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Why do I want Vista?

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#1 JJ

Posted 05 February 2007 - 05:02 PM

I am currently running XP Pro. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the two OS as far as it relates to gaming...

AMD 3700+
2 Gig Ram
BFG 7800GT
100G Hard Drive...this machine is only for gaming and surfing.

Thats the basics...JJ

#2 Limpnoodle

Posted 05 February 2007 - 05:50 PM

Cause it's pretty!

That's about it. Basically if you buy it now you are paying to be a Beta tester. *waits for people to settle down*

Yes I know it is new, yes I know it has came a ways since it's Beta days, yes I know all new OS's have problems, I am just saying if you buy it the first year expect issues.

#3 Grenade71822

Posted 05 February 2007 - 06:03 PM

Limp is right unless you want cryssis or how ever you spell it really crazy badly i wouldnt get it for atleast 6 months. DX10 is great and all but when upgrading stuff you are going to hope that you get some up to date drivers. :pinkele: Dont know why i wanted that there but its pink and stuff.

#4 ijakings

Posted 05 February 2007 - 06:24 PM

Yeh I agree, im not going to buy it for a little while yet. I might do about may time. Getting the R600 in March so ill have to save again to afford vista.

#5 Bacon

Posted 05 February 2007 - 06:45 PM

If you are only going to have vista on one system get OEM.



If you are planning on having it on more then one computer get retail. Retail also has both 64bit and 32 bit Vista on the disk so you can switch if you want to.

The main draw for me is the DX 10 because you will only be able to get DX10 Lite for XP.

#6 Stormy{CAN}

Posted 05 February 2007 - 07:06 PM

The main draw for me is the DX 10 because you will only be able to get DX10 Lite for XP.

Are you referring to DX9.0L? If so then you may want to reconsider that thought,


#7 Racer

Posted 05 February 2007 - 07:38 PM

I am currently running XP Pro. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the two OS as far as it relates to gaming...

The same as going from DOS to 3.1 then to 95 then to 98 then to XP :)

#8 JJ

Posted 05 February 2007 - 08:04 PM

I am currently running XP Pro. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the two OS as far as it relates to gaming...

The same as going from DOS to 3.1 then to 95 then to 98 then to XP :)

For me that makes no sense, I worked on Mac's up until last year. So the leaps between OS have no particular significance...JJ

#9 WTBass

Posted 05 February 2007 - 08:07 PM

I posted this on another Vista thread.... Clicky

#10 JJ

Posted 05 February 2007 - 08:21 PM

I posted this on another Vista thread.... Clicky

:rofl: I've been trying to kill OSX 10 for 3 years and have had no luck...

#11 TheL3gend

Posted 05 February 2007 - 08:44 PM

I did a simple PowerPoint presentation on my teacher's Mac laptop (OSX 10) and it crashed and needed a restart. >=(

#12 Bacon

Posted 05 February 2007 - 10:21 PM

I crash OS X on average about once every 2-3 hours give or take. This is on G5s also. With basic stuff like Photoshop, Garage band, and Dreamweaver. That is why I do not have one at home. Excluding the x-fire Counter Strike: Source incompatibility I have crashed my current PC that I have had for 6 months only four times, and only two of those needed to restart.

#13 Why Two Kay

Posted 05 February 2007 - 10:34 PM

Excluding the x-fire Counter Strike: Source incompatibility

That gets me a ton, especially on mapnight!

The truth is that Vista is not necessary. But it will be soon, just like XP was necessary by late 2002 or 2003. I don't really mean necessary necessary, but most programs were designed and tested for XP, and most software would only run on it or Win2K. I doubt there will be anything in 2007 that you need Vista for. Honestly, even being the computer person I am, I am not buying it.

#14 WTBass

Posted 05 February 2007 - 11:09 PM

I did a simple PowerPoint presentation on my teacher's Mac laptop (OSX 10) and it crashed and needed a restart. >=(

I have a sister that teaches in New England...she loves her Mac. She tells me that she has issues running any M$ Office product on her Mac. Now she has the dual boot Mac and runs her M$ Office on the Windows side of the house and claims it runs fine.

I am a Windows guy myself...it used to pay the bills. I'm with Ryan on this one... Vista will be required one day as more software is written for the platform. Until then...I'll stick with my XP Pro and let all the Vista kinks get worked out by others.

My CS:Source has crashed like 3 times since I loaded it in December...but I just load it back up and it seems to run fine. No Windows reboot required.

Bacon...if you are using a Mac at school or work...is that kinda of like a rental car? Looks real good but with so many different drivers it actually is a piece of poo?

If I was younger and had the patience, I would probably load up Linux. I used to connect PC's (both Mac and Win) to Linux servers in a bunch of locations and those servers never had problems except for hardware issues. Reminded me of a Timex...took a licking and kept on ticking! I doubt there are many fun apps that run on Linux...especially BF apps. Another problem was drivers...if a new piece of hardware came out...the Linux guru's would always have trouble finding drivers.

And someone correct me if I'm wrong...but isn't Vista written with the basic source code from OS10? I thought that was part of the many lawsuits between Apple and MS...and why (Longhorn) Vista was delayed for so long...

#15 pest control

Posted 06 February 2007 - 12:05 AM

I am currently running XP Pro. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the two OS as far as it relates to gaming...

i dont think theres any games at all out for vista, you can run the windows XP games in it but theres loss in performance, and some games dont work.
when Battlefield 3 or something like that is out, thats when its time to move to vista for gaming.

#16 birney

Posted 06 February 2007 - 02:20 AM

I believe there are three versions of vista, From a recent report on it on a techy tv show any hardware you have on your pc, like scanner,printer ect, the 64 bit one will not run any of them yet.

#17 King of the Squirrels

Posted 06 February 2007 - 08:36 AM

The only reasons to get vista is Direct X 10 , Dir 10 and dual/multicore support in Vista. The other stuff is all the same old crap..... Those bastards at Microsoft will not release direct 10 with any other operating system. . So Vista = dir 10.

Right now vista is really lame until they get there s---t together..... :whippingsmiley:

#18 Why Two Kay

Posted 06 February 2007 - 09:06 AM

The only reasons to get vista is Direct X 10 , Dir 10 and dual/multicore support in Vista. The other stuff is all the same old crap..... Those bastards at Microsoft will not release direct 10 with any other operating system. . So Vista = dir 10.

Right now vista is really lame until they get there s---t together..... :whippingsmiley:

Except that other operating systems lack the architecture to be able to run DX10.

It would be the same as saying "Hey, why can't we run DirectX 9 on this Windows 3.1 machine?" Even if the computer was as fast as a normal one today, it lacks the built in architecture to be able to do DX at all. XP can not do 10 because it would require a major upgrade.

#19 Bacon

Posted 06 February 2007 - 02:02 PM

That is correct. DX 10 is a complete rebuild of the DX engine and not just add-on/modification. Also I do have a dual core so Vista will be good to me. :lol: I am in no real rush to get it though. I will most likely get it early summer. Also if you look at the price of the OS is it is really not that bad. You are going to have it for 4-7 years. So $200 is about $30-50$ a year. That is most likely less then your electrical bill for your computer. If I run my computer for 12 hours a day every day it was cost me a little more then $200 about. :whippingsmiley:

#20 USN_KniveS

Posted 06 February 2007 - 04:06 PM

I got it, because I could. :P
Only thing I'm using Vista is for surfing and listening to music right now. Can't even install my Kaspersky software w/o a blue error screen showing up.
Yay for dual booting
150GB Raptor=XP
74GBGb Raptor=Vista

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