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#1 birney

Posted 29 February 2016 - 02:21 PM

Before you start reading this post I will get straight to the crux of whats it is about, that being donations. Now before you 'click out' of this thread upon reading that please dont. A five minute read may mean another year of gaming fun at moon, or not as the case may be.


 Two weeks ago or so ago Moongamers celebrated its birthday! This came and went with very little celebration and fanfare and that of course is fine. Off the top of my head I cant remember what birthday it was. Twelve years? Thirteen maybe? It doesn't really matter as birthdays are oh so overrated as you get older, I outta know lol.  Yet it occurred to me very recently just how long we have been here in the games we have hosted and played,  bf42,  2142,  bf2, 3 and 4, Desert combat, Team fortress, Day of defeat source, and Dayz. There are probably one or two more that I have forgot to mention and if so I apologize. Yet hosting games and even donations would mean squat if it was not for all the people who frequented these servers. After all who would want to play in or donate to an empty server. Over the years many many people have passed through our doors. Many of course just passed through and out the other side. While quite a few of you stayed and set up shop, either in your respective games, in ts or in these here forums. Some became admins, some became Snrs some became Core, some got banned, some got un-banned. Many played without a word or issue and some where a little more boisterous than others. Off course we cannot nor should we forget the few that are no longer with us in this life.  At end of the day they where all players, all people  who one way or another played a part in keeping us here today. If you are reading than you are also a part of that and we sincerely thank you!


 As i said at the start this is about donations. Over the years a few of us have had to put up donation posts. Sometimes they are a reminder to all that we rely on your kind generosity to keep us going. In the past we have also had to put up such a post when our needs where most dire. When after dropping everything we could to cut costs when we where in our darkest hours it was the people of this community that stepped up and showed us what community truly means. I could at this point mention how low our funds are.  I could mention how long we have left to survive if we do not meet our donation goals or get a few more dollars in the bank yet i am not going to go down that route. I like playing at moongamers, I like talking to many of you, both in game and out. I am sure many of you love to play against/with each other and chat via ts as well. If moongamers went away tomorrow I am sure we would all go our separate ways and if we where lucky some of us would come across each other in some other gaming community somewhere down the line. Yet I dont want that, I am sure a few of you will not want that either. Moongamers is our little part of the internet where we meet, chat and have fun. We means I, me, you, him, her, you.  While our funds are low we are not asking for you to donate simply to keep us going. We are asking for donations so that in a years time we can all be here and see another birthday pass us by -  all be it quietly -  with each other, as a group, as a community.


One more thing peoples come what may....


Thank you!!!

  • Luose, Captain John H. Miller, CrDraggin and 1 other like this

#2 shavo

Posted 29 February 2016 - 05:21 PM

Hey Birney!

Thanks for putting up with us.

Thanks for being the hall monitor

and thanks for the great memories.!

#3 birney

Posted 01 March 2016 - 02:05 PM

Hey Birney!

Thanks for putting up with us.

Thanks for being the hall monitor

and thanks for the great memories.!


No Sir!  Thank you!


I have not heard 'Hall monitor'  around here for quite a while lol. BTW What are you doing out of class and do you have a pass from your teacher?

  • shavo likes this

#4 Enforcer

Posted 03 March 2016 - 02:55 PM

Moongamers began on February 14, 2004 making this our 12th year of operations.

  • King of the Squirrels, Grassy, CrDraggin and 2 others like this

#5 Thirteen

Posted 18 March 2016 - 06:48 PM

OH I wish I had a ton of money to donate... We need to make at least to the 13th year!!! (I know I am biased but...) I need to get back on the band wagon with my mere pittance of a donation.

#6 birney

Posted 08 September 2016 - 10:34 PM

I am bumping this for two reasons.


1)  As a reminder to us all that moongamers relies on donations to keep going. As the bills recently got paid and funds are very low a reminder to us all is never a bad thing.




