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English - Basic Rules of Conduct

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2 replies to this topic

#1 Lin

Posted 26 December 2005 - 06:15 PM

Welcome to the MoonGamers Community! We ask you to be familiar with and observe the following community rules:

Please treat each other with a modicum of respect. This means no racial, anti-semitic slurs, foul language or derogatory comments towards others. This also means no trashing on other countries, as we have players from all countries here. Be courteous to others, it makes for a much better playing experience!

Persistent vulgar language is not allowed. Pornography, pedophilia are strictly not allowed.

Moon server players must have a name. No-names and names with single symbols and/or punctuation are not allowed. Also, no advertising names please i.e., political statements, web site urls, etc. Racist or offensive names will also not be tolerated. Namejacking (taking someone else's name) is not allowed.

We do not allow advertising on Moon servers. This includes but is not limited to clan, web site, business, political or personal opinion advertising. This applies to the in game screen names, and the signatures in the forums. No advertising means no advertising.

Clan Solicitation:
Not allowed. This includes asking players for xfire, email, MSN, AIM, etc.
Clan solicitation is now allowed in the forum; clan discussion is allowed in the servers. Light recruitment may be allowed but if there is heavy recruitment going on it will be discouraged and players will be encouraged to take any further discussions to the forum.

Actions taken:
We will try to warn whenever possible and give the offending party the opportunity to correct their actions. If corrective action is not taken, the offending player will be kicked and/or banned. We do reserve the right to kick/ban without warning when we feel it is appropriate.

Revised eff 01/01/2011, revisions in red.

#2 Monkey

Posted 24 April 2008 - 11:03 PM

Forum Guidelines:

MoonGamers is a family oriented community, please keep this in mind when you post anything.

Please do not flame others simply because you do not agree with them.

When posting a picture, avatar or signature, please keep them clean and free from anything that could be considered offensive or anything that children should not see.

Remember we have people form all walks of life, take this into consideration when posting.

Nudity or pornography is not acceptable material.

Failure to follow these simple rules can range from your post or picture being removed all the way up to being disinvited from our forums.

4-25-2008 added

#3 Lin

Posted 03 January 2011 - 05:40 PM

Revisions in top post in red, effective 01/01/2011.

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