Getting tired of the constant direct and indirect accusations. How come that people who play this since 10 years still don't get the physics of this game ?
"Smells hacky in here"
Last week, I had to bail out of my tank while fighting for a flag. A guy came around the corner, so I switched to pistol. He switched to expack (when did "switch to pistol" in close combat turned to "switch to nades / expacks" ???). I was able to shoot 4 bullets into his face before he could throw his lamepack. His comment : "It smells hacky in here". A big surprise that shooting 4 bullets is quicker than expacking. Thank god I have the quick pistol shoot hack. I don't. Just in case some brainiac doesn't get the joke.
"How did you know I was there ?"
Maybe I simply saw you. Maybe you were too close to the wall, so your name tag was visible. Maybe I saw you earlier, but didn't attack you instantly. Maybe a teammate told me in gamechat or in Teamspeak. Maybe I simply didn't know that you were there, but I simply put a shell there because that's a common spot you were hiding in. In other words, there is a big chance that someone is in that certain spot. No magic involved. A skilled pilot uses the minimap and the different views constantly. They see a lot from up there, and, believe it or not, a lot of moves are very predictable.
One shot ? I had full health / my tank was at 100 %
Yes. One shot can be enough. One hit with the knife, one single headshot, one treadshot / shot in the back or side of a tank ----> boom. Dead. One shot. No magic involved. While tanking, you rarely can be sure that it was just one guy shooting at you. There can always be a second guy nading or shooting at you from another side too.
I shot a whole clip into him and nothing !!!
Very old game + huge ping differences. Spray and pray doesn't work that well. It's that simple. Hearing guys with low ping whining this way makes me laugh. If it happens to you with a 50 ping, imagine how it is with a 130 ping.
He hit me while I was in the bunker !!!
A skilled pilot or a skilled tanker will bomb / shoot through the door or the other open areas. Period.
Right, killing a plane with a RIFLE !!!
When the damn plane is already damaged hard, you can finish it off with a bullet. If your K98 was the last weapon which hit the plane (aka taking away the last third of a bar), you will get the kill.
BSing after nading / expacking your feet, killing yourself but not the enemy
Seriously ? I mean you just threw explosives at your feet, don't be surprised when you kill yourself. If your enemy moves in a clever way, he'll get less damage than you. You just threw explosives at your own feet. Surprise, it hurts. Try the pistol.
That sniper / pilot / whatever is BS! (quote from last night)
Why, because he is better than you ? "Nobody can be that good" ? How do you know that ? Please explain it to me.
"Now I know why I'm not good here. It's because of all the cheaters." (direct quote from last night)
In case you aren't just a random troll : maybe you're not good here because you simply aren't that good. Get good.
It's no shame that others might be better than you. But that constant BS ! talk is. Keep in mind that people change their names. So, just because you don't know the player name, it doesn't mean that this guy is hacking. It's very often simply a known player using a different name.
And in general : the most hackers (over 90 % if I have to estimate) who get caught by us are not getting good kdrs and usually do not have any significant impact on how the round ends. Believe it or not.