a half for you.... since we haven't been here 3 years yet.

Only a year and a half? Hmm I could have sworn it was a lot longer than that.

#114 ~?~The Canadian

Posted 23 December 2006 - 06:49 PM

Went out to buy a secret santa gift for school, bought the gift, and ended up buying BF1942 for myself. :P

#115 Bacon

Posted 25 December 2006 - 08:19 AM

I was looking for a server that was not Dust2 or Office and found this one that was playing a mysterious map (at least to me at the time) called Piranesi and it had 40some people in it. I came back the next night and an admin moved everyone in the server to another better server...and you all know everything after that.

#116 LuigiBrotha

Posted 26 December 2006 - 04:01 AM

A long long time ago in a country far far from here ... A certain Mr. L. Brotha went looking for a gift for himself. His parents were on vacation and he had to do something usefull with this spare time when he was alone. So he bought Battlefield 1942 for his pc. He installed the game and tried the singleplayer version. After realising it was the SuXoRz he went online to see how the gaming experience was over there. He found it to be a lot more plesent even though he got slapped around the house quiet a few times. Soon he saw this message pop up about "Teamspeak". He downloaded it and that was what kept him true to this server till this day :D

#117 Plinko

Posted 26 December 2006 - 04:57 PM

You all have such interesting stories, mine seems kinda boring.

I was just starting online gaming, and CS:S was my first online fps. I just hopped from server to server, looking for ones with lots of people who were nice and not awp whores. Somehow I landed in moon, and added it to my favorites. It took quite a while for me to work up the guts to join ts, but it was worth it. Moongamers kicks ass!

#118 VoDeN

Posted 30 December 2006 - 12:43 PM

well I came across moon because like rabbit i was banned from bugs for language so I came here and complained and well im here now and i have changed a bunch and I havent been banned sense and im member #594 so ive been here a long time man good memories :)

#119 Jac3624

Posted 30 December 2006 - 01:52 PM

I ended up on "mostly Oman" because I was looking for a 64 player server where the ppl weren't complete jerks. That's when i found that server started playing and notice that the ppl there are rather nice. I'm still not that good and I have noticed that some ppl get mad when I take a plane or attack chopper, but other then that I find that most ppl just don't care about piddly things like that. On another server I saw some guy TK for the chopper and the last time, before he got kicked, he blew up the chopper because 2 ppl got into it.

That has never happened to me on this server.

I also like the rules, that give ppl a chance to do something before they die. That's the other reason I like this server.

Thank you for having such a great BF2 server!


Posted 30 December 2006 - 04:01 PM

Was left in the void after wags ended, floating from community to community, none of them being really good. Ended up stuck at FMG with most of the old wags till they decided to split off and come here. Then Perfectsilence e-mailed me and invited me here (much to your detriment :P ). And the rest, well that's all history.

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