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Another night of carnage

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5 replies to this topic

#1 Langley

Posted 07 February 2007 - 11:43 PM

We got up to about 10 people in tonight when I left and it was total mayhem. Blood guts all over the place. We had some great battles for the middle flag in Avalanche and SnakeEyes was ripping apart the Allies with the MG42 in Flash. Plinko was absolutely deadly with the rifle, avoid him whenever possible. Got me so many times I lost count. Comet was giving everyone the old Bob Probert when the rounds were over. A great time was had by all. There are still a bunch in there so if you have DoD Source, jump in @

Point secure!

#2 Catfish

Posted 08 February 2007 - 12:12 AM

You forgot to mention me! I was running around lost and dying a lot.

#3 Plinko

Posted 08 February 2007 - 12:41 AM

We got up to about 10 people in tonight when I left and it was total mayhem. Blood guts all over the place. We had some great battles for the middle flag in Avalanche and SnakeEyes was ripping apart the Allies with the MG42 in Flash. Plinko was absolutely deadly with the rifle, avoid him whenever possible. Got me so many times I lost count. Comet was giving everyone the old Bob Probert when the rounds were over. A great time was had by all. There are still a bunch in there so if you have DoD Source, jump in @

Point secure!

We had 7 on 7 in Flash. I was pwning, and everybody left. Good times were had by all.

Posted Image

Posted Image
Everybody got scared and left!

#4 Snake

Posted 08 February 2007 - 01:44 AM

I had a heck of a time. Thanks! I recommend that everyone get this game, its like Omaha Beach on Crack!

#5 Why Two Kay

Posted 08 February 2007 - 09:10 AM

Dang! That must have been right after I went to bed. Oh well, while I was there it was pretty fun too. I was owning people with my rifle nade while getting owned by Killer Bob and Plinko and their K98 hax.

#6 Comet

Posted 08 February 2007 - 02:12 PM

We had 8 on 8 for a while...what a riot!

Juan you crouching, sneaky hiding Axis bastage you...I'm going to punch your lights out bro! Actually you can tell who has Source experience in this game, that certainly is not myself. I need to adapt to this game to play better, it's hard to do after so many years of BF1942...I'm game though!

We seem to slowly be building a following here, good to see.

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