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Arma 3 Launcher

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2 replies to this topic

#1 CrashMaster

Posted 06 November 2014 - 01:14 PM

From the same people that brought us dayzlauncher we now have an Arma3 launcher http://a3launcher.com/ this will also allow you to download mods for the game.

#2 Willie V.

Posted 06 November 2014 - 01:45 PM

Hey Crash Thanks for the heads up!!! This looks like something other then Play withSIX for collection sets of mods and launching into game. Have you been using it? How do you like it?

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#3 CrashMaster

Posted 06 November 2014 - 03:26 PM

I have only played for about 1 hour... Epoch mod looks like a good start but almost all the servers are PVP so the 1 time I did start finding stuff I got killed.

need to get a PVE server going so we can learn the game =-)

Things I have noticed so far
1. Game engine looks a lot better, lighting looks great, have not noticed the texture or pop up issues that are in arma2
2. on my work system it still looks good even with an older vid card (gtx460)
3. movement is about the same but ladders are Very slow, have not driven or flown anything yet
4. Swimming is MUCH improved
5. from the readme for EPOCH it looks like you can tame a dog (have gotten one to follow me) or it can attack..and water can have sharks

Looks like it will be a game that takes the best of arma2/EPOCH and builds on it =)

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