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Battlefield 1942

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#1 Wasabi®

Posted 31 May 2021 - 11:10 PM

MoonGamers BF1942 Community Policies and Regulations

Actions taken:

  • We will try to warn whenever possible and give the offending party the opportunity to correct their actions.
  • Members of the Admin Team can be identified with a [admin] tag in front of their name.
  • All players must comply with our rules and policies while playing on our servers.
  • Any players who violate any rules and/or policies are subject to be kicked and/or banned.
  • Moongamers Admin Team reserves the right to kick/ban without warning when we feel it is appropriate. Bans may be appealed by posting in the appropriate section of the forum.

Basic Rules of Conduct
All servers fall under our Basic Rules of Conduct. The English version can be found here:

BF 1942 Global Rules & Policies

No Attacking Uncapturable Bases

  • Do not attack, camp or enter the enemy uncapturable base. This includes damaging / destroying / mining enemy equipment. Basically, stay out of the enemy uncap.
  • Do not steal vehicles from enemy uncapturable base.
  • Do not wing clip or run over enemies in uncapturable base.
  • Players may be auto killed for attacking the enemy uncapturable base, and auto kicked after repeated offenses.
  • Admins have full discretion on further enforcement e.g. kicking/banning repeat offenders or players who skirt the autokills / kicks.


  • Sniping from / into enemy uncapturable base is allowed.
  • Active AA and active artillery in uncaps can be bombed from the air.
  • CTF is excluded
  • Battleaxe ONLY:
    • ​You may bomb enemy tanks camping in their mains.
    • You may return fire on active tanks and artillery in the uncap from outside the base.
  • Tobruk and Bulge ONLY: Allies are ALLOWED to steal vehicles from Axis main. Camping is not allowed.
  • If it's not covered by an exception, it's probably NOT allowed.

Cheating/Hacking Policy:
If a player is caught cheating or hacking by punkbuster or other hack detection means, that player is immediately banned. Any Reg or Admin found cheating will immediately lose all privileges of said title and still face banning to include a lifetime ban.

MoonGamers Mostly English Policy:
Moon is happy to host players from all over the world; but since we are located in USA we ask our players to speak mostly English. Brief conversations in other languages are fine to greet each other and say Hello, but otherwise please use English as a courtesy to other players.

MoonGamers Name Policy:
Moon server players must have a name. No-names and names with single symbols and/or single punctuation are not allowed. Also, no advertising names please i.e., political statements, web site urls, etc. Racist or offensive names will also not be tolerated. Namejacking (taking someone else's name) is not allowed.

Advertising Rule:
-Advertising rules have now been relaxed due to the age of the game and the fact that the health of the game itself depends upon the health of all clans/communities still around. You may mention a server name  or IP while you are playing here but do not actively recruit players from the server. Do not just come into the server to advertise yours. Keep it brief, and keep on playing. In the case of new server IPs for a major server, MoonGamers will do the advertising for them. Please do not carry on lengthy advertising or recruiting discussions in the server.

-No discussions of hacks, warez, no-cd cracks or any other "grey" or illegal software. Also no links to any of the above will be allowed.

Clan Recruiting/Solicitation Rule:
Not allowed. This includes asking players for email etc.

Idling Policy:
Idlers are given a short amount of time to step away from the game, we understand that is necessary from time to time. However, players who idle for 10 minutes or more are at risk of being kicked from the game in order to free that slot for an active player. Idler timers work on deaths and kills, not movement. You may be warned before being kicked, but we reserve the right to simply kick idlers when necessary.

Pilot Grounding / Score Rule:
Pilots are generally allowed 25-30 kills in the air, before an admin may ask them to go ground. This rule is enforced at admin discretion and may be waived at admin discretion if the pilot is on the losing team and needed to prevent their team from being dominated. Admins may also ask pilots to switch teams, if this is deemed more appropriate.

Grenade/expack Spamming Rule:
This is a kickable/bannable offense. We define grenade/expack spam as:
1) Standing at the ammo crate and throwing over your allotted three grenades, or allotted four expacks.
2) Running from ammo box to bunker window (or similar), throwing grenades/expacks, then running back to ammo box and back to window, etc, multiple times.
3) Spamming is allowed towards armor and must stop once the vehicle is destroyed.

Radio Spam Policy:
We define radio spam as repeating commands (Roger that! Roger that! Roger that!) or spamming several commands at once, and it is a kickable offense.

Chat Spam Policy:
We define chat spam as monopolizing the chat channel with redundant questions or comments. This can interfere with team play comments and is a kickable offense.

Language Policy:
Language on the servers must be kept clean from racial, sexual, ethnic and political slander at all times. Possible actions up to perm bans will be taken on anything that falls borderline� with the above categories.

Admin impersonation Policy:
Easy....don't. Impersonating an admin, whether saying you are in jest, attempting to use warnings, kicks or bans, using a phony [admin] tag, or in any other way, will get you kicked and/or banned. Don't joke around with this one.

Team Killing:
Intentional team killing may lead to a kick without warning, if you are found to be team killing and the only thing you are seen doing is team killing you may be disinvited from our servers permanently.

Expacking the CTF flags:
No team at any time is allowed to place expacks near the vicinity ofthe main flags during Capture the Flag rounds. This is ONLY limited to expacks, mines are acceptable.




June 8 2022 - Small addition/clarification by Miller

Feb 28 2024 - stay out of uncap by Lin

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