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What is everyone doing these dayz? (pun intended)

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#1 Thirteen

Posted 20 May 2016 - 12:24 PM

So for the past couple of days, the 10 to 20 people in DayZ Epoch or Evo on our Arma2 servers is much lower.  I was wondering where did everyone go?  I know I get burnt out from time to time.  What is everyone playing or doing these dayz. (pun intended)?


Are we getting bored with the current setup?


Should we wipe and start over? (Suggestion, you can do this on your own w/o us wiping the server.  Just ask an Admin to delete all your stuff for you :), or Just try a naked and afraid run and see how far you get.) 


Looking for ya on the server,



#2 Lin

Posted 20 May 2016 - 01:14 PM

I'm tired of dealing with Epix so until he gets banned or bored, I'm not around as much.

#3 Thirteen

Posted 20 May 2016 - 03:25 PM

I have not seen him in a few days.

#4 Goz

Posted 20 May 2016 - 07:22 PM

Work, yard work, more work, and the like. It's just that time of year. Evo has been poppin the last couple weeks. Usually later in the evening. It's been a good time. I have been hopping around lately including the PvP server which is hardcore town and is great fun but nobody ever plays it seems. I've done just about everything on the Chernarus server that can possibly be done except 1mil humanity. Multiple naked and afraid runs and whatnot. It is what it is. All in all I think it boils down to the time of year. Finals/students going back home and great weather. I usually only play when I am trying to avoid yardwork and other things I need to get done. Which has been a lot lately. :D Also Arma2 isn't exactly a new game and Arma 3 was on sale last week and maybe some people have migrated due to that. Unfortunately the Moongamers server hasn't been working for about a week. At least for me. 


On a second note, I agree with Lin's opinion and I'm not the one dealing with his actions as a moderator/admin. He might be another reason for a lower player base. I've seen people log and voice similar opinions on him. Just my $.02.

#5 Hollywood703

Posted 23 May 2016 - 12:58 AM

I have drastically lowered my time on Dayz, tired of getting shot thru hills or a forest of trees, especailly if I am shooting silenced....i re-did the whole base not too long ago, and did naked and afraid......kinda lost its luster.....Not to mention having a few of my vehilces disappear out of my garage for no apparent reason, then the garage disappeared. I pop in now and again for a short period, but will not be doing anymore marathons.



Also, if there is such an issue with him, why is he still playing? And if he is an admin which I have never seen him so dont know, why doesnt that get revoked?

Anyway, just my 2 cents...

#6 TomKnollRFV

Posted 23 May 2016 - 05:51 PM

I don't game much at all these days. Almost every weekend I'm out in the country partying etc.


Course I logged in last time to find out I let my stuff idle poof, and went 'Darnit' and dun wanna rebuild.. :P

#7 leadmagnet

Posted 25 May 2016 - 11:57 AM

I was at work out of town for about 9 days, but I'm back.  Need to catch up on my yard and do some professional development so I'm only going to be on sporadically.

#8 Trainee

Posted 01 June 2016 - 01:08 PM

I've been interviewing a lot recently so I decided to take a little break and focus on work.

#9 Hollywood703

Posted 02 June 2016 - 12:40 AM

Had a close call last night.....Cleaned computer case and components off of all the dust.....when placing my video card back in, it seems that I didn't see a group of wires that had originally been on top of my card, was now below it, touching the fans, causing them not to spin at all. When I was playing, it was giving me a bit of artifact, and then shut off. It started right back up and didn't seem to be an issue. This morning when I tried turning it back on, it had no video at all, and couldn't tell if it was booting...all the LED's were on like normal, but didn't hear HD's making any noise. All the fans were going etc. Took it all back apart and that's when I noticed the wires touching the graphics card fans. Had decided that I must have fried my video card. It wasn't all bad, I had decided I was gonna upgrade to a new card soon anyway. So I purchased a new Graphics card locally, put it in and nothing. Still no video and seemingly no post to bios, so now I am thinking great, I fried the motherboard. But one article said it could be the power supply, so ran 3 different tests on the power supply and all passed. So now im almost certain I fried the motherboard. So I pulled all the ram out and 1 by 1 tried all 4 sticks to see if 1 would work....nope nothing...Read another article that said the CMOS battery if bad, in some motherboards, can cause it not to boot. So luckily it is a watch battery that I had. Replaced that and nothing. .....Incidently, when I removed the battery to put the old battery back in, I must have not turned the power back on from my UPS system. This with the battery removed for a few minutes, reset the cmos back to original factory settings, which in turn what was causing the computer not to post. Once this was reset, it booted right up. Only wasted 6 hours to work on it, and the only good news is it didn't really cost me anything to fix.  Unfortunately the new GTX 970 Graphics card, even though considerably faster, didn't have as good of picture quality as the same settings as my Radeon 7790HD on my AMD system, so it will be returned and credited to my future Radeon card.


Good read  in case it happens to someone else.

#10 CrDraggin

Posted 05 June 2016 - 04:40 PM

I have been working like a mad dog, traveling, training, traveling, escalations, etc. Also, kids are getting older and the 2.5 yr old now wants to sleep in mommy and daddy's bed every single night. So after the normal 30-90 min battle daily, I am beat.

Side notes, Arma 3 is up now. I have that running Exile mod and Extended base mod. Arma 2 has been updated some, new secret trader, 2 new missions, and fall glitch has been fixed.

Going forward, June is going to be busy too. I have three work trips already planned and 2 weekend travels with the family.

Happy Gaming,

#11 Casper

Posted 20 June 2016 - 04:29 PM

I just recently finished moving and didnt have internet for the past few weeks. I wont be playing as frequently as i have in the past... but i will be playing!

#12 Thirteen

Posted 21 June 2016 - 01:33 AM

It was nice to see you back to day CAsper!

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