2)  I lied ! There is no 2

  • Grassy likes this

#7 birney

Posted 08 June 2020 - 10:29 AM

 Some girl called cher(player) recently put up a post called Favorite bf42 map. This led me to a 'favorite bf42 memory' thread and after a awful lot of reading other threads that led me here to this post and this is why I am bumping it. Recently in the background of Moon I was a 'bad boy' meaning I was completely in the wrong. The people nay person I was wrong too could see past it. This led me to reflecting for many an hour on Moongamers and the people we have here. A group of people who simple want to play games and have fun. While clearing my desk so to speak I came across a pm from section8 from 2009. It made me smile because it was concerning a returning admin called 'some girl called Cher' who I recently spoke to in discord. Who put up the "Favorite bf42 map"  thread and it was Section8 who I was in the wrong to.  I am not a great writer or orator  but coming across this post from four years ago or so by myself was amazing. The irony of it was most defiantly not lost on me. I am a Brit and irony is something we learn from birth.  It is not the best writing, it is not the best post you will see but it hit home. I am bumping it cause it I think it says a lot about this great little community of ours and somehow seems appropriate

  • dodgem, Some Girl Named Cher, Luose and 1 other like this

#8 Some Girl Named Cher

Posted 21 June 2020 - 03:26 PM

Some girl called cher(player) recently put up a post called Favorite bf42 map. This led me to a 'favorite bf42 memory' thread and after a awful lot of reading other threads that led me here to this post and this is why I am bumping it. Recently in the background of Moon I was a 'bad boy' meaning I was completely in the wrong. The people nay person I was wrong too could see past it. This led me to reflecting for many an hour on Moongamers and the people we have here. A group of people who simple want to play games and have fun. While clearing my desk so to speak I came across a pm from section8 from 2009. It made me smile because it was concerning a returning admin called 'some girl called Cher' who I recently spoke to in discord. Who put up the "Favorite bf42 map"  thread and it was Section8 who I was in the wrong to.  I am not a great writer or orator  but coming across this post from four years ago or so by myself was amazing. The irony of it was most defiantly not lost on me. I am a Brit and irony is something we learn from birth.  It is not the best writing, it is not the best post you will see but it hit home. I am bumping it cause it I think it says a lot about this great little community of ours and somehow seems appropriate

This community has always meant the world to me. Some remember exactly why. No gaming community in the whole world could ever compare to Moongamers. We are definitely blessed to call this place home ❤️
  • bondmaster, birney and .....Master..... like this

#9 bondmaster

Posted 22 June 2020 - 10:37 PM


Some girl called cher(player) recently put up a post called Favorite bf42 map. This led me to a 'favorite bf42 memory' thread and after a awful lot of reading other threads that led me here to this post and this is why I am bumping it. Recently in the background of Moon I was a 'bad boy' meaning I was completely in the wrong. The people nay person I was wrong too could see past it. This led me to reflecting for many an hour on Moongamers and the people we have here. A group of people who simple want to play games and have fun. While clearing my desk so to speak I came across a pm from section8 from 2009. It made me smile because it was concerning a returning admin called 'some girl called Cher' who I recently spoke to in discord. Who put up the "Favorite bf42 map"  thread and it was Section8 who I was in the wrong to.  I am not a great writer or orator  but coming across this post from four years ago or so by myself was amazing. The irony of it was most defiantly not lost on me. I am a Brit and irony is something we learn from birth.  It is not the best writing, it is not the best post you will see but it hit home. I am bumping it cause it I think it says a lot about this great little community of ours and somehow seems appropriate

This community has always meant the world to me. Some remember exactly why. No gaming community in the whole world could ever compare to Moongamers. We are definitely blessed to call this place home ❤️



Couldn't agree more. This has been my sole home since the Wags moved over and you will never find me on a BF1942 server not named MoonGamers, 

  • Some Girl Named Cher and .....Master..... like this

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