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Submarine Sim Games

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#1 Farting Retard

Posted 28 March 2024 - 02:06 PM

For the first time in my entire life I finally have a "pretty good" computer.  Am5, 32 Gb DDR5 RAM, Gigabyte m/b, 12-core AMD processor, and an RX6600 vc, and yes I know there are tons of video cards that are better, but that was my budget, and I don't need to play those super high-end games anyways.


So per my normal "pirate" identity I d/l and install "Silent Service 4" and remembered how the cracked versions are crippled and annoying and so I'm thinking I could buy a legit copy of that game, or a better one, even.  As long as it's not crazy expensive.  So looking for recommendations on sub sim games.  I want to play the old games that I couldn't play when I had trash hardware, is 90% of my intent for this post.


Also my Win10 pro is "unregistered" and so I'm looking for a cheap way to become a documented immigrant, meaning legal.  I read/hear lots of things but no one that says them is someone that I would trust.  Willing to do that thing where you pay $x.00 for a legal product key, or whatever, and install the data you get from MS direct, or whatever.  I just want to make certain that when the smoke clears, the O/S is 100% legal.

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