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DoD:S...what it is, what it isn't

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#1 Lin

Posted 15 November 2010 - 11:43 AM

While I'm the one starting this topic, I encourage our seasoned Day of Defeat:Source players to post their words of wisdom as well!

What DOD:S is NOT:
It is not as graphically beautiful as some of the newer games out there, but the graphics are still quite detailed.
It is not a game for those who love equipment, it is an infantry game. I do not currently know of any maps that have working equipment.
It is not a memory or bandwidth hog as some of the newer games are, you can run this on an older system.

What DOD:S is:
Only ten dollars ($10) for the game!
A ton of fun!
Customizable in many ways (depending upon what the server allows, some server owners prefer to keep things "stock"):
-- you can customize the look of the weapons
-- you can customize weapon sounds
-- you can customize some of the game sounds, i.e., the loud "winning" music can be changed to something shorter and quieter of your choice.
-- you can customize the initial DOD:S loading sound to something shorter and quieter of your choice.

As with most games new to your experience, you have to learn some things in order to have a more fun experience. I would suggest the following, shortly after you install the game:
1. Learn the maps that you will be playing. Go to an empty server that is playing the map you wish to learn (or ask one of our DOD:S admins to put a map on the Stomping Grounds server), and just run through it enough so that you are familiar with it.
2. Add the basic custom binds. "Binding" a key is basically making it a macro, you press the key and something happens. Some of the most basic binds that you will likely want to have:
-- !medic: When you are 20% or lower in health (other servers may have a higher %), this bind will call for the medic, which heals you up to a certain percentage.
-- %t: gives you the time left in the game.
-- voice command and/or silent team-only command for help that also gives your current location so your team will know where you need that help.
-- !restock: while this is not on our server, some servers will allow you to restock your own ammo using this command. We prefer that you, as a teammate, to restock those on your team who may need it.
-- team-only command requesting restock and giving your location for your team to know where to come to restock you. Helpful primarily for snipers and/or machine gunners. Better yet, once you know where those positions are located, give them ammo as you run by using the H key. Then they won't need to call for it. :)
3. Learn the basic key combos that are already given in the game. Much like the Function keys in BF1942, these basic key combos will shout commands like Yes Sir! Negative! Grenade! and the like.

In this forum you can find instructions for binding your keys, a list of the key combos already available in the game, help on creating a custom "spray", help for customizing the look and feel of your weapons and sound. Please feel free to browse the forum and if there is anything you cannot find, please ask and we'll be happy to help!

#2 Redshirt

Posted 15 November 2010 - 12:23 PM

I would definitely suggest watching/following the veteran players, and not just to be a "creepy stalker player". See what routes they take, where they hide, etc etc. Also when you are ambushed try to get an idea of where/how they ambushed you and remember it for next time.

Learn the maps!
Learn the maps!
Learn the maps!

#3 Livestrong

Posted 15 November 2010 - 12:33 PM

I have one problem, I can't decide what to play when I get on teamspeak! LMAO! DOD is definitely fun!

#4 Scoop1967 - Dan

Posted 15 November 2010 - 06:56 PM

System Requirements

Minimum: 1.7 GHz Processor, 512MB RAM, DirectX® 8.1 level Graphics Card (Requires support for SSE), Windows® Vista/XP/2000, Mouse, Keyboard, Internet Connection

Recommended: Pentium 4 processor (3.0GHz, or better), 1GB RAM, DirectX® 9 level Graphics Card, Windows® Vista/XP/2000, Mouse, Keyboard, Internet Connection

I am running this game on Windows 7 with no problems.

I'm also enjoying chatting with players I have not interacted with. I've been a BF2 and BFBC2 player the whole time here at MG, so talking with so many players that I have only known the names of from the forums is pretty cool too.


Posted 15 November 2010 - 10:09 PM

I must have a dinosaur for a puter.
Steam raises havoc and WHEN, I say WHEN, because I can not always make it into the game. WHEN I can get into game, I need to be still and wait to shoot others.
I think the object is to capture areas. That is most difficult for my system to allow me to move much. If others are around it is almost hopeless.

#6 robo_dork

Posted 16 November 2010 - 03:26 PM

i'm gonna pony up some funds and give this game a shot. Thanks Scoop for the system requirements, i was wondering. It looks like "Old Sparky" can handle the game requirements.

#7 Lin

Posted 16 November 2010 - 06:57 PM

Harry, yes...the point is to take flags to win, but we need teammates who can snipe or use the machine gun as well in order to capture/defend strategic areas. Both of these mean you have to find a good spot and stay there for a little bit, then find another spot and stay there for a little bit, etc...keep on the move just enough to cover an appropriate area. And, keep on the move a little to make sure your spot isn't "made" so you'll live longer.

I'm wondering if any of our Steam techies can help improve your game?

#8 Comet

Posted 17 November 2010 - 10:29 AM

After promoting the game for several years I have little to add. I would prefer to hear from those new to the game, what do you feel the game is and isn't...

