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Moon Servers

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#141 Copet

Posted 14 January 2007 - 09:39 AM

I don't really remember how I ended up here. I don't even remember whether I played BF2 or CS:S first :/ Glad I'm here though.

#142 Chris

Posted 14 January 2007 - 07:13 PM

Used to play at BUGS but they said they were shutting down so I asked what other servers there were and somebody mentioned Moongamers. I checked out the forums and really liked them so I played on the servers and really liked them too. Been playing here ever since.

#143 Phantom~*DS*~

Posted 15 January 2007 - 01:20 PM

I've been playing BF2 since release and was accepted into a buddy's squad (~*DS*~ Delta Soldiers) a few months afterward. We hopped around a few TWL ladders and eventually settled into Special Forces 5v5 Infantry Only, where we reached the #1 spot, which we held until deciding to pull out of the ladder as most of our members were losing interest in BF2 (this was around September of '06). Since we were having trouble finding a new game to replace BF2, many members went semi-inactive, remaining active on the forums but not playing much.

Without a consistent group of mates to play with, I spent the next few weeks hopping servers, unable to find one I really enjoyed, until I discovered Moongamers Mostly Oman. I was happy to find that it had a solid ruleset, good server settings (autobalance, FF, etc.), and ever-watchful admins... one of them being my jolly British buddy Spike, to my surprise, who I've known since he was accepted into ~*DS*~ around the end of '05. I knew right away that this server was going to be one of my favorites, then I saw a server message giving the TS IP, which I quickly pounced upon (I was desperate for some teamplay). There I met more admins and Regs, and I've been frequenting it and Moongamers Mostly Oman ever since. :]

#144 Paddleball

Posted 15 January 2007 - 10:00 PM

I bought the game Battlefield 1942 about a month after it was released.

I played this server and that server, '42 was the best game on the market at the time (Ah, the glory days).

I remember playing Moder's Omaha Beach, which is (I think) where Moon came from.

I quit playing the game on windows, and in January 2006 I bought the game for Mac, and gradually after playing on a 24/7 El Alamein server that basically sucked, I found Moongamers, and was very pleased with the quality and support.

I remember logging into TS, being heartily introduced by Lin, and I have played ever since with the great folks here.

#145 Shokkwave

Posted 03 February 2007 - 08:57 PM

I was in an old community with FMFDOC, and he pointed out a link to this site for a good place to do some BF2 as they recently took down their server for lack of population. I checked out the forums, and saw all the games they had that I had, and decided to try joinin...

s' awesome!

#146 Oblivious Tom

Posted 03 February 2007 - 10:25 PM

i bought BF 1942 the day the gold pack came out... cheap bastard i am... :wasnt-me:

played single player, it sucked, was having internet trouble, blew out 12 network cards before i fixed it... so i dropped the game for a while.. played some RTS games, then dug up Bf1942 when those wore out...

played random severs, found on i likes, played there for about a month, got banned for two tk's.. for six frigging months...

found moongamers and played CQ omaha for several months.. got to know people, then one day afternoon delight brought up joining.. hmmm, never considered... so, i got on the next day and joined...

my life is defined by spur of the moment desicions like that... sometimes it gets me in trouble, but this time it worked out... :pinkele:

#147 Irviding

Posted 13 February 2007 - 08:44 PM

Well I had first started at Oman because my brother told me moon oman was the best I got tired of being bombed all the time, so I tried Karkand, I soon got tired of the low presenece of ADMINS on when I played and all the armor camping and the grenade spamming.. So I came to the SF server and that is my favorite place to be. Ton's of nice admins and regulars there and I have a great time every game.

#148 Donovan for TD

Posted 13 February 2007 - 10:45 PM


#149 mike080697

Posted 16 February 2007 - 05:48 PM

I got started with moongamers after my wife gave me bf2 for my birthday. I wasn't much into gaming but my kids are, my youngest (9yrs old) has a muscle disorder in his legs and is in a wheelchair. Gaming on the PC was a great way for him to interact with his brother and sister. We had many LAN parties at home and he beat all of us. My wife is a computer nut and she built gaming rigs for all of us. I jumped on the Moongamer's server 1st because of the low ping. I wanted to see what online gaming was all about. I have now become totally addicted. I play as much as I can get away with, which is usually Fri and Sat nights only. I seen the Moongamers website address when I launched the game, stopped by, and the rest is history! :lol:

#150 Kkookie

Posted 22 February 2007 - 08:25 PM

I think I stumbled into Moon Omaha a few times back when I played 42, but I never really got into it. My map was Wake, not omaha. To be honest I couldn't stand omaha.

