If you have an unban request, please start a new post for each one.
Please include the following:
1. BF Screen Name
2. Server you were playing on
3. Your hash (see sticky post to find out how to get it)
4. email addy (unless you're a forum member and it's already in your profile )
5. Date/time you think you were banned
6. What were you doing at the time? If you were banned for cheating or hacking, don't try to pull one over! You can always plead your cause, but if you were banned for cheating it's likely to stay that way.
7. Ultimately it is the decision of the admin who banned a player to unban a player.
You will also need to have your IP ready in case we email you for this information. You can obtain your IP by going to the following URL:

Start new post for unban requests
Started by
, Feb 24 2004 09:32 AM
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