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Berlin CQ

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#1 Bot

Posted 21 April 2024 - 12:59 PM

First off, thanks for making some changes to Bocage. The map plays better now, and I’ve been having more fun – and getting less frustrated.


With that said, I think Berlin CQ is in urgent need of some attention. This is also one of my favourite maps in the game, but in my opinion, it plays best as completely ‘one dimensional’ map focused on infantry gunplay, and the map mods should reflect that.


As it stands now, this map really pleases no one, which I think is evidenced by the noticeable drop in pop when it comes on. The infantry players get frustrated by the constant nades and tanks, and the less infantry-inclined players do not seem any less frustrated as their nades still can’t kill anyone.


I understand that the grenades and tanks were included in an effort to appease high pingers who would struggle with hit registration, but with the reg patch in place high pingers are now able to compete fine.


I’m also not sure of the logic behind giving players two nades each while simultaneously reducing explosive damage and fall damage. I guess this is in an effort to counter the tanks? All it results in is endless camera shaking from the nade spam, and having players being launched up into the air without dying due to fall damage being off. It also makes playing classes other than medic harder, as medics can self heal from all the splash damage while it’s death by 1000 cuts for everyone else. Overall, it’s a bit silly.


I also personally don’t think having that third flag north of the river adds anything to the map. Sure, it disperses the action a little, but that’s also missing the point of the map. It’s also much easier for Axis to cap that flag than it is for allied to cap the flag closest to their main.


If it were my, I would:

  • Remove all tanks from the map
  • Put fall damage back on
  • Remove all nades, or in the very least go to one full-strength non-refillable nade per person.
  • Keep the axis and allied uncaps
  • Remove the extra North river flag
  • Make all the flags ‘white’ at the beginning of the map to give Allied a chance to get out of their main.

Simple had this map set up very well prior to their change in servers, and I’m essentially suggesting that you copy that map mod. Some of the high pingers complained, but that dropped off with the reg patch.


  • Ooby, Par Shooter and TheCalmingClam like this

#2 smudge

Posted 21 April 2024 - 01:31 PM

i agree with most of your changes except


"Keep the axis and allied uncaps" admining on that map with the axis base is a constant pain. players don't understand its an uncap (even after being reminded) its attacked for the full duration of the map.

i would suggest giving red 2 flags at map start and make the red uncap capturable.


turn off fall damage and give 2 nades (non refillable)

  • Ooby and OWLCAT like this

#3 TheCalmingClam

Posted 22 April 2024 - 08:21 PM

Agree with everything bot said here, except for I think Allies should start off holding the flag closest to their uncap, and Axis has the rest. I am neutral on the extra modded flag on the other side of the river.


Like he said too, thanks for the changes on Bocage, definitely helped balance it!

  • Ooby and OWLCAT like this

#4 Ooby

Posted 22 April 2024 - 09:17 PM

Agree with most of bots suggestions. The river flag placement could be adjusted closer to the east where there are already ruins to make for a more exciting and dynamic combat area, especially if the defgun walls contributed to modifying the terrain. It's pretty underwhelming at the moment.

As for the nades: Revert the damage back to original or reduce the blast radius. I think only the damage is reduced at the moment, so it's causing the bizarre interactions that bot mentioned. Limit nades to one and unable to reload. Remove tanks or leave only 1. If you leave the tanks, make sure the tanks are more protected. Allied tank is very easily damaged as soon as it spawns. Axis tank is easy to steal if Allies are doing well. I also heard a point that nades should be remain because it helps high pingers. That is no longer true post-reg patch. The infantry playing field is mostly even at this point. 

I do differ on the idea that the Allies should start with flags or that flags should be initially neutral. I believe it aligns better with the intended meat grindyness of the map if the Allies had additional spawn points in the southern buildings of the back alley. Currently all of the Allied spawns are concentrated in the back of the base except for one GOD AWFUL spawn which practically spawns you in the street of the hotel building right outside of the Allied base. That particular spawn would be better suited on the 2nd or 3rd floor of the same building. These exact spawns were used by a very popular Berlin 24/7 server in Desert Combat and it balanced the map very well. 


  • Nicole, Par Shooter and TheCalmingClam like this

#5 Captain John H. Miller

Posted 08 May 2024 - 01:03 PM

Bot, excuse me for the late reply, but I had forwarded your message to the admin forum the same day of your post.

#6 Jubilee

Posted 09 May 2024 - 12:03 AM

bot eats poop

  • Nicole and TheCalmingClam like this

#7 Colonel Tavington

Posted 09 May 2024 - 10:58 PM

That was random

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