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MoonGamers seeding guide for players

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#1 Monkey

Posted 26 August 2008 - 05:07 PM

A MoonGamers Guide to Seeding

If you happen upon one of the MoonGamers servers that has little to no players in it, try to remember the following.

1. Do not kill everyone relentlessly. (constant nades to spawns, tank blasting spawns or aircraft bombing the spawns). While spawn camping is allowed on our servers, it can hinder a server from filling with more players.

2. Do not tell the players that they HAVE to use a certain type of weapon. Sure its great and you can ask but please do not demand that they do this or tell them to leave if they wish to play with all weapons.Also don't tell a player to get out of a tank or you will TK them, rather ASK them politely to refrain from using equipment until more players arrive.

3. Say hi, hello, good day...... try to let the player know that they have been seen and noticed, even with a low population if you can get a player to respond the more likely they will stay longer and come back more often.

4. Do not try to be the "admin" this can and may get you kicked or worse yet banned. If the player is breaking the rules, let them know it is against rules and what the rule is, then point them to the website if they want to know more about the rules.

5. Use the time to show any new players how to do things, use the weapons or show them a few tricks of the game.

6. See if they would like to talk to who they are playing with and invite them to TeamSpeak.

7. Please leave a place for players to spawn, don't cap out because it is easy to do.

8. MoonGamers considers the server no longer in the seeding stage when CQ is above 24, BF1942(TDM) is above 34 and DC is above 34

If we can all follow the above, we can have filled servers in a short time and we will have players come back again and again. Remember at one time YOU were the new player at the game and were not the best at it.
  • Barbarian, Moose Springsteen and MehulJ like this

#2 Bullet-BS

Posted 26 August 2008 - 05:56 PM

Woot Monkey FTW I will do my best.

#3 Section8

Posted 26 August 2008 - 06:56 PM

I think this hits the nail on the head T_C as we all need a reminder now and then. Hopefully, this will make the game more enjoyable for all who play here. Well done, sir well done. :applaud:

#4 Shadow Striker

Posted 26 August 2008 - 07:06 PM

Good job monkey. I'll remember this thread if I am on a server with low population.

#5 Rapid Fire

Posted 26 August 2008 - 08:09 PM

Thx for the tips monkey!!!!!!!

#6 mexican eskimo

Posted 26 August 2008 - 08:21 PM

when i seed i am usually doing cool stuff
-blasting jeep and running on the buildings in berlin.
-practicing bombing in planes
-hitting trees like my hero. :rofl:
-racing around hitting jumps in jeeps

or i just make my tag [seeding] MexEsk if im not there

#7 xdoublex

Posted 06 September 2008 - 12:14 PM

Edit- posted wrong erea.

But good read there monkey

#8 No_Nickname

Posted 12 October 2008 - 12:29 PM

Will try to remember it, good set a rules to play by :)

#9 Monkey

Posted 05 December 2008 - 01:55 PM


#10 Monkey

Posted 07 April 2009 - 09:17 PM

BUMP added #8 for player reference as we have been asked many times about this.

#11 gensolo

Posted 05 April 2010 - 04:44 PM

bump for player reference

#12 sagittarii

Posted 04 May 2010 - 05:27 AM


Please read the top post and keep with the Seeding Guidelines. This does specially affect Desert Combat and Mostly Omaha Server!

Some do often forget that a seeding server is not the place to show off skills.

#13 Achtung56

Posted 13 June 2010 - 12:16 PM

This is extremely useful to everyone, thanks. :applaud:

#14 Steve2112

Posted 10 May 2015 - 06:19 PM

I am not even really sure what "Seeding" means.


Is it spawning? And how the game determines who plays what and where? What team and what number the players are assigned? I think it would be helpful to define "seeding".


A couple things....what is the engine that assigns players and teams? Here's a few questions:


1) what determines what team a player is assigned to?

2) what determines WHERE a player spawns? I have noticed different spawn points within a flag. Sometimes you are spawned right on top of a flag or vehicle. Sometimes spawned quite far away. This can be a big advantage to some players

3) what determines how fast a player spawns? I've noticed when I am more aggressive, I may spawn slower or get negative rating. Often....I have helped other players and helped my team...even though there may be a TK. I have felt that a TK doesn't mean you should be punished. You might even get a flag or help get a flag, but because some yahoo got in the way...you are punished. I have been that yahoo...lol.


And one more thing....I believe that team "balance" should be more closely regulated. For example...I have worked VERY hard to help my team win. And with little time left, and actually NO flags...been team switched. I think the engine that decides this could stop this from happening.


You want to talk about encouraging players? Don't ask the vets. Ask the noobs. I know...you hate it right? But really...it makes sense

#15 gregefc

Posted 12 May 2015 - 05:48 PM

I am not even really sure what "Seeding" means.

Is it spawning? And how the game determines who plays what and where? What team and what number the players are assigned? I think it would be helpful to define "seeding".

A couple things....what is the engine that assigns players and teams? Here's a few questions:

1) what determines what team a player is assigned to?
2) what determines WHERE a player spawns? I have noticed different spawn points within a flag. Sometimes you are spawned right on top of a flag or vehicle. Sometimes spawned quite far away. This can be a big advantage to some players
3) what determines how fast a player spawns? I've noticed when I am more aggressive, I may spawn slower or get negative rating. Often....I have helped other players and helped my team...even though there may be a TK. I have felt that a TK doesn't mean you should be punished. You might even get a flag or help get a flag, but because some yahoo got in the way...you are punished. I have been that yahoo...lol.

