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Switching out the roaming AI

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#1 Lin

Posted 01 July 2014 - 09:38 AM

We're switching out the current Sarge AI for a different one that will take less resources. We had a bunch of new players in the server last night and the lag was really bad, and Sarge is known for adding to that issue.

The new AI will be more aggressive. There will be no heli patrols at first, as all of those helis would be bandit. Let's see how it goes on the ground for now, and then we can change it up as we go.

The battle at Skalka is gone for now but that will also be back later, in an improved form. :)

#2 Enforcer

Posted 01 July 2014 - 10:41 AM

If there is anyone familiar with DZAI vs SargeAI, can you explain the differences. I am reading up on it, but, I have found very little to explain exactly what it is.. What I have found out is this: All AI is now hostile. There is no hero and bandit and survivor. The AI may look like a survivor but, is hostile.

So, if you are a player, you may want to lose your survivor default outfit..because if you see one running around, you may not have much time to determine if that is a player, or ai.


I did find a list of features that are available:

Static AI Spawns - AI spawn locations have been set up in cities, towns, and military bases for supported DayZ maps. AI are attracted to loot piles, so always be alert while looting.
Dynamic AI Spawns - AI spawn locations are also randomly created around the map. AI can appear anywhere, anytime.
AI helicopter patrols - AI helicopters patrol randomly around the map. Tip: Players on foot have the best chance of avoiding detection, but players in vehicles are much more noticeable to AI.
AI can use any lootable weapon - DZAI builds a list of AI-usable weapons using DayZ's loot tables. Beware, AI with rarer weapons will be more dangerous. (Users may also choose to set up their own AI loadouts).
AI health system - AI units can take as much damage as players, and can also be knocked unconscious by heavy damage. Headshots are more likely to knock out an AI unit and for longer durations.

So, that's something to start with..

I was watching some youtube stuff on the ai, and let me tell you now..if you are flying, you better make sure whatever you're in, can outrun a Huey because they will chase your ass with door gunners a-blazin!


Posted 03 July 2014 - 08:45 PM

Thanks for the info.

#4 Thirteen

Posted 04 July 2014 - 10:33 PM

My opinion of the DZAI the FPS from server jumped from 11 to 20. This is great. The fact that the AI in stary show up every 2 or less minutes means I can't get anything done, not to mention them being able to go through walls gives me no fair game play. Someone shooting at me I would expect I could run around a wall and use it for cover. But since it is a wall built by players, they just warp through them.. So you think you are safe inside a structure of steal and cinder only to have an ai just appear behind you and shoot you.

I mean I could play with god mode on, but that is pointless.

SO when I explain my frustrations in TS, I get told that the AI are not that difficult. To heck with that. My stress level is through the roof!

Sorry I left TS so quickly, but I was so stressed out about the AI and their ability to walk through walls w/o making a sound, to be told that the difficulties I am having was not difficult made me very upset. I figured it best not to say anything and leave before I said something I would need to apologize for later.

Maybe I'll be back to try this again when I don't have a stressful day from work or moving and can handle the new change that is DZAI.



#5 Warrior124

Posted 04 July 2014 - 11:00 PM

To avid AI hunters they may not be difficult, but to people like me and others they most certainly are. Especially to people who don't like hunting AI or dying all the time, and just want to hunt for vehicles to sell and build. To have an AI come at you just about wherever you go (or up to 4 or more at once) doesn't give one time to even breath much. I still don't think we should go back to Sarge AI, but DZAI is just about as bad as far as keeping a healthy pop. Are there anything else we can look at?

#6 smegga

Posted 05 July 2014 - 03:33 AM

i dont mind the wandering ai to much as i sit on my base roof and shoot them as they come, then get in my suv go get the weapons then when my suv is full go to klen and sell them and finally make money.when it's quiet i repair my vehicles then start again with the ai.


Posted 05 July 2014 - 08:52 PM

I didn't like the roaming AI at first either. I was definitely not enjoying myself at first. But when you work together as a team it is not so bad.

