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Death of a MacBook…

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#1 MidgetWithaSpork

Posted 12 July 2022 - 12:49 PM

My 11-year-old MacBook Pro seems to have died this afternoon. I figured it had to happen sometime. I haven’t had a Windows machine in 12 years and have been running the old version of the Mac OS (snow leopard?) that would allow playing the Mac version of battlefield 1942.  Does anyone know if it is at all possible to get BF 42  running on one of the new Macs with the M1 or M2 chips?  Or will I have to purchase a Windows machine in order to play? If I have to go this route I think I would prefer some sort of laptop that could be put away in a desk drawer when not in use. I will have to get a replacement Mac regardless as our household is set up in the ecosystem. 

thanks for any help and suggestions…

#2 Wasabi®

Posted 12 July 2022 - 02:12 PM

The newest Macs don't support Boot Camp so you will need to run Windows 10 off of Parallels and download the Abandonware BF1942. Given how old BF1942 is and the low hardware requirements there's a good chance it'll work fine but I don't have a Mac so I can't confirm. 


Windows option: For modern games you want a gaming laptop with a RTX 3060 or higher, but if you only plan on playing BF1942 then you can go with pretty much anything. I personally have a Maingear laptop with a 2070 Super in it, it's a decent backup machine and is way overpowered for 1942 but I also play more modern games e.g. when traveling. 

#3 MidgetWithaSpork

Posted 12 July 2022 - 04:14 PM

Thanks Noobsabi!  I found a 2016 MacBook Pro lying around that my wife abandoned for her new laptop. I’m working on getting parallels set up on it with windows to see how that goes. I think I’m just going to order a new Mac to be our primary computer if this works well. I figure if this runs it in parallels OK an M1 Max or M2 Mac will do even better.  I’m assuming I can find the abandonware version here on moongamers.com. 

#4 MidgetWithaSpork

Posted 12 July 2022 - 05:02 PM

I got Parallels, windows 10, BF 1942, RTR, SW, and the patch installed.  When I click on the BF42 icon it freezes in a black screen and I have to alt-f4 to get back to the parallels desktop.  Tried to see if I could change anything in windows about the way BF runs, but wasn't successful.  I'm out of time for this today, but would appreciate any suggestions.  Maybe Nubscar could chime in?  He is a Mac user AND most importantly a zooker.

#5 Wasabi®

Posted 12 July 2022 - 05:35 PM

I got Parallels, windows 10, BF 1942, RTR, SW, and the patch installed.  When I click on the BF42 icon it freezes in a black screen and I have to alt-f4 to get back to the parallels desktop.  Tried to see if I could change anything in windows about the way BF runs, but wasn't successful.  I'm out of time for this today, but would appreciate any suggestions.  Maybe Nubscar could chime in?  He is a Mac user AND most importantly a zooker.

Did you set BF1942 to run in Windows XP (SP3) compatibility mode and also Run as Administrator?

#6 Nicole

Posted 12 July 2022 - 05:38 PM

I got Parallels, windows 10, BF 1942, RTR, SW, and the patch installed.  When I click on the BF42 icon it freezes in a black screen and I have to alt-f4 to get back to the parallels desktop.  Tried to see if I could change anything in windows about the way BF runs, but wasn't successful.  I'm out of time for this today, but would appreciate any suggestions.  Maybe Nubscar could chime in?  He is a Mac user AND most importantly a zooker.


You may also need to enable/install Direct Play on your Windows install if it is not already present.

Normally BF1942 automatically triggers a Windows prompt to install Direct Play.  However, it does not prompt you then the link below will be helpful in enabling Direct Play.


#7 Wasabi®

Posted 12 July 2022 - 05:45 PM

Yes, I forgot about that ^^ 

#8 MidgetWithaSpork

Posted 13 July 2022 - 09:44 AM

Thanks Noobsabi and Riddick! I was able to join the server but now I have to get an adapter for my mouse. It appear to run just fine on this 2016 MacBook Pro with parallels.

#9 Nicole

Posted 13 July 2022 - 02:46 PM

Thanks Noobsabi and Riddick! I was able to join the server but now I have to get an adapter for my mouse. It appear to run just fine on this 2016 MacBook Pro with parallels.

You're welcome.  I'm glad to hear that you are back up and running now.  See you on the battlefield. :transport:

#10 MidgetWithaSpork

Posted 18 July 2022 - 03:43 PM

This Janky 2016 MacBook Pro that belonged to my wife has a 2.9 GHz dual core Intel core i5 processor with eight gigs of ram and an Intel iris graphics 550 with 1536 mb. I’ve managed to get parallels & windows 10 and the game running and have been in the server some. There are keys that keep falling off the keyboard so I ordered a new keyboard. I am experiencing a good bit of lag in the game which I hope is from connecting via Wi-Fi. I have also ordered a ethernet to usb c Adapter which I hope will alleviate the lag. Was wondering if anyone could chime in regarding whether or not the lag could be caused by the computer not being fast enough to handle parallels and battlefield 42. Or is it more likely that it is because of the Wi-Fi connection and BF42 not being optimized for Wi-Fi. Maybe Nubscar J could comment.

#11 Nicole

Posted 18 July 2022 - 04:17 PM

The specs of the MacBook Pro should meet the requirements for playing BF1942.

Have you tried running Windows 10 in Boot Camp rather than using Parallels?
Below is the Apple support article with instructions for installing Windows 10 using Boot Camp.

Here is a Reddit post that compares Boot Camp to Parallels.

This Reddit post discusses playing BF1942 on macOS and most of the replies seem to recommend Boot Camp.

#12 Wasabi®

Posted 18 July 2022 - 06:38 PM

This Janky 2016 MacBook Pro that belonged to my wife has a 2.9 GHz dual core Intel core i5 processor with eight gigs of ram and an Intel iris graphics 550 with 1536 mb. I’ve managed to get parallels & windows 10 and the game running and have been in the server some. There are keys that keep falling off the keyboard so I ordered a new keyboard. I am experiencing a good bit of lag in the game which I hope is from connecting via Wi-Fi. I have also ordered a ethernet to usb c Adapter which I hope will alleviate the lag. Was wondering if anyone could chime in regarding whether or not the lag could be caused by the computer not being fast enough to handle parallels and battlefield 42. Or is it more likely that it is because of the Wi-Fi connection and BF42 not being optimized for Wi-Fi. Maybe Nubscar J could comment.


Most likely from using WiFi. BF1942 being as old as it is doesn't run well on WiFi. I tried a few times but it was basically unplayable, and I had to get a wired connection.

#13 MidgetWithaSpork

Posted 18 July 2022 - 10:09 PM

I’m hoping the problem is Wi-Fi and it will run on parallels as I botched the boot camp windows install since it won’t recognize the Wi-Fi connection in the MacBook Pro from 2016. I ran out of time to mess with it this evening.  The Keyboard and ethernet to USB c adapter should be here Tuesday or Wednesday… but I am worried as I have used Wi-Fi to play in the past and it seem to work much better than the parallels/windows install..

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