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TeamSpeak Glitch!

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#1 Why Two Kay

Posted 20 January 2005 - 05:54 PM

OK, there is a person in here named "Gunny" everybody else can hear him talk, and I can not! His idle time goes to 0 every time somebody answers him, so I know he is talking. He is not muted on my side and I cant figure out what is going on!

#2 King of the Squirrels

Posted 20 January 2005 - 06:16 PM

It was very strange ryan. When in game in one channel he has being heard in another channel. We were in moon infantry channel and then some glitch happened. Then he was being heard in main channel and not the channel he was in. Only the main channel could hear him and he would hear everything in infantry, he his answers would go to another channel? Any Ideas anyone? :bop2:

#3 Why Two Kay

Posted 20 January 2005 - 08:47 PM

Odd, I reinstalled TS and deleted all of its Application Data, and it seemed to fix it! I could hear Gunny talk and all of it! I have no idea WTF happened....but it worked! :o

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