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System Upgrade

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#1 Sgt.Stahlman

Posted 02 August 2011 - 09:45 AM

So I have a new Motherboard in the mail and I was wondering, must I reinstall windows to get this new MB to work?

I know that when you change motherboards, you cannot use the same installation of windows. Drivers and whatnot must be reinstalled, (I think), however, if I backup my windows, with say a program like Acronis True Image Home 2011, would I be able to install windows, to get it to work with the new motherboard, then restore the windows backup and get all my programs back?

Just wondering. I have the ability to get them back on my own, however, I grow tired of doing it that way. Thanks for the help as always Moon.


#2 Wolf68k

Posted 02 August 2011 - 10:46 AM

Depends on the OS. XP can usually get away with it with no real issues other than chipset drivers.
Win7 might be a different issue. When my C2Q mobo crapped out and I got a temp board until the replacement i7-2600k mobo came in I had some issues and tried a number of things before I finally gave up. Then when the new board did come in I was able to start up start away with only chipset drivers to install and re-activate 7 and no other issues at all (at least directly related to using the OS).

I would go ahead and make the back up first. They try just throwing everything in there and see of 7 boots. If you get a BSOD then boot from the OS disc and run a repair, might need to run it more than once, and see if that gets it to boot. If not then you still have the back up and you can just install fresh.

#3 Bullet-BS

Posted 02 August 2011 - 12:21 PM

I know with the older version of windows if you cannot get the drivers to work with your newboard you should be able to reinstall windows but yet it wouldn't erase your personal files.

#4 Hornet

Posted 02 August 2011 - 12:22 PM

I had to RMA my new motherboard due to heatsync issues early on in my Rig's life. I got it replaced to the exact same motherboard, which tbh was prolly a mistake because the heat issues were still there.

Anyways, when I installed the new one, windows needed to use system restore to essentially reset things into working correctly. BIOS settings will need to be changed most likely based off of your setup. Windows should maintain drivers for most motherboards so when you select to boot off of your main HDD(or SSD if you're lucky), it should be able to load properly. You can boot off of a flash drive if you wanted to (depending on what you're trying to boot) without driver issues, so I think you're OK. The BIOS takes care of all of the hardware workings.

If you make an image of your hard drive and store it, you can start windows in repair mode and activate that image once you try to start Windows the first time.

#5 WTBass

Posted 02 August 2011 - 05:52 PM

Get data and start fresh unless the MB is the exact same with same firmware... little glitches later on will always be in question! g/l

#6 Sgt.Stahlman

Posted 02 August 2011 - 09:37 PM

THe Mobo is not the same, and I have now loaded into windows without any hickups, Windows reinstalled all my drivers immediately, and within one restart I am up again. I am noticing some lag in my system, so a reformat may be in the works, but I was not ready to do it today, so I am up for now.


#7 dogofwar

Posted 02 August 2011 - 10:53 PM

all you should have to do is install latest version of mobo bios if needed. and install drivers from new mobo disk.
which mobo did you get?!!!!!!!! tell me tell me!!!! dont let windows install any drivers if you can help it! EVER!

go get em and download install yourself.

#8 Sgt.Stahlman

Posted 03 August 2011 - 05:50 AM

here is my new mobo


#9 Bullet-BS

Posted 03 August 2011 - 06:48 AM

What version of Windows are you running on this machine?

#10 Wolf68k

Posted 03 August 2011 - 11:02 AM

You said "..Windows reinstalled all my drivers immediately.."
It used the drivers already installed?!?
For the video and maybe the audio drivers that's fine but the chipset drivers should be completely different.
If Windows use the drivers already installed, I would put the mobo disc in (better still check the maker's website for newer ones) and install the drivers from there.
I would reinstall the video and audio drivers just to be on the safe side.

#11 Sgt.Stahlman

Posted 13 August 2011 - 03:47 PM

well, after a week of no issues with the new motherboard, I log into BFBC2 for the second time, (first time it was SUPER laggy) now I get old frames, and big black squares where bullets should be. Seems like I have a reformat in the works. Might be out of the game even longer due to this. But maybe I will get a wild hair and do it sooner than later

#12 Jac3624

Posted 13 August 2011 - 04:48 PM

Those back squares wouldn't be caused by a mobo upgrade, at least it shouldn't be. Sound more like a video card problem. Try upgrading the drivers to the latest ones. If that doesn't help you could try older drivers, since sometimes they can mess something up in the newer ones.

#13 Sgt.Stahlman

Posted 13 August 2011 - 09:52 PM

in short, all I did was upgrade the motherboard. The drivers for the video card did not appear to change at all. The video card never had ANY issues before I installed it into the new mobo. I did not reformat, and used the CD to install the new drivers for the mobo. I left the video card drivers in place and tried playing and got the lag. Then I "think" i updated the drivers and now am getting all kinds of video issues.

I am totally at a loss now. Bios is all but two months up to date and the update does not say anything about video. This is really ticking me off now.

Just in case it helps...

MSI 890FXA-GD70 is my motherboard and a have an EVGA Nvidia GeForce GTX570 in the top PCI-E x16 slot. Bios is set to select PCI-E for output.

#14 Wasabi®

Posted 14 August 2011 - 04:41 AM

Which GeForce drivers did you use? After an upgrade I usually use these


I never had issues with these drivers. They are optimized and fast. Make sure you don't get the "Beta" drivers.

#15 Sgt.Stahlman

Posted 14 August 2011 - 08:24 PM

thanks, I will check that out

#16 Sgt.Stahlman

Posted 15 August 2011 - 04:14 PM

the driver seemed to work with the video issues, but the I had a total system shut off. So, I just reintalled everything. Start from scratch, so let's see how this goes

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