When I first came to MoonGamers I was very impressed by our Regs we had here, and those who are still here. Everytime I was in game I was asked to come to TS, and get involved within the community. They'd take the time to help me with the game since I was new, and I'd notice a Reg before an Admin not because I thought an Reg was more important, but because the Regs were more present while an Admins job is taking care of the server. The Regs are the frontliners, and before becoming an Admin, and later a Senior Admin, I always wanted to be a Reg, because of what the Regs stood for, and still stands for.
Today, I am proud to say I am a Reg. I am also proud of my fellow Regs as well. We are constantly working on better ways to make the Reg position one that always shines. My experience with those in the position when I came here was one of awe, and that is what I hope others view it as. I won't go into the processes of how to become one, but it isn't easy. You can't just slap on the tag, and say you are a Reg. You have to earn it, and once earned you have to strive to keep it. If you hear someone say the Reg position has lost its shine they don't know what they are talking about, because they don't know what it means to become one, or the care it takes for those voting in a potential Reg. If you are interested in becoming a Reg ask a Reg/Admin/Sr Admin/Core member how to become one. Thank you for reading, and see you on the battlefield.