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AMD vs Intel

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10 replies to this topic

#1 Creamzor

Posted 06 February 2012 - 12:37 PM

Why would he choose an Intel proc. and NVIDIA video card if he was going for a budget build in every sense of the word?

#2 Wolf68k

Posted 07 February 2012 - 01:21 PM

Why would he choose an Intel proc. and NVIDIA video card if he was going for a budget build in every sense of the word?

Simply because of preference.

Personally I use to love AMD and now I stay a way from them. And I've always had issues with ATI cards in the past with the ones I've had to deal with, and I didn't even own it, yet I've had little to no real issues with nVidia that couldn't be easily fixed.
So like I said, it's a matter of preference.

Take for example the parts list that oddball posted.
The AMD FX-4100 depending on the review site you read is either hanging with or just barely edging out of the i3-2120 (which is only $10 more at Newegg) or the i3 is completely blowing away the 4100. Sure he can later upgrade the FX-4100 to the FX-8150, which is a 8-core CPU, but it's getting smoked by an i5-2500 and i7-2600, and at their current prices at Newegg the i5-2500 would be cheaper than the FX-8150.

#3 thee_oddball

Posted 07 February 2012 - 07:34 PM

Why would he choose an Intel proc. and NVIDIA video card if he was going for a budget build in every sense of the word?

Simply because of preference.

Personally I use to love AMD and now I stay a way from them. And I've always had issues with ATI cards in the past with the ones I've had to deal with, and I didn't even own it, yet I've had little to no real issues with nVidia that couldn't be easily fixed.
So like I said, it's a matter of preference.

Take for example the parts list that oddball posted.
The AMD FX-4100 depending on the review site you read is either hanging with or just barely edging out of the i3-2120 (which is only $10 more at Newegg) or the i3 is completely blowing away the 4100. Sure he can later upgrade the FX-4100 to the FX-8150, which is a 8-core CPU, but it's getting smoked by an i5-2500 and i7-2600, and at their current prices at Newegg the i5-2500 would be cheaper than the FX-8150.

i agree with wolf that the 2500k is a better chip...but it will raise the total price about $150. but i must admit i did something i dont normally do....i ASSUMED :( i did not do my home work)...it appears that we (amd fans) have been had :(:( the X6 chips are just behind the 2500 and above the 8150. I thought i would recommend the 1100t/1090t instead of the 4100 but they seem tobe out of stock/deactivated at newegg :wtf: is shooting yourself in the foot the new business model at AMD??


this might be a better choice that the 4100...easly OC to 4ghz and really good reviews.

i have always built AMD rigs because of price and WE need to have competition for intel or the prices will skyrocket.

off todo my homework (on FX that is ) now :)

#4 Wolf68k

Posted 08 February 2012 - 12:57 PM

Why is every blood time I say anything people only read/hear what they want to read/hear and argue on that point.

OK look here it is.
I use to love AMD. Back with the AMD XP and later the first of the 64-bit chips they were great. So much better performance to that of an equally made Intel chip. I mean an AMD XP 3200+ which was only 2.2Ghz not only out performed an Intel 2.2Ghz but it could out perform a 3.2Ghz as well. And it didn't matter what anyone said to me I was sticking with AMD.....back then.
Today AMD has dropped the ball...big time. Now Intel is so much better than AMD. The latest and greatest from AMD is the FX series, right? The FX-4100 is yes cheaper than an Intel Core i3-2120 but by only $10 (do I need to post links to Newegg?). The 4100 is a quad core CPU, not 2-cores with hyper-threading like the the i3 because AMD doesn't do hyper-threading of any kind. And yet the i3 can still perform just as well if not better than the 4100. Mean while the FX-8150 the top end of the FX series is an 8-core CPU and yet the i5-2500 with strictly 4-cores (no hyper-threading) can run circles around it. And if you had bothered to read, what I said was that the i5-2500K is CHEAPER than the FX-8150. How is it cheaper? Really? I have to post links to Newegg? Ok fine.
FX-8150 $269.99 http://www.newegg.co...N82E16819103960
i5-2500k $229.99 http://www.newegg.co...N82E16819115072

So as it stands now, there is no way if I was going to do a build myself, even with a limit of $500 that I would get whatever the "cheapest" is. I would get what I PREFERRED because I would be thinking about upgrading later on and what is going to get me the best back for the buck later down the road.
Look 2-3 years ago I did build a $500 rig. At the time I knew AMD was starting to lose it stuff so I looked at Intel but I still looked at price point but I also looked at performance for what I could afford. Now look, if I was still an AMD fanboy through and through, then yes I would have completely said screw Intel and gone with AMD despite what the reviews say. Why? Because of PREFERENCE! But I'm more of a fan of performance to price ratio and upgrade performance.
When I build that $500 rig I went with an Intel Q8200 because it was the best I could afford at the time and compared to AMD in performance I would have to spend around $100 more.

