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Arma 3 Exile Server Bug List / Reports

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49 replies to this topic

#1 CrDraggin

Posted 09 March 2016 - 05:09 PM

Please post all bugs here. Here is the Template.....



Server Name:

Date/Time experienced:

Issue Information:

#2 Skinlesshorizon

Posted 26 June 2017 - 12:01 PM

Exile/ARMA 3

6-26-2017/0600-1000 PST


Occupational airlines trapped in circle pattern near argios. 

#3 50Cal

Posted 09 July 2017 - 09:29 PM

An Arma 3 user named Rush mentioned he cannot find any rope needed to make the extended base mod hangars.  I know player Tom has a hangar so I asked him where he had gotten rope, he said it use to be in game but hasn't seen any since.  I can only assume that there was rope before the last rebuild and am requesting for player Rush that it be placed back in game, whether in loot or trader form.






(Corrected - CrDraggin @ 7/11/2017 1:00AM)

Attached Files

#4 CrDraggin

Posted 09 July 2017 - 11:40 PM

Will look into it tomorrow at add back in. I could have sworn Gunner and I added to the traders, but maybe we only allowed the prices and did not add to the list of objects to be traded. I will look into the loot table as well. If already in, I will up the % to help it. 

#5 CrDraggin

Posted 11 July 2017 - 12:56 AM

rope added to the trader for purchase. Sorry we added the prices, but didnt add the actual rope back to the listing. I also bumped it up a little more doubling the potential for it to spawn in loot. 

#6 Hollywood703

Posted 18 July 2017 - 07:02 AM

Not sure if this is on my end or game end...Came in and myself and tom had completed a mission. We were hauling a Ural and a Pickup with a Covered Taru....and for no reason we just seemed to explode for no apparent reason.  No missions around tow lengths were different for both vehicles and flying cautiously.  Replaced it with the next higher helo and flew back to my base. I had landed, turned off engines and clicked get out and it exploded. I am not sure what the cause is, I am on a wired 150MB connection, use to get weird packet loss when I was on wireless which would cause me to be different than server saw me, but havent had this issue since I hardwired it. 


This was on Altis map

believe it was Sunday night around 8PM EST (wasnt really paying attention to time)

#7 TomR

Posted 18 July 2017 - 04:36 PM

It was a epic Explosion...

#8 Skinlesshorizon

Posted 22 July 2017 - 03:39 PM

Exile/ARMA 3

7-21-2017 1700-1800 PST time


Players are reporting and confirmed metal wire not sold at traders. I was selling the item to players that asked. it can be found in gear crates. 



(Corrected - CrDraggin @ 7/24/2017 8:15AM)

#9 Hollywood703

Posted 27 July 2017 - 09:57 AM

Came in 7-26-17 at 1355 EST and was killed instantly as I spawned in, was inside my base and never even touched the ground before i was dead

#10 50Cal

Posted 08 August 2017 - 04:58 PM


Server is down due to Arma 3 update.  They upgraded to 1.74






Server has been updated - CrDraggin

#11 50Cal

Posted 11 August 2017 - 06:12 PM

It appears this date 8/11/2017 that the Igiload addon is not working.  I completed a mission with a small crate classname Box_NATO_Wps_F and was unable to pick it up with my Hemitt Transport.  I've heard others have had issues picking up crates as well.  I assume the Arma 3 update we received this week may be the cause or this classname isn't in the configuration file for Igiload.  Thanks .50Cal

#12 Hollywood703

Posted 15 August 2017 - 09:26 AM

Scopes max range is now 600? Tried LRPS and Nightstalker, then relogged and tried again, still max of 600m

#13 Hollywood703

Posted 15 August 2017 - 10:02 AM

bought new nightstalker and it is now working, but the LRPS all of them still limited to 600 elevation

#14 CrDraggin

Posted 03 February 2018 - 12:08 PM

I think we have fixed the broken tow ropes and lift system. It was due to the anti-hack system update. Updated to a new beta version that was said to have fixed it. We will see.

#15 TomR

Posted 03 February 2018 - 05:57 PM

just a FYI - I never knew sling loading was broken( I have carried stuff all over the map both as a admin and player and see other players doing it on a daily basis) until about the last 4 or so days- vehicles that I have carried many-many times I now can not lift as a admin or player..

#16 Treleifin

Posted 05 February 2018 - 01:00 PM

Exile/ARMA 3/Altis

02-05-2017 1100-1200 CDT time

Selling gear crates results in player’s respect bottoming out and being replaced with the respect earned from the gear crate sale. Myself and Skinless also having this happened to us when selling gear crates. Respect has been returned to players who lost it. Caution advised to players not to sell from gear crates until fixed. Keep crate clear of the waste dump area because of auto-sell option.


#17 BOVA

Posted 14 February 2018 - 05:06 PM

Mercenary base is doing weird things. This happened last night with me and DB. Then today with me trella and bones and kelly.

Merc base says zero units remaining. Then out of no where a big group of AI roamers spawns inside the merc base. But yet the amount of units left remains at zero.

So when you run in to get the crate and the mission says zero we are getting shot by roaning ai that spawned inside merk base.

Eitherthe mission has been altered or it is bugged. This is not just a random thing it happened twice. Once last night and now today as well.

Kelly left because he was disgusted with it. After all the hard work the players go to get the loot only to be unexpectedly ambushed by roamers.

Then to top it off merc base respawns another wave of 10. Which is fine but the other stuff that is going on is not supposed to be happening.

It is not only frustrating for myself but for other players as well as myself. If it says zero units then it should be zero units. We should not be being ambushed by a wave of roaming AI showing up in a mass group all at once in the same location.

It is very obvious to me that the mission is bugged or altered. I would appreciate it very much if someone could please look into this. :hot:

#18 CrDraggin

Posted 21 February 2018 - 12:29 AM

I think we have talked about these statics before.

There are waves of reinforcement groups that come in after the AI get down past 7-10. There are a number of them and the counter is updated at a static time, not live. So there are many instances where the event to spawn reinforcements will happen and the AI tracker will update 15 or 30 seconds later.

#19 turbo

Posted 21 February 2018 - 06:38 PM

Server Name: Arma 3 altis

Date/Time experienced:2/21/18   time ?  

Issue Information

As soon as I landed my Mohawk on the "new style" concrete floors it immediately exploded. Around 4pm est

I then parked a little bird on the old style concrete floor right after. It was fine , but when I logged back in around 6:30est the little bird was gone. I assume it blew up:

#20 Treleifin

Posted 22 February 2018 - 10:05 AM

I am sorry this has happened to you. This has been a known issue since a game update months ago. I will
be happy to replace your Mohawk and Little Bird. In the future though, until there is a development
update that changes things, the most secure place to set your helicopter is on the ground or to store it in the virtual garage. If you do store it in the virtual garage, I recommend setting down a landmark,
such as a helipad mark which is relatively cheap to make, that way you know where your helicopter or
vehicle pops back out at and you don't blow other things up while retrieving them.


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