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Internet Problems

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#1 waubamik

Posted 28 May 2007 - 12:22 PM

Hello guy n gals,

My internet on my home computer has stopped working, it doesnt connect to a the DNS server, I have no idea why...

It worked fine last night, and I got home today after my french exam and no websites can be displayed, although there is one weird thing. I can still sign onto and chat on MSN, (Windows Live Messenger).

I installed BF 2 before I found this problem today, but I doubt the two are related. I tired to diagnose the connection problems the IE 7 but it told me to contact my ISP, the problem seems quite bad I would assume. My mom just updated our computer with Norton 360, and I completely scanned over our computer before this post. Norton is working fine and all aspects of it are updated and running.

Should I unplud my routter perhaps? I have two, I think one for my PC and one for our wireless connection in my house. If I unplug them both, then turn off the PC for roughly half an hour plug them back in and fire up will my problem be resolved?

Any feedback is welcomed. I tried to log into BF 2 after I found these problems and I cant it seems the only internet connection I can get is through MSN.

And, I am writing this on our laptop. Our wireless internet is working fine for our two laptops but for some reason our main computer just isn't working.



#2 Stormy{CAN}

Posted 28 May 2007 - 12:26 PM

Rogers, Sympatico, or someone else?

Also open a command prompt and type in "tracert www.yourisp.com" (without the quotes, and replace with your' ISP's name), then copy and paste the results back here.

One more thing, why two routers?

#3 waubamik

Posted 28 May 2007 - 12:32 PM


See thats the thing Im not really sure if one is considered a router or just a cable box. It's prolly just a cable box, (it comes with rogers cable). We ahve one wireless D-link router. Sry, only one router .

By command prompt do you mean like a run program?
I kinda lost ya there :)


#4 Monkey

Posted 28 May 2007 - 12:39 PM

I run 2 routers but there is a need..

I have had this very same problem ahppen to me before. I fixed in by making sure all IP adresses were not close to the same. Best way is to leave it set to AUOTMATIC. Then reboot everything in the network. It sounds liek you might have runinto the same situation I had. I was actually pulling what little internet I had from one of the other computers and not the router. This was solved simply by adding the check mark to the Auto assign box.

This may work for you it may not but worth a try.

#5 Stormy{CAN}

Posted 28 May 2007 - 01:00 PM

It's prolly just a cable box, (it comes with rogers cable)

Modem (Motorola, Toshiba, Scientific Atlantic).

Command Prompt - Start->Run->cmd

As for the DNS it was probably just Rogers DNS servers puking again. Seeing as you have a D-Link it makes it easy to point you to a workaround. Log into your router and on the Home tab click on WAN. Next where is says Primary and Secondary DNS Address put the following,

now you will bypass the rogers DNS servers completely. Oh and still do the tracert.

#6 waubamik

Posted 28 May 2007 - 01:08 PM

Sweet, lol. One last question... How can I log into my router to do this final step. I really am a PC noob when it comes to technical stuff
Here's the tracert:
Posted Image

#7 Stormy{CAN}

Posted 28 May 2007 - 01:18 PM

If no one changed it, in IE or Firefox type in and the password.

That tracert is just fine.

Oh and,

My mom just updated our computer with Norton 360

Most people would consider that a computer downgrade. :comp26:

just don't tell Christie I said that. :wasnt-me: :P

#8 waubamik

Posted 28 May 2007 - 01:36 PM

Yea... I ahve no idea where to find the password, our dad's IT guy came and installed it in our house. Would it be a number on the router? Because if my parents are supposed to know the PW I have a -100% chance of finding it out, lol.

I really appreciate the help Stormy and T_C.

thank you.

I think we just about have it solved :)

So basically all I need is the PW but have no idea how to obtain it

#9 Stormy{CAN}

Posted 28 May 2007 - 01:46 PM

Would it be a number on the router?


Because if my parents are supposed to know the PW I have a -100% chance of finding it out

And what happens if they don't know it, and for whatever reason you or they need to access the router? There is a reset switch on the back of the router that will reset the password, but in the process will also reset all other settings in the router.

You don't say which D-Link it is you have but you can find the manual for it here,


always a good thing to have. Also much better if someone in the house knows how to set it up than relying on someone from outside.

#10 waubamik

Posted 28 May 2007 - 02:12 PM

Hmmm, ok.

I sent in a tech help request. The model is a DI614+, I prolly should ahve mentioned that earlier, my mistake.
That being said it seems more evident that it is a Rogers issue, or so I would think.

I take it you have sympatico stormy?

The only thing I am confused about is the cable box that Rogers sends is that a router also or am I mistaken? Because if it is the problem, I believe would occur there. So would I need the PW for the D-link router which I believe is for our wireless? Or do I need to tamper with the Roger's box.

Thanks for being very patient

#11 Fuel §

Posted 28 May 2007 - 02:37 PM

I read part of what you posted, I know though with my Norton, sometimes when Norton decides it needs to have a temper tanturum it takes out my internet. Then it closes itself and the net works fine. If thats not the case now, its something to keep in mind if something happens later.