If I were to touch on one aspect I really enjoy about the game that would be the ability to customize. It is very customizable. Check out my post below, I've shared with you all that I've done to my game...


#9 Livestrong

Posted 17 November 2010 - 11:17 AM

What I like about this game.

1. I finally get to play a game with Core members and other Moonies who I have not met!

2. The game is cheap, simple and fun.

3. I always liked the Team Fortress game look and feel.

4. I actually look forward to playing every night again(was getting a little burnt out).

5. For the first time in a while I actually lost track of time while playing last night and that hasn't happened since the BF2 days.

PS, I have a hearing loss so if you say something to me in TS and I don't reply don't be offended. I do tend to keep my mic muted cause I have 4 loud dogs always running around !

I am at work as I type this and I wonder if this machine should have DOD:S on it......... muhahahahaW!

#10 Comet

Posted 17 November 2010 - 01:00 PM

Thank you Livestrong, now that's the input I'm talking about. It's always nice to hear a perspective from a player new to the game. Glad to hear you're enjoying playing again. I agree, it's great to be able to interact with new Moonies that you have yet to play with.

See ya in game...


Posted 17 November 2010 - 02:09 PM

wow,felt like a total noob playing this.was kinda of fun not knowing the maps and what was lurking around the corner!i need to get the feels for when the gun kicks back

#12 Necris Phayder

Posted 18 November 2010 - 03:27 AM

Was bored last weekend en started playing DoD:S again for the first time in ... 2 years or something. Came across the MoonGamers server, hung around for a while, did some killin' and now i keep coming back :P

I havent forgotten how to play yet haha.

#13 Redshirt

Posted 18 November 2010 - 08:14 AM

Was bored last weekend en started playing DoD:S again for the first time in ... 2 years or something. Came across the MoonGamers server, hung around for a while, did some killin' and now i keep coming back :P

I havent forgotten how to play yet haha.

Glad you're liking the server Necris! And welcome to Moongamers! :monkeydance:

#14 Striker

Posted 23 November 2010 - 08:48 PM

still play it, and have been on the server quite a few times. Look for Bradshaw... that's me.

#15 Enforcer

Posted 26 November 2010 - 03:47 PM

That is a great read. I really enjoy seeing that new folks have found Moongamers because of the day of defeat server. For a game that is several years old, I still enjoy the hell out of it. Sure, the MG and the snipers will piss you off from time to time, but, still the game rocks and I enjoy it. The maps are fairly linear and that forces action. There is no hiding around a spot and occasionally finding an enemy running towards you. there are generally two or three different ways of attack and that is it! So, it means you will find an enemy and have to shoot your way out. Many times, it gets down the last flag, and then lo and behold, the flags change and now you are down to just one flag..great action at the center flags when you need two persons to change the flag. What action! The details are well enough to get you through the maps, considering the games age..and the fun it offers is still hands down a fun ass game!

Plus the whole pimping thing..I love the fact that MY game is different than YOUR game although it is the same game. I like getting high res crap and aimpoints and such..great game all in all..

#16 Jackalopian

Posted 29 November 2010 - 04:40 PM

Well after speaking with Lin via MSN the other night I went ahead and loaded STEAM up. I had already purchased Orangbox from Valve and had the game available to play under my account.

Some of you may have seen me in the game under "TCA-ECF". For some reason I cannot for the life of me figure out how to change my freaking name....!

Anyways... the game is NOT a graphical wonder of the world like the newer games out there now. The graphics are what current gamers would call dated.

As far as gameplay I find it to be very fun for an infantry only based game. The stock maps are nicely done and are not lopsided as you may find in many other games. You do not have to worry about dying repeatedly from vehicles which I like a lot. And the stategy that goes into the capture of all areas (flags) can be very interesting. Of course you can also run around like an idiot and just shoot people too :) While camping does exist to a degree it seems much easier to flush them out with a little teamwork and communication.

Overall for a game that cost $10 it is a good investment to spend some time with other gamers having some fun. I do notice that the game is much more laid back than the newer ones. There is no shouting and screaming, just an occasional stategic comment or command.

#17 Enforcer

Posted 30 November 2010 - 12:50 PM

While in game, [shift + tab] will get you to the settings option. I think under that option, there is a multiplayer option which will allow you to change your name.. If not, under the options within DoD, there is a multiplayer option to allow your name change.. and yes, I do recall playing with a TCA-ECF person last night..

#18 Jackalopian

Posted 01 December 2010 - 06:36 PM

Thanks Enforcer. I actually had to open my friend list from within STEAM and change my name there. It is now back to Jackalopian as it was with all games that I have played here at MG.

Good times last night! I even got to make fun of Dan a bit on team talk :)

#19 Comet

Posted 02 December 2010 - 12:44 AM

Hey Kev!

Awesomer to have you in game my friend and great to have you back. Glad you like the game. It is more laid back but it offers some "what action" moments just like WaW did. Take the time to tweak your game and come get some.

Plenty of info here...



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