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BS !!!!!!!!11!11!11!eleven


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#21 Steve2112

Posted 16 October 2016 - 10:34 AM

steve ive seen ooby play on a tablet with no mouse using shitty wifi and destroy most people that play. If he were then to complain later about how his hit regs were off even if he was on a different computer than normal I would believe him because I and everyone that has faced him knows his skill level and knowledge of the game. Most of the time you have to understand the mechanics of the game to be one of the great players. There are a certain group of players that fall into a group like ooby where if they complain about hit regs or some other anomaly then they are more likely to be believed compared to others.


Seems like we keep seeing the people complaining being the mediocre to average at best players. Its not that you can't understand how the game works or the mechanics and be bad, but just because you think you understand what you are seeing or experiencing doesn't mean you actually do. I wish I could drive over to your house and play on your computer so you can see that even if your connection or computer was acting all wonky you can still get gold on any map.


I wish you could too...maybe I can hook up with another player. I know a good jeep driver that might be in my area.  :evil1:  But I suppose he is only just average too...poor guy. But, maybe we can work on it together. 

#22 Steve2112

Posted 16 October 2016 - 10:37 AM


I FULLY understand, you don't want the radio and game to degenerate into haccuasation fest. I also understand that you might see this more than you can stand, but respectfully...if you can't hack the job then don't do it. Oh dear that was a bad one wasn't it? 




I guess you just "respectfully" told me to stay out of the kitchen if I can't take the heat. What you don't understand is : I've explained the same stuff to the same people since years. I'm stupid enough to explain things to people who either don't understand it or simply don't care. I "hacked" the explaining / educating job because I prefer not to kick or ban people. Since the explaining thing doesn't hack out, I'll simply hack the job now by kicking and banning quicker.


And we're not talking about new players who have "anomalies" on their screen (which should make any rational person think that they have a graphic bug instead of thinking that somebody is hacking :smiley_369: ), we're talking about long time players who express their anger of getting owned by harassing, insulting and teamkilling those who simply play better.




See....all angry and stuff. Gonna get on the kick ban hammer MUCH quicker. Than you already are? Sheesh! And yes...if it makes you so mad....just don;t do it anymore. It's not for everyone. 


And I have said MAN MANY MANY times, that I think I might have some hardware/software/connection issues. Several people have told me, at times,  my ping is bouncing around. 

#23 Steve2112

Posted 16 October 2016 - 10:52 AM

By the way...I do want to reiterate....I am only trying to see things from a different perspective. I realize you are talking about specific players. But, as someone who is not "elite" or admin or played the game for 75 years, I just want to add an opnion that you may not have thought of, or have forgotten. 


I also might add that I no longer overly worry too much about "hacks". Or if I'm getting whipped too much.  You've seen me log out very quickly instead. 

#24 Harriet Tubman

Posted 16 October 2016 - 10:58 AM




I grow weary of people seeing my name and bashing, whether it's Jubilee or any other alias,  It's easier to just change my name, not argue, keep playing, and keep the peace. Feel free to disagree if you enjoy low pop servers.


Do you ever play as any other than scout class?  Ever?      No.  You just stay way back and zero in real well.  No wonder you have to change your nick.

It can be a drag with no sniper on the other team to counteract you.  The same might be said with a team having an ace pilot, with no others in the air to countermand that player.  At least with a plane, we might AA it, or zook it.  Do you get killed often from AA or a zook? Way back there, unseen?  I suppose I should not  diss leet scouts who play only as scouts and bunny hop from way back.  Without a leet scout to counteract you, I just want to say what a drag it is playing with you sometimes.


Gee, I guess I should spend the next two years mastering the scout position?  Play as that class exclusively like you do?

Ace pilots will quit the next map if it doesn't have planes.  Would you quit BF1942 if you couldn't play as a scout?



Finally someone with some sense around here.

  • Jubilee, Angerfist and Eliminator like this

#25 Angerfist

Posted 16 October 2016 - 11:16 AM

Steve, I made this thread for a certain group of players. The kind of players who have no clue about the game, but compensate getting owned by crying "hacks". You belong to that group, you're basically the prototype. I'm not sure if you are able to remember, but we needed to warn, kick and explain stuff to you for very long until you finally went from "BS, obviously a hack" to "I have weird anomalies on my screen". Technically, we (including myself) could have simply banned you for your bs statements, but we tried to help you. But being nice always fires back when it comes to guys like you. Lesson learned.


And your screen doesn't seem to be the only place you got anomalies. It looks like you are unable to understand or process any information which gets delivered to you. You are basically the last person on earth who can be taken serious when it comes to gaming or adminning questions. Therefore, I take your disrespect as a compliment. I'm honestly not sure if you're just very special or just a troll. If you're just a troll, well played.

#26 Captain John H. Miller

Posted 16 October 2016 - 11:17 AM

Shall we get back on topic?

  • Grassy likes this

#27 gregefc

Posted 16 October 2016 - 12:24 PM

I'm just glad I don't play and even more happy I don't have to admin you cry babies any more. Id probably just ban all of you. I used to think Anger had an unsavory attitude as well but he's honestly probably the best admin around here. He doesn't like to put up with the BS is all... I can't blame him.

And the point made about Jubilee... Let her go medic and we will see if your point is valid. She will have tenfold the amount of points she has sniping.