Then I heard about BF2, and quickly got the demo, the hour it was released. I'm a little embarrassed but I probably played for more than 12 hours straight. mind on my money I usually do that the first time I play a really good game like bf2 and 1942. Anyway, I got the game when it came out and began playing with the community I'd been playing with since 42, TeamFHA (now Laid Back Crew.) The problem was, I was beginning to dislike them more and more, because some of them could be real hardheads. So I began branching out a bit more, visiting various servers, but being unable to find another BF2 "community." Then my neighbor -=Shotgun-Stanly=- found MoonGamers and told me about it. The name was familiar since I'd seen it in 42. I got on teamspeak and the first thing I heard was Lin's smooth voice followed by a people laughing. You see that by itself was very inviting, especially compared to TeamFHA when the first I heard was "son of a bitch, that asshat is gone."
When I got on Oman, the first thing I remember thinking was: "These rules are stupid." At that point I could've cared less what the rules were and had no intentions of following them. Here's a quote from shotgun about me from a long while back:

To Whom It may Concern;

I was on 12/24/05 (Christmas Eve) and me and my long time friend (9+ years) Kkookie were playing. He thinks because were on teamspeak that he plays the oman sever the way he would like to. I gave him alittle trouble because he was "praising" a good, but cheating plane pilot. Then he makes the I don't care statement and then flyies the AH-1Z to the MEC bases and rakes up 6 kills from the (I would say fools) *people* waiting for the one SU-34.

I knew he knows the rules, I also knew he was blatently breaking them and because he's on teamspeak dose not expemt him, even if he were an admin it wouldnt exempt him. I had to play snitch and get Firestorm to kick him because he did not fairly earn those 12 points from the *people* waiting for the plane.

Shotgun Stanly

I think I changed my mind about the rules after that. That's when I really came to love MoonGamers. It's hard to think, that the very community which I thought had stupid rules would pull me all the way in and eventually make be a reg and then an admin. It's been a wonderful journey and I am honored to have been a part of MoonGamers.

#151 rpg711

Posted 16 March 2007 - 02:34 PM

well, it was an ordinary day of gaming for me... i just used the server search at the time
the lowest ping and fullest oman server was moon server...so i joined it
in no time after some chatting with budman he sent me the ip to teamspeak...
the journey BEGINS on the road of moon greatness :cowdance:

#152 xdoublex

Posted 07 May 2007 - 06:24 PM

Well how i got to moon servers. I was over at a friends house back in 2004 and he toled me about bf1942 i was interested so he showed me the game and i instantly fell in love with omaha. It was my first map i played over at his house. I played prety much the whole time i was at my friends house. Then i came home and was looking at my pc and see if it could take the game and sher anough it couldent. But i updated graphix card and a bunch of other stuff and i finnaly bough the game in late 2004 and havent stoped playing it sence. I loved omaha and its the one map that never gets old to me. I eventually signed up on website about year ago(last august) and its been a pleasure here.

C-ya on beach ladies and Gentlemen

#153 DallasTX

Posted 22 May 2007 - 04:41 PM

I worked with Lin for a bit at Wolfservers.com and played a few times on the Moon servers. Seemed like very similar goals and ambitions so far as behavior and admin rules as Wolfgaming.net, so thought I would come over and give it a try. I'm not currently playing any FPS games (stuck in Voyage Century land for the time being) but when the next one comes out, I'll be looking for a new place to play.


#154 mike080697

Posted 22 May 2007 - 05:03 PM

Hi DallasTX, welcome to the forum. I've been playing BF2 Special Forces and Day of Defeat, tons O' fun here at Moongamers :D

#155 Lin

Posted 22 May 2007 - 08:52 PM


Crikey, you know you're getting old when something (like a NAME) rings a bell...and you don't hear it!