And one more thing....I believe that team "balance" should be more closely regulated. For example...I have worked VERY hard to help my team win. And with little time left, and actually NO flags...been team switched. I think the engine that decides this could stop this from happening.

You want to talk about encouraging players? Don't ask the vets. Ask the noobs. I know...you hate it right? But really...it makes sense

Seeding is done when a server is at low population or empty. It is where a player or small group of players join the server in an attempt to fill the server up with more players.

Answers to your questions-
1. A player is assigned to whichever team has the fewest amount of players. So if player is joining the game and axis has 15 players and allied has 14, player will go to allied. If it is even, I believe he goes to whoever has not received the most recent player.
2. Spawn locations are random. Each control point has multiple coordinates set within the map's .RFA file on where a player can spawn. A control point can have as few or as many of these as the map creator wants.
3. Player spawn times are set within the server remote manager program. These stay constant for every control point and both teams. Some instances may be longer because you teamkilled and someone punished your team kill through the console which is brought up with the tilde key. It may also seem to vary in time because usually the spanwn time and spawn delay are on a constant cycle and it is possible to only wait a few seconds on, say, a 10 second apawn. While at other times you will be forced to wait the entire duration due to chance.

As for being teamswitched, the only way to really prevent that is to turn off auto balance. But doing this results in lopsided games and uneven teams. Its probably better to just leave it alone, as frustrating as a team switch can be at times.

I'm not sure what you're getting at when talking about how to encourage players. Surely it is smarter to take in opinions from all sides, experienced and inexperienced. Otherwise, how would you have gotten all of this information?

Hope this helps.

Also, get good.

#16 mexican eskimo

Posted 12 May 2015 - 06:41 PM



As for being teamswitched, the only way to really prevent that is to turn off auto balance. But doing this results in lopsided games and uneven teams. Its probably better to just leave it alone, as frustrating as a team switch can be at times.


It really can be frustrating, but in this age there is really no hope to get the autobalance recoded.  It is a necessary evil.  It can be turned off, but knowing from experience it can very quickly become unbalanced and the other team gets capped out pretty fast.

#17 Renlist

Posted 28 May 2015 - 12:02 AM

Did anyone ever figure out the parameters as to what causes someone to get switched.  Also, if everything is pretty much automatic, why is there a message not to stack the teams?

I thought we weren't able to do that ourselves.  Do people quit and rejoin to get on their desired team or something?


Also, this can't be helped, but it IS kind of a bummer when you get switched during the last 45 seconds of  a match when you worked so hard all map long to win one for your side.

#18 gregefc

Posted 28 May 2015 - 12:11 AM


Being switched is wholly about team numbers. I believe. Say axis has 14 players and allied has 13 players. Its already uneven, so if someone on allied quits and drops their number to 12, it would now be axis 14 and allied 12. The next axis player to die would be automatically switched.. Or someone can manually do it by suicide which is more often than not how team stacking occurs.

I also believe there has been a scrolling message in the past about not stacking.

Hope this helps.

#19 posi

Posted 28 May 2015 - 03:42 AM

  The topic is seeding


  It means trying to get a game going..   as in the game is NOT going yet.


  Autobalance,  should not be on your mind if you are trying to be a good seeder. 


  Mexican Eskimo listed good examples.    


  Often Admins or Players will suggest different rules.   Leave the opposing team a flag to keep the battle in close proximity.


  It can be a time to try out different kits or do something you have never done before.  Land the B17 on the bridge on Market , Climb the hill on Omaha...


  We have many good seeders.   I'd encourage the morning and night players to check the numbers before your typical rampage.   If you don't have a whole lot of people to play with yet..  


  You are seeding.  


  Be a good seed,  camping mains and spawn killing is just bad during this time.


  When I see players shedding score and doing things to keep the small games lively..  


  It makes my day  :3dflagsdotcom_micro_2faws:

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#20 Captain John H. Miller

Posted 26 December 2016 - 04:11 AM

A MoonGamers Guide to Seeding

If you happen upon one of the MoonGamers servers that has little to no players in it, try to remember the following.

1. Do not kill everyone relentlessly. (constant nades to spawns, tank blasting spawns or aircraft bombing the spawns). While spawn camping is allowed on our servers, it can hinder a server from filling with more players.

2. Do not tell the players that they HAVE to use a certain type of weapon. Sure its great and you can ask but please do not demand that they do this or tell them to leave if they wish to play with all weapons.Also don't tell a player to get out of a tank or you will TK them, rather ASK them politely to refrain from using equipment until more players arrive.

3. Say hi, hello, good day...... try to let the player know that they have been seen and noticed, even with a low population if you can get a player to respond the more likely they will stay longer and come back more often.

4. Do not try to be the "admin" this can and may get you kicked or worse yet banned. If the player is breaking the rules, let them know it is against rules and what the rule is, then point them to the website if they want to know more about the rules.

5. Use the time to show any new players how to do things, use the weapons or show them a few tricks of the game.

6. See if they would like to talk to who they are playing with and invite them to TeamSpeak.

7. Please leave a place for players to spawn, don't cap out because it is easy to do.

8. MoonGamers considers the server no longer in the seeding stage when CQ is above 24, BF1942(TDM) is above 34 and DC is above 34

If we can all follow the above, we can have filled servers in a short time and we will have players come back again and again. Remember at one time YOU were the new player at the game and were not the best at it.


A great post by Monkey on seeding the server, old but good =)

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