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Guidelines around mission loot

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#1 Captian Brian

Posted 28 February 2018 - 05:27 PM

it is becoming more and more of an issue with players working together on missions and on common courtesy around claiming missions and distribution of loot. 


I would like to recommend that the loot box not be available to any player doing a mission until all the AI are dead.  More and more players rush the box while there is still several AI alive (including m2 and kord gunners). 


Next, with the influx of new players - it is often difficult for some to get to work on missions due to some claiming missions for across the map or while they are still working an existing mission.  I would like to recommend that a player has to be within 1500 meters before they can mark and claim a mission. 


By product of people rushing the crates or veins in cave missions - is they leave AI but also take the best loot for themselves.  Leaving those that do the killing of all AI at the mission to get mere scraps.  I would like to have move definitive guidelines published so that all players know how the rules or guidelines set by owner or admins.  We all want to have a fun time and that often exist unfortunately when we have rules to go by.  It is a shame a few make it difficult for others.


Lastly, common courtesy should prevail.  Using the "who killed the most" is ok - but how do you really prove that?  Saying "I shot all the AI with the launchers - so I have rights to them" - really isn't fair,. nor can that be proved.


If nothing can be done, then I at least appreciate the opportunity to address a problem that frustrates some players.  I greatly enjoy playing these servers and try to always help others

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