Welcome to MoonGamers!! :)

#156 MXsoBx

Posted 22 May 2007 - 10:05 PM

My story

It started when man/women well maybe not a women :/ created the first Console game .. Pong
You know the Red one from there I upgraded several times starting with a Colour TV.
I upgraded to Atari then it was Nintendo , PlayStation and then got my first PC - DX 386 where I
played Doom. I finally bought a new system and got this thing called
the " Internet " , I bought a 486 and played Duke Nukem then upgraded to PIII 500 mhz
with a ATI rage vid card and with mad machine I played Soldier of Fortune and Kingpin.
I played Kingpin alot until SOF2 came out and it ran like poop on my PIII so I upgraded again to a
AMD XP 1800 or something played SOF2 and Q3 , I found that Q3 was to fast and played SOF2 to death.
I havent mention that I never played on line very much because I only had dial up and that was Poop.
All I could play was Kingpin .. yes I install KP on all my computers LoL . I play mostly on
DaPlayGround server KPFOREVER ! We had clans and played " Bagman " & Deathmatches, it was pretty fun stuff.
Then people modded that game it used the same game engine as SOF2 and KP , they made maps , skins and models.
I upgraded again to a AMD 2700 and things change again MoH , COD , BF1942 , BF DC , Half Life , UT .
I heard that there are going to be some sweet " eyecandy" games coming out FarCry , Doom3 , Q4. UT 04
of course I had to upgrade again .. AMD 3700 2 gig ram Audigy SC Ati 9800 pro 19" NEC monitor and a copy of XP.
I had bought all those games and few others but as far as BF1942 I never was a big fan , it totally didn't feel like my
SOF2 and I still lack in the most important thing a internet contection. The only time I could play those games like BF1942
is when I when or Mofo's house . I got owned , pwnd and all those other thing they called it and realy took a disliking to
BF. I then bought BF2 and SF only to follow suit with my buddies but still couldnt play on line. I had a quest to start writing
to Cable companies and Phone companies to get these hi-speed internet out in my area but with not sucess.
Until a year later my Neighbour start a Internet business called Xplornet and at first it was Poop.
I just complained for a few months but not to my neighbour because that was beyond his control.
Finally my speeds improved and started playing online but I couldnt disside where to play , I never had that kind of choice
before and there was so many too eh. So I asked Mofo ... Mofo ? where do you play at ? he replied: Moongamers
I said : ok there are so many how can I find it . He said type Moongamers in the server " Thingy " dumbass .
I said ok and the rest is history.

#157 Leeham

Posted 25 May 2007 - 12:01 PM

Just remembered last night:

I was looking for a BF2 server that had a TS server also, because I really got into squad play and had just started using my new microphone. I googled a few key words and ended up on the Oman server. Simple story really.

#158 cheap-o-killer

Posted 27 May 2007 - 02:30 PM

I have had bf2 since it came out, but no internet on my gaming computer untill may '06. then it was the mad scramble of which server had voip spawncamping allowed etc. and im proud to say i have been here for 1 full year coming up. =] i remember when i came into ts as well latthen told me the ip and him juan and my self were on late that night. jeez i need to remember key things like what i did with my wallet not how i came into ts...

#159 kllaus jr

Posted 27 May 2007 - 10:28 PM

ONce upn a time.....

Me and my dad found a game that we both loved and were descent at it. We wanted to find a server where there was always a lot of people and always havin a good time. So we found a place called Wagoogees. We were havin a wonderful time, so after about a couple months we decided to get on teamspeak to get to know some people. One of the people that we got to meet really well was Noir. She was awesome and still is today. After you know that place kind of fell apart because of some peoples behavior and attitude, there was a split off from some of the Wagogees people and they came to moon. Some people were Noir and OCS Ghost. We kind of followed them here with the server Moongamer Omaha CQ and loved it. SSSSOOOO therefore, me and my dad stayed and got along mighty fine with the people of moon. The 2 years were awesome. Woot!

And that's how i got here

#160 The_Curley

Posted 01 June 2007 - 07:30 PM

Well I was an Omaha addict. What was there back then... Wags, Moders, Bugs and Moons. Well shortly after I started really getting into it, I had to deploy to the Middle fun East. And I got back and Moons was still stuck in my head lol. Just a group of awesome people, great civil admins and rules tweaked to perfection over time. That and a few old players that also loved moons that I worked with...anyone remember some LitUp or the Yendernator!? Lol Oh yeah and Moons was always seeded for this former night owl

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