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Flash as idle map and first in regular rotation

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#1 Langley

Posted 23 April 2007 - 09:50 PM

Now that we have Flash set as the idle map, when people join when the server is empty they will be playing Flash. Once it is populated it goes back into regular rotation with Flash as the starting map. Now once people join will the server complete one round of the idle map Flash then move into regular rotation starting at Flash or does it play the idle Flash map for full time/rounds then start into regular rotation with another full time/rounds of Flash? If it is the latter this may be a problem and maybe moving Flash down in the regular rotation may be considered.

#2 Why Two Kay

Posted 24 April 2007 - 07:54 AM

It was designed for CS:S, so it's supposed to set a map as the idle map, and as the next map too. It has nothing to do with rotation. When players join it's supposed to go to the next map (still the idle map) and play it, then continue to whatever the next map in rotation is supposed to be.

Of course DoD is messed up with this, because it still changes maps if the timelimit is up, even if nobody is in the server, so idle map is useless.

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