Yes I know the price of the build would go up if he got the i5 now. Good lord learn to READ. I SAID HE CAN UPGRADE LATER!!!!! And it would be cheaper between the 2.

The reasons I like nVidia over AMD/ATI don't matter, however I do believe you get a better bang for you buck with nVidia over AMD/ATI. But even if they were the exact same in performance and the nVidia cost more, I would still stick with nVidia because it's my PREFERENCE.
I couldn't give a damn if someone said if you buy AMD/ATI your penis will get bigger where as with nVidia it'll get smaller. My dollars still go to nVidia because of the performance to price and other issues that ATI has had in the past.
The ONLY thing that ATI has over nVidia right no is that Eyefinity, which spans the game across multiple screens. Big freakin deal! But hey, if that's what you need then by all means get it.

My whole point to my original reply is, GET WHAT YOU PREFER!
If the OP doesn't care between AMD and Intel or nVidia and AMD/ATI then fine, there is nothing wrong with oddball's list, but for the fact it's $165 over budget. However I think it would only fair to list other alternatives. And I would do just that, but there is a problem with that. We don't know exactly what all parts he wants to use from his current rig if anything at all.
I've been down that road too many times. Someone asks for a build on a set budget. Myself and other post a parts list of everything for a complete new build. To then later find out, hell he doesn't need a case or a HDD or an optical drive or we forgot the OS which they also needed but didn't tell us.

So how about you give off my back about what YOU think is right for him and let him tell us what he needs and wants.

#5 Section8

Posted 08 February 2012 - 02:34 PM

Tech geeks turning hostile. Film at 11.

#6 Wolf68k

Posted 08 February 2012 - 05:50 PM

But it IS a matter of preference. Here's the thing. I asked him if he wanted Intel or AMD. You said, 'Why would he want Intel if he is building on a budget?'
If he prefers Intel then it doesn't make a damn bit of difference if AMD is cheaper or not. That's HIS preference. If he prefers AMD then again that's his choice.
You on the other hand are trying to take that preference away from him by saying, 'Intel cost more than AMD so who cares what you prefer AMD is the cheaper choice.'
Same thing for when I asked about nVidia or AMD/ATI.

I asked those questions so he can tell us HIS PREFERENCE! If he wants an Intel CPU and nVidia GPU who the hell are you to tell him that's wrong no matter what the budget it. You give the "customer" what THEY want, not what you think they should have.

I suggest you learn to read.

#7 Wolf68k

Posted 09 February 2012 - 12:31 PM

You don't get it at all. What a waste of time and energy for you to not even comprehend something as simple as this.

Greg, just go with oddball's build, it'll suit you fine when you have the money.

Then please explain to me why a $500 budget build HAS TO (no choice) be done using an AMD CPU and an AMD/ATI GPU. And don't say price because I can build a $500 rig with Intel and nVidia that would just as good.
So please explain it to me why he would have no choice (no preference) but to use AMD.

#8 thee_oddball

Posted 09 February 2012 - 05:13 PM

i think this might put things in perspective, this is a 50 cpu test for bf3 GTX590 8 GIGS RAM AND A 1200WATT PUSU were the common components, here is the whole article http://en.inpai.com....986&pageid=8147

Posted Image

#9 DerRaucher

Posted 09 February 2012 - 06:22 PM

I hope you havent a problem with that now.

#10 dogofwar

Posted 09 February 2012 - 07:12 PM

Tech geeks turning hostile. Film at 11.

im getting my lounge chairs and cooler for this one

#11 Bullet-BS

Posted 09 February 2012 - 09:35 PM

Tech geeks turning hostile. Film at 11.

im getting my lounge chairs and cooler for this one


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