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1942 problem.

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#1 Beerme

Posted 02 February 2015 - 03:57 PM

Hello!  I recently made an introduction/cry for help post in the General section and was told to bring it to IT!  I just copy and pasted my issues so hopefully someone here can help me out:


As of Christmas I added some new specs to my hardware (gtx 970, I7 4790k, ssd, more ram, new motherboard etc.) but of course with a new drive I had to do a reinstall of all my games and programs.  I'll try and give a detailed but brief list of the issues I've been having.


*All other games I've re installed have worked just fine.

*I run bf 1942 under windows xp service pack 3


First I installed the game with the expansion packs.

I then downloaded the 1.6 full patch and the 1.6b incremental.

I noticed I couldn't find a single server.. on some inquiring I downloaded the new master server thing and I can now see all the populated servers.

I found that moongamers (the only server I plan to really do any playing on) was of a different version patch.. I thought this strange so I uninstalled, reinstalled, downloaded the patches from THIS site and installed them. 

Still Moongamers is "gray" and I can only seem to access a few other high ping servers in Europe and such.

I then thought I'd join one of the servers I DO have access to just for kicks.

When I loaded in the graphics were all fine, however my crosshair was black and I could not move with the w,a,s,d, keys.  I could look around and enter/exit the carrier with e, but no moving on foot.  (Yes I checked the controls and defaulted them)

I am truly at a loss.  I understand its an old game on a new rig, but I thought it should still play fine.


Any insight or possible other programs I need to download or just general help would be very swell and appreciated!


Thank you very much for your time and a big thank you to the community for staying strong all these years and providing us with a fun, mature place to kick some butt!



#2 OldShifty

Posted 04 February 2015 - 05:50 PM

Hi Beerme,


read this thread:




Gamespy shut down the game which forced EA to stop supporting bf1942 and other games. But some folks in the community created a work around so you can still play. I think there is a link to a patch in that thread. Moon is still up and running just not on gamespy.


see you there,

#3 Beerme

Posted 04 February 2015 - 10:30 PM

Turns out I was downloading the Origin version and not the client for OGs like me!  Thanks a ton Shifty, see everyone in game!

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