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#1 Comet

Posted 04 April 2007 - 01:58 PM

I'll make mention of a rotation once again, then I'll stfu on the matter...

We're three months old now, still relatively new but I think we've played enough on our server and gathered enough information to make a decision on some important matters which will hopefully affect our server in a positive manner. It is in fact our CS:S members who for the most part run DoD:S, I'm thankful for all their help and dedication. However, I find the DoD:S server gets attention when the majority of the CS:S members are done with their responsibilities there and then come here. Please do not be offended by me mentioning what I personally have observed, I may be out of line, but its what I've noticed...perhaps others have as well. I think we just need to gather as a group and get some important work done in order to make our mark MoonGamers style. One aspect of DoD:S I applaud is the fact it doesn't really need much attention once everything is in place, that's what we need to work on.

I'm going to suggest an important TS meeting for those interested in the future of our DoD:S server. We need to iron out several issues such as...

-do we invite map voting or not
-do we introduce a primary go to map into the rotation
-what maps do we implement into our rotation, how many, what length of time for a map/mostly map...etc
-do we leave a down time map on, if so which map

Some things we have already covered but a lot we haven't, these are just a few things to discuss, I'm sure you all have plenty more. Enough is enough people, lets get this done. Siverhawk suggested we utilize our back-up TS for the meeting. Once we finalize some of these issues and present them with our new motd I honestly believe we'll be well on our way.

my .02 CDN


#2 WTBass

Posted 04 April 2007 - 02:46 PM

Dan, I agree. I think we do need lots-o-input from the CS:S's...I plan to for the next few days start compiling some data on other DoD:S servers out there in the world. I want to look at some specifics of maps, populations, times and try and apply that to our situation. But input from everyone is a must and a live meeting on TS also...I'll start working on the data tonight. I want to look at both weekdays/nights and weekends so it is going to take me a week at least to get this together...but let's no hold up anything on that! It might be a bunch of bs...but then it might have some significance. tim

#3 Bacon

Posted 04 April 2007 - 04:46 PM

So when is this meeting going to take place. I suggest Saturday afternoon, or Sunday afternoon. I would guess that those two times would be the best schedulewise for most people.

#4 mike080697

Posted 05 April 2007 - 02:58 PM

An observation I had is that CS:S and DoD:S are very different even though they run on the same platform. DoD offers maps with historical significance, save for the orange one. The orange map is more CS-ish. The skins, downloadable sprays and mods seem to be geared toward making the scenery or soldiers more historically authentic, probably appealing to the BF42 crowd. The CS type maps like (if I remember the name right) Ster's bedroom and the soccer one are super cool in CS but would be odd in DoD. Hence, the love/hate thing with the maps.

If I were used to running a CS:S server I would have trouble with a DoD:S server's identity as well and stick with the server I am more comfortable with. I think if the two worlds could be melded together, like using the super talents of the CS:S folks coupled with the '42 style historical stuff.

#5 Langley

Posted 10 April 2007 - 12:06 PM


#6 Noir

Posted 10 April 2007 - 03:21 PM

I'm thinking sunday afternoon

#7 Santano

Posted 10 April 2007 - 03:41 PM

You all should get some DoD:S specific admins as the cheating methods are the same they DO look slightly diffrent and it would be wise to recruit some people to help admin (and seed) the server

#8 Comet

Posted 10 April 2007 - 04:13 PM

I'm thinking sunday afternoon

I work until 5:00 pm est. I would dearly like to be there. Seeing as we typically get together Sunday night to play why don't we target 6:00 pm est for a meeting and then go play afterwards.

#9 Why Two Kay

Posted 10 April 2007 - 04:59 PM

You all should get some DoD:S specific admins as the cheating methods are the same they DO look slightly diffrent and it would be wise to recruit some people to help admin (and seed) the server

Now if only recoding/demo in DoD didn't crash my game....

Actually we have a few admin who are DoD only, and usually handle things there.

#10 Langley

Posted 13 April 2007 - 07:30 PM

Are we meeting this Sunday at 6pm Eastern?

#11 Comet

Posted 13 April 2007 - 07:38 PM

I have a Core meeting this Sunday at 6 pm est. Feel free to gather and discuss matters...

-do we invite map voting or not
-do we introduce a primary go to map into the rotation
-what maps do we implement into our rotation, how many, what length of time for a map/mostly map...etc
-do we leave a down time map on, if so which map

...just to recap a few

I am available the following Sunday if ya'll want to book well in advance.

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