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Want to become an Administrator

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#1 Enforcer

Posted 20 March 2005 - 07:56 PM

So you wanna be an admin?
We use specific criteria to judge whether or not a player could be or should be an admin. With the admin rights to the server, there comes a responsibility to uphold what the server stands for. The Core group expects the standard of admin and play will be upheld when those in Core are not present to monitor the servers.

What is the time frame it may take to become an admin?
There is no definitive time frame. It depends on many factors listed below.

Are admins selected only from Reg ranks?
No. When possible the answer is yes, the newest administrators will be selected from the Reg ranks. Unfortunately, that is not always possible. In the event a player is on the server during an off peak time, they have been playing here frequently and for some time, they may be asked to admin prior to a Reg, mainly due to the coverage they can provide the server.

What criteria is used when determining who is selected for an admin position at the Moongamers.com servers?

Factors that are considered prior to selecting and admin are as follows:

-Maturity: We are looking for admins that are examples of maturity without which you lose respect by others and control of your position. This does not necessarily mean age. There are many fine examples of mature younger players that we have promoted to an admin position. They are mature for their age, and that makes them an appropriate choice.

-Familiarity with Moon, its rules, its players: Without a general knowledge base, how can we expect anyone to admin the servers in a like manner to prevent confusion for our players.

-KDR: An admin must be willing to sacrifice a good KDR for the activities of adminning the server. Many times you will get aim killed, emailed, questioned, and must provide direction, forcing you to leave game. This will reflect in your KDR. A score hound need not apply. There are times that you will need to suicide to correct a prohibited behavior. There are other times that you are not playing, but monitoring the general game play without actively being involved.

-Demeanor: An admin must have a calm demeanor in and out of game. During the game, an admin cannot kick based on number of deaths by a particular player, for example, no matter how frustrating.

-Active Participant: An admin must be active in the forums, Teamspeak, MSN Messenger, AIM, or email. The administrator must be available to correct a problem, conduct a reset or answer a question via one of the methods of communication.

-Play Time: While a player on the Moongamers.com server, you must have played at least 8 hours per month on the servers, for two consecutive months. This fact must be viewable on BF Tracks or other player tracking method.

-Equipment: An admin will have at any given time, four other applications running in addition to the game. Your machine, your connection, etc. must be able to handle this load OR you must have another machine to handle the admin duties, while your main computer runs the game only.

-Time Slot Played: Selection of an admin also involves what time of day you are a primary player in. If you only play the peak times, 1700 - 2300 EST, then your selection to an admin position will be delayed in favor of another player that plays 2300 - 0600 given the coverage requirements, and the number of existing admins during that time period.

How bout it, still want to be an admin? Selection to an admin position is conducted by a majority of the Core Group vote as the need arises. The decisions made by Core are subject to change with or without notice. The decisions are made/altered/reversed on a case by case basis and one thing should not be construed to mean another thing.

The Core Group reserves the right to provide, suspend, or revoke an administrative right with or without notice. However, the Core Group will make every attempt for corrective action prior to removal of an admin.

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