#28 Harriet Tubman

Posted 16 October 2016 - 12:38 PM

Sorry greg but maybe you just can't understand that if you are good at one aspect of the game you can only be good at that and must be dogshit at everything else. I mean do you really think that someone can apply skill from medic into sniping? lol next you'll be trying to claim that high level pilots can also play infantry. How about you get out of here and go back to your Hello Kitty fan club forums and let the knowledgeable players talk. THANKS

  • Grinch likes this

#29 gregefc

Posted 16 October 2016 - 12:57 PM

Can't wait to hear how my opinion (facts) is invalid because I don't play any more and nobody knows who I am.
  • Grassy likes this

#30 Grassy

Posted 16 October 2016 - 12:59 PM

:deadhorse:  :weird:  :ban:  :lock:


Probably a good idea for someone to lock this.  No need in all the animosity.

#31 Jubilee

Posted 16 October 2016 - 01:15 PM




I grow weary of people seeing my name and bashing, whether it's Jubilee or any other alias,  It's easier to just change my name, not argue, keep playing, and keep the peace. Feel free to disagree if you enjoy low pop servers.


Do you ever play as any other than scout class?  Ever?      No.  You just stay way back and zero in real well.  No wonder you have to change your nick.

It can be a drag with no sniper on the other team to counteract you.  The same might be said with a team having an ace pilot, with no others in the air to countermand that player.  At least with a plane, we might AA it, or zook it.  Do you get killed often from AA or a zook? Way back there, unseen?  I suppose I should not  diss leet scouts who play only as scouts and bunny hop from way back.  Without a leet scout to counteract you, I just want to say what a drag it is playing with you sometimes.


Gee, I guess I should spend the next two years mastering the scout position?  Play as that class exclusively like you do?

Ace pilots will quit the next map if it doesn't have planes.  Would you quit BF1942 if you couldn't play as a scout?



The last time I played as a medic (a week or so ago on Berlin on MoonGamers), I doubled my kill count alone (not counting overall score) over whoever got silver. I've mastered flying, infantry, I can tank better than the average modern 42 player. I can zook Anger in the ass from long distance. Trust me, you want me to stay as a sniper. Don't talk shit about what you obviously know nothing about. Also, did you know, Renlist, that the only time you've said anything rude to me was when you knew it was me? You didn't mind the millions of other names I've used on the server until you realized it was me. Cherry pick much? 


And Steve, every time you post something the average IQ level of the readers involved drops a few points. I'm not replying to you anymore. It's like talking to a wall that stares back blankly. You've refused help on TS, you've refused help on how to play better. We've tried to help you with technical issues that you can't seem to explain. What more suggestions can we offer to help you that you will actually accept? I can't tell if you're actually as stupid as you represent yourself or if you are just trolling. I am sincerely hoping for the latter for the sake of mankind.

  • Angerfist, Grassy, D Day and 1 other like this


Posted 16 October 2016 - 02:11 PM

:deadhorse:  :weird:  :ban:  :lock:


Probably a good idea for someone to lock this.  No need in all the animosity.


This is entertaining.  I work many long days. I enjoy this type of back and forth.

By reading threads like this you get a sense of the person's character.

If you lock this, my life will never be the same. :(

  • dodgem, Grassy, Grinch and 1 other like this

#33 Angerfist

Posted 16 October 2016 - 02:31 PM

I love you, Harry.

  • Dindu_Nuffins likes this

#34 Rubulator

Posted 16 October 2016 - 04:20 PM

Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry !!!     :chair: 

#35 Lin

Posted 16 October 2016 - 04:47 PM

Oh good golly.


Steve, you're a paranoid know-it-all who disrespects admins, and is being called on it. You might want to start thinking twice before you post because obviously the filter has been misplaced. Again.


Anger is in no danger of losing his admin privileges. I am simply considering the source of the complaints.


Jubs and other good players have to put up with a lot of crap from less experienced players. Just because you don't spell the words "cheat" or "hack" doesn't mean that you aren't constantly accusing. That is part of the original intent of this thread, was to try to educate you and players like you that it doesn't matter how you spell it, your intent shows and we will be moving from the warning stage to the kick/ban stage with you now. Choose wisely and learn, or choose poorly and leave.


Further hijack posts shall be removed.


PS Rub...if you look far enough into the smilies you will find:  :jerry:

  • Jubilee, Grassy and Rubulator like this

#36 dodgem

Posted 16 October 2016 - 05:11 PM

Mmm, I think I might go make myself some popcorn now.  But I'll eat it in bed away from this thread :)


Best thing about popcorn in bed is there's no crummies!  Unless you eat it like you do at the cinema.  Nomnomnom.

#37 Alvin Tostig

Posted 17 October 2016 - 03:30 PM

jubs is legit. 


and angerfist checking his views all the time seems creepily narcissistic.

  • Jubilee and Angerfist like this

#38 Angerfist

Posted 17 October 2016 - 10:01 PM

I don't use my views, I just swing my turret around a lot. :wasnt-me:


Posted 17 October 2016 - 11:21 PM


#40 Angerfist

Posted 18 October 2016 - 12:24 AM

The camera views. It's usually on the "c" button.

  • HARRY TRIGGER likes this

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