#12 waubamik

Posted 28 May 2007 - 02:52 PM

It hasnt worked since 11 am EST this morning :(

bit of a long tantrum, lol

#13 Fuel §

Posted 28 May 2007 - 02:54 PM

Mine continues to tantrum until I turn it off/restart computer. If doing that doesnt help then its probably a router issue or something

#14 Stormy{CAN}

Posted 28 May 2007 - 02:59 PM

I know though with my Norton, sometimes when Norton decides it needs to have a temper tanturum it takes out my internet. Then it closes itself and the net works fine.

I'm sorry but, :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Probably why I said,

Oh and,

My mom just updated our computer with Norton 360

Most people would consider that a computer downgrade. :comp26:

waubamik same model as my D-Link. And with Rogers just like you but didn't experience any DNS issues 9and haven't in a real long time as I use those IP's I posted earlier).

#15 waubamik

Posted 28 May 2007 - 04:20 PM


Is there anyway I can figure out my router settings so if I reset it I can change everything back to how it was?

Or do I have to know everything without being able to acces it.

#16 Dave Schmidt

Posted 28 May 2007 - 07:17 PM

Ok, seems you have a Cable Modem (Cable box from Rogers), and a wireless router...

Resetting the router will only erase the settings your parents put on, such as if they run a server of any kind from this computer, which I doubt ... you would not have those problems if they where, they would have fixed it themselves.

Also, unplugging your router for about 10 minutes will reset it.

If you don't want to reset, you could try leaving the user name blank and use 'admin' (without the quotes) as a password, that's the default setting for a router usually.

You can tracert, you can chat on MSN, seems like a fine running network, did you check your internet options in Internet Explorer, did you try running any other browser to see if it works?

Not all routers use - some use - some others use something else, I fixed a router with a completely different IP once, can't remember what it was, but not even close to this....

I still can't believe you are able to use some services but not Battlefield or a browser, sounds strange, I would reset the router anyways in this situation.

Is your ISP offering a service always online, or do you have to log on internet each time you boot your computer? (warning: some computers do that automatically, without noticing you, you should ask your ISP)

If you are to reset the router, shut down all computers linked to the network while doing so, I recommend the 10 minutes unplug method, also, you could cut power on your Cable Modem for the same period...

Start by shutting every computer down, then unplug the router, then the Cable Modem, wait 10 - 15 minutes, plug the Cable Modem back in and wait that all the lights on it are lighted up, well at least untill the lights tell you that internet is coming through, then plug your router back in and wait that the internet or network light is flashing (showing it receives the Cable Modem information) then, boot the main computer, wether it is your laptop or desktop does not really matter, just wait that you have windows running on your desktop page, then you can boot the other computer.

After this, you go to the IP address of the router, and try logging with no user name and 'admin' (again, without the quotes) as your password. You don't really have to change anything for now, you could secure your wireless connection, note down the big ass network key the router "website" gives you, you will need this to reset your wireless connection on your laptop.

Then pray it solved the problem, as far as my experience go, that's all that worked for me when it came to network problems, wheter for me, friends, family or friends from family... (i'm the Wiz Kid here... I asked one of the person I usually help with computer problems "What do you do when the guy that fixes your computer has computer problems?" when I had built my new computer and my video card caused me problems..)

Sorry for the long post.

#17 Racer

Posted 28 May 2007 - 09:47 PM

start / my network places / view network connections (in left side column) / RIGHT click on icon, if "repair" is an option, click on it.

#18 waubamik

Posted 28 May 2007 - 10:00 PM


I tried resetting the modem and router and there has been no chance I still can't connect on my desktop. The laptop from which I am writing on as of now can still connect to the internet through our wireless.

Racer, I ahve tried the repair connection feautre about 5 times on the desktop, and it hasn't worked thus far.

Dave, unfortuneatly the username blank and PW: admin didn't work for my router.

We're back to square one :( .

I can still chat on MSN on my desktop as well as tracerts. I don't have any other browsers to run ( or at least I think) so I couldn't really try and run anything else.

I reset the modem and router twice following your exact instructions there was jsut over an hour inbetween the two attempts.

I appreciate your help guys, but nothing is working!?

#19 Dave Schmidt

Posted 29 May 2007 - 04:55 AM

Download Firefox from your laptop, put it on whatever you can, can you burn it to a CD, or an USB memory key?

Then put it on the desktop, try running it.

after the reset of your router, can you get to it's IP page in a browser? or can you enter with no name and no password?

#20 Stormy{CAN}

Posted 29 May 2007 - 06:43 AM


Don't know if you have the rev. A or B (mine's the A). Just click on the one that is yours and on the next page is the download link for the manual.

Dave I don't about what router you are using but pulling the plug does nothing for resetting a router, all that does is restart it. You need to press the rest button (usually a pinhole on the back).

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