#8 Enforcer

Posted 06 July 2014 - 07:48 PM

Definitely want a partner to watch your back if you are doing anything where your focus is elsewhere..

The other thing, I have left my CCO SD at the barn, and now travel with a sniper rifle almost all the time to engage the guys at longer range. Trying to sneak up on them with an assault rifle was impossible.

#9 LoverBoy.USA

Posted 08 July 2014 - 12:48 PM

In my opinion 13 I apologize for how it ended when you left cause I think I was the one that said it wasn't difficult. But at first I was like damn, dying 4 times a day is super high for me. I was highly mission orientated and have gone down some since the ai roamers. I have focused on building my base near stary. I have only had 1 occurance of an ai going thru my walls but he was a very easy kill. Most of the time they notice my walls and just stand right next to the door and wait. It just really takes a few days to get used to them, you need to watch your perimeter whenever you are doing something. Also a radio is a godsend cause if they see you will know it cause it tells you how far they are away from you.

#10 Enforcer

Posted 08 July 2014 - 04:47 PM

So the radio does work like that? Cool, the next time I have access to grab a radio, I will do so. I have not had any AI sneak through the walls yet at either the base at Drakon or the new base at the NWAF, although, the zombies are all through the walls at the airfield. But, they do pop up and I have learned not to be in a vehicle when they see you because they will tear that shit up.

#11 Edamame

Posted 08 July 2014 - 06:01 PM

If you haveing zed problems with them going through walls just throw up some fire barrels. They create a barrier that zeds can't pass

#12 guidoune

Posted 11 July 2014 - 04:45 AM

So the radio does work like that? Cool, the next time I have access to grab a radio, I will do so. I have not had any AI sneak through the walls yet at either the base at Drakon or the new base at the NWAF, although, the zombies are all through the walls at the airfield. But, they do pop up and I have learned not to be in a vehicle when they see you because they will tear that shit up.

you can have about 4 message from ai whit the radio

1: your hearing Static on the radio ----> ai spawned there in a radius of 300m around you... if your in an open area look around real fast if you see them try hide fase, if your not.. RUN

2: Target is a survivor, Find him! ---> normally when you see that there 200m or less from you but did not see you (they are ai they still move toward you though and will try to find you)

3: Target is <<insert name here>>, X meter away ----> they saw you and know where you are and they even tell how far they are .. if your in an open area at this point.. well your in big trouble.
if not, try take some hit and hide shot at them if you know where they are, or wait for them inside if your inside(careful though, if there 2 way in they most likely to have 1 going around to the second door)

4: lost contact whit target, abort mission(or something like this) ----> they lose you but beware they don't despawn they will wander around but they don't know where you are, either run away or try find them and surprise them

just for your information: AI can see vehicle from like 400m away, once they see it they will fire at it to like 1000m away if the line of sigh is still available, getting out of the vehicle stop the agro on you if your too close to them, but they will come toward your last vehicle position to kill you

on a 1 vs 1 , no bullet ? no trouble , grab your axe , run in spiral till you can axe him XD work whit any weapon but its funnier whit the axe, did not try yet whit a 2 vs 1 .

sorry for the bad english just hope you could understand what i was trying to say,

#13 Enforcer

Posted 11 July 2014 - 04:34 PM

Yep, I understood well enough to get exactly what you are saying. I ran through the first two scenarios last night when Randigar gave me a radio. I would see the white text indicated there is AI in the area. And then, next thing you know, Target Enforcer 212m. I was like, see ya..hopped in my SUV and rolled on out of there. But, that tool now adds quite a bit of realism I think, as in real life if you had the enemies radio, you could hear all that as well. I like it.

It does mean, though, that if you are foot, you stay in the wooded areas. Used to, I would just run in a straight line from point A to point B, as it is most quickest. But, now, with the AI, woods is best. And now with the radio, if you get a warning that they are definitely in the area, that is just cool in my book. Even if they don't always announce